Becoming Usopp


Zoro soon arrived at the scene and noticing the weird manner in which Sanji was fawning over Usopp he couldn’t help but ask “Is everything fine here?”

“Oh, Zoro! Just in time! Could you check the body of that guy for items who Luffy just dealt with?” Usopp pointed towards the Mr 5 who had lost all his teeth and was currently lying unconscious on the ground. As for Luffy, he was currently dealing with the remanent of the Baroque works who were still fit to fight and from the looks of it the battle would be over in not more than five more minutes.

“Hah? Alright,” Zoro walked towards Mr 5 and started checking his body for items and nothing much of value came out of him except for a revolver which Zoro passed to Usopp.

“A revolver? Lemme see,” Usopp handled the gun and it didn’t take long for him to realize that this gun could not be compared to even a bullet of the revolver that Nami gave him but still not wanting to throw it away he put it inside his belt for now.

The battle or a one-sided slaughter to be precise soon came to an end as everyone gathered around Vivi and Igaram. Being surrounded by all these pirates both Vivi and Igaram couldn’t help but become tensed.

“W-what do you guys want?” Vivi asked as she was clearly feeling the pressure from being surrounded.

“Our rewards of course! We just saved you,” Nami said as she folded her arms and leaned on Usopp’s shoulders.

“Miss I think you have mistaken, our deal was that you’ll save the princess…” Igaram tried to reason.

“Yes, isn’t that what we did just now though?” Nami furrowed her eyebrows.

“The thing is the princess is still now not away from danger, the people from this organisation will keep on trying to go after her life, so I want you to keep her safe till I make my journey to the Alabasta Kingdom to attract the fire…” Igaram explained the plan to Nami and the rest.

“So you’re saying that we’ll only get our rewards once we deliver your princess back to her Kingdom?” Nami questioned.

“Yes, even if we want to reward you at the moment, we don’t have the means to as such an amount of money is only available in the Kingdom’s treasury,” Igaram said.

“You make sense, but how can I trust that you won’t go back on your words?” Nami raised an important point.

“I, the Princess of Alabasta give you my word, ain’t that enough?” Vivi said.

“It isn’t darling because we are not even sure at this point whether you’re truly a princess or not,” Nami replied without a second thought.

“Then what do you want me to do?” Vivi who was caught in a dilemma asked.

“I wonder…Usopp what do you think we should do?” Nami asked Usopp as she too was not sure of a way.

Hearing Nami’s words Usopp thought of something and picked out a picture that he had procured from Miss Valentine earlier, “Here, it’s the picture of the princess of Alabasta that I got from that woman who was dressed in yellow,”

“Well, that makes things easier, we have a deal,” Nami says as she shakes hands with Vivi.

After inquiring with Igaram, Nami got to know that the Log pole takes twelve hours to set on this island so they decided to spend the night here at Whiskey Peak.

Igaram guided them to a bar where all the town’s whiskey was hoarded so that the straw hats could relish the fine liquor. This was his way of saying thanks to them as this was the only thing he could do at the moment. Even though they saved Vivi for their own benefit he was still very thankful to them as without their help the princess would be dead.

Seeing the hoards of whiskey and meat that were served to them by Mr 9 along with Miss Monday and Igaram how could Luffy and the rest refuse? They all ate and drank along with dancing to the music as if there was no tomorrow.

“You don’t drink?” Usopp walked towards Vivi who was sitting separately from the group lost in her own worries.

“I’m just not in the mood to enjoy,” Vivi replied.

“I can figure that out from miles away let me ask you something else, would worrying solve anything? Would you be able to perform under pressure if your worry is over the roof or if you have only an appropriate amount of worry?” Usopp said in his drunk state.

“Well, you do make sense but how can I enjoy myself when my kingdom is suffering?” Vivi relaxed herself as from the way Usopp was talking she realised that he was very drunk and might even not remember the conversation they were having at the moment.

“Hic-cup…well your citizens desire results from you, would you be able to deliver the desired results to them if you’re mentally exhausted from all the worries? Here, think of it as medicine for relieving some of your worries,” Usopp passed a jug to Vivi as he downed his own jug and after wiping his mouth went to match moves with Luffy.

Seeing how relaxed all these pirates were Vivi also couldn’t help but get infected by their aura a bit as she too downed the jug and moved in for the next one.

Just like this, the booze party kept going on for two and a half hours before everyone collapsed clearly exhausted.

Usopp who wanted to do nothing but sleep was suddenly disturbed by the immense pressure generated by his almost throbbing bladder. In a grumpy mood, he stood up from the wooden floor and staggered his way towards the toilet.

As the urine was released from his body his intoxication reduced as well which further spoiled his mood. He wanted to experience the joy of being high for a bit longer but this godforsaken bladder had to spoil everything for him.

Just then he sensed a movement a few hundred meters away from him. The other party was quite discreet and was steadily getting closer to them. Luckily even after getting drunk Usopp clearly had enough control to maintain his Haki at least to a certain distance otherwise he wouldn't even be able to find a trace of this intruder.

While the intruder was making her way towards them Usopp went towards the wash basin to remove the last bits of tipsiness off him. After a couple of cold-water splashes, he was all ready to welcome the guest.

“I wonder how my first encounter with Miss All Sunday will go,” Usopp smirked as he went out of the bar to welcome the guest.


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