Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 86

"Well done, Miel. Your efforts have borne valuable fruit. Allow me to remove that kidō as promised," Yuichi acknowledged with a nod, recognizing Miel's dedication to the mission. He raised his hand, forming a brief incantation. "Kurai Mizu Kuroi Yume," he recited, and a stream of yellow energy emanated from his fingertips, enveloping Miel.


As the energy dissipated, Yuichi declared, "The kidō has been lifted. You're free now, Miel."


Relieved, Miel blinked a few times, half-expecting some tangible change. She hadn't been able to sense the actual spell, so she accepted Yuichi's words at face value. Believing herself freed from the imaginary spell, a genuine smile spread across her face.


"Thank you, Lord Yuichi. I appreciate your kindness," she expressed, grateful for the perceived removal of the spell. Little did she know, Yuichi found it amusing that she had believed in a nonexistent kidō.


"There's a hot spring over there," Yuichi pointed towards a concealed entrance in the chamber, "go take a dip. It will help with any wound you may have. After you’re done I’ll reward you."


Obliging, Miel made her way to the hot spring, her form tattered and slightly covered in dirt. Yuichi, meanwhile, unfolded the scrolls with a sense of anticipation. However, as his eyes scanned the archaic, ancient Japanese characters, disappointment crept into his expression.


He sighed, realizing the challenge that lay ahead. "Translating these scrolls just became another task on my never-ending list," he muttered to himself, contemplating the intricacies of ancient text.


In the tranquil ambiance of the hot spring, Miel allowed the warm water to soothe her weary body. She could feel the tension and fatigue lifting away with each passing moment. The mission had been a success, the imaginary spell removed, and now she could relish in the rewards promised by Lord Yuichi.


As Miel soaked, Yuichi continued his futile attempts to decipher the ancient scrolls. The characters were intricate, a puzzle that refused to yield its secrets easily. He ran his fingers over the delicate parchment, frustration evident on his face.


"This might take more time than I anticipated," he murmured to himself. The thought of having to add another task to his ever-growing list of things he would need to survive made him slightly anxious.


After a considerable time of fruitless efforts, Yuichi set the scrolls aside with a sigh. He decided to prioritize training his reishi gathering ability until Miel finished.


After nearly an hour Miel, feeling rejuvenated and cleansed, emerged from the hot spring. The water droplets clung to her form as she approached Yuichi, who was meditating. "Lord Yuichi, the hot spring worked wonders. I’ve finished so may I know what my reward is?" she announced, her anticipation quite evident in her expression.


Yuichi nodded appreciatively. "Good to hear. As I said before for working hard to retrieve the scrolls, I'll reward you. Come sit next to me and I’ll teach you a technique to make you stronger."


To one day face off against Yhwach and his Quincy army, Yuichi would need some Arrancars since their reiryoku was basically poison to Quincies. So he wanted to experiment if the technique he had created could be used by hollow-like beings. So he decided to use Miel as a guinea pig to see if she could learn and use this reishi gathering technique which he dubbed ‘Reiki Shuusoku’ 霊気集束 (Spiritual Energy Gathering) and the reiryoku body transformation he named ‘Reitai Rensei’ 霊体練成 (Spiritual Body Tempering).


Miel sat attentively beside Yuichi as he began the instruction for 'Reiki Shuusoku.' He explained the intricacies of carefully controlling one's reiryoku, leading it out of the body to mix with the ambient reishi in the air, and then drawing it all back into the body. The process aimed not only to swiftly regain reiryoku but also to gradually increase its capacity over time.


"Concentrate on feeling the flow of reishi around you," Yuichi guided. "Draw it towards you, let it surround you, and become one with it."


Miel closed her eyes, focusing on the spiritual energy permeating the chamber. With a deep breath, she began the process of gathering reishi. Initially, it proved challenging, but with Yuichi's patient guidance and her exceptional spiritual senses, Miel slowly began to master the technique.


The air around her responded to her intent, and a serene dance of reishi enveloped her. Gradually, she drew the energy back into her body, feeling the familiar hum of reiryoku coursing through her being. It was a delicate balance, but under Yuichi's tutelage, Miel's control over reishi improved with each attempt.


"Now, Miel, you're doing well. Remember, it's about harmony with the reishi, your reiryoku can’t overpower it but must rather become one with it," Yuichi encouraged.


As Miel continued to practice, Yuichi decided to save 'Reitai Rensei' for a future reward. The first technique was challenging enough for the moment, and he wanted to observe the effects this first technique would have on her. It was just a guess but Yuichi hypothesized that this technique might reduce the amount of time Miel would need to eat as it did with him. Miel needed to eat souls to evolve as a hollow, but it wasn’t really the soul that helped them evolve, rather it was the reiryoku contained inside. So if she could increase her own reiryoku capacity then it was possible to evolve with needing to devour souls.


After a few tries, Miel began to grasp the essence of 'Reiki Shuusoku.' The spiritual energy responded more readily to her commands, and she felt a subtle but distinct shift in her reiryoku. It was a small step, but a significant one toward enhancing her spiritual prowess.


"Excellent, Miel. Your progress is commendable," Yuichi praised, recognizing her efforts. "With continued practice, you'll refine this technique even further. Now, take a moment to rest, and when you're ready, we can proceed with the next phase of your training."


Miel, though tired, felt a sense of accomplishment. She acknowledged Yuichi's praise with a nod, appreciating the progress she had made in mastering 'Reiki Shuusoku.' The prospect of improving further excited her, knowing that this technique could potentially play a crucial role in her getting stronger.

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