Becoming Monsters

58: Equal Treatment

Honoka should have been tired. It was late, and not only was she recovering from a mentally exhausting meal, followed by a bout of sex still tingling her womb and prostate with aftershocks; but the cleanup, travel and caring for her children was enough to drain anyone of SP. She should be sleeping. However, what Honoka felt like right now was a need to walk off her energy and someone to talk to about her recent problems. Knowing what to do, Honoka checked the guest list Diane made, beelining to the rooms where her parents stayed.

*knock knock*

“Hono-chan?” Uzume asked, opening the door in a floral yukata, immediately motioning her daughter into the large common room where Honoka’s brothers and their families lounged. Although some of Honoka’s six nieces and nephews were hunched over electronics, most of the family surrounded a rousing game of Monopoly. “We are currently in the middle of a game, but as soon as James realizes he is only one turn away from going bankrupt, we can start another game with you using the iron.”

The crowd laughed and jeered while James good naturedly stuck his tongue at his mother, his wife planting him a consolatory kiss. Honoka waved her hands side to side in the Japanese gesture of not wanting to be a bother. “Maybe next time. If it isn’t too much trouble, I was planning on going for a walk and wanted to talk to you, 母ちゃん.”

Uzume nodded, slipping on geta near the door, wooden sandals clacking on the ground in time with Honoka’s longer barefoot strides. In ten minutes, the pair were strolling along the outer wall of Padmava’s compound, enjoying quiet and empty streets as the patient parent waited for her daughter to begin.

“Is it always this hard, being a mother?”

The tiny Japanese woman didn’t respond immediately, giving the question all her attention. “No. Caring for a child is difficult, but that isn’t all you’re doing, is it? You feel a need to hold your babies while also making sure the family has a roof and means to provide necessities. I’d even go so far to say your breasts probably ache for no reason you’ve been able to determine because you need to connect with your children on a feminine level while the rest of you is so worried about the future you can’t think straight.”

Honoka absently rubbed her breasts under the sweater, the ache flaring up even as her mother said it. “What does it mean? Why am I any different?”

“You’re a smart girl, you would have figured it out.” Uzume took Honoka’s hand and brought it up to her cheek, rubbing it lightly as she smiled. “You aren’t just a mother, you’re also a father. Parental instincts are separated by the sexes for a reason, each parent has a role to play. At the moment, you probably feel overwhelmed because your body is telling you to be both parents. I’m surprised you haven’t had another one of your breakdowns.”

“It has been close,” Honoka replied softly, turning her face away, keeping her hand up against her mother’s face.

For most of a lap around one of the walls, they stayed silent, only their footsteps and the sound of light rainfall close by distracting them from their thoughts. Wanting to change the subject, Honoka stiffened her back and went for the next big question.

“Can you tell me more about Isami and grandmother, why they are here?”

Uzume stiffened, her eyes shining with a burning light hot enough to forge a katana. “My father - and don’t think I haven’t noticed you only using his name instead of his proper pronoun - is trying to save face over pushing me away from the family. By financially paying for this wedding and gathering all these people, he feels as if his honor is redeemed and he is no longer obligated to you and your family. This has never been and will never be about you to him.”

Honoka took that in, anger clenching her fist tightly into her mother’s hand as she wanted to scream out all the hate in her soul. It took nearly another lap of walking, but Honoka finally managed to regain her center while putting aside all the bad and taking in the good. “I think I can live with that. He might not care for me and mine, but he loves you and in his twisted little mind, this is him paying you back for something that happened thirty years ago. On the plus side, you get to see me married proper and it doesn’t cost us a dime. If I was a less practical woman, I’d tell him to take his money and leave, but I’m realizing how much things cost and this is a very generous gift.”

“Not generous from him, no.” Uzume clenched just as tightly, both of their fingers red and white from the strain. “Father is here and gave permission, but Mother is the one who is making this happen. Try to meet with her privately soon so you can thank her properly for her love and charity.”

Honoka smiled, hugging her mother at the broken gate and parting ways, burdens a little lighter as she walked towards her room, thinking a little sleep would be enough to help her get her through the coming day.

On the way, her phone buzzed and Honoka was a bit surprised to get another message from tabinda_likes_girlz on her DoubleD app.

tabinda_likes_girlz: I have to admit I’m an alpha personality, not taking no as an answer. I got a reservation at Dungeon Falls Monday morning at 9am for an early breakfast date. Will you be there?

Honoka didn’t know what to do. Stopping in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by ambient silence of the dungeon, Honoka took the time to look the woman up on her DD profile.

The picture was of a woman…? Honoka wasn’t sure because it was a white face without any features. Not subdued features and white as in caucasian, her skin was white white, like printer paper. Her face lacked eyes, a mouth and only had the indent of a nose without nostrils. Honoka was reminded of Faceless from Dick Tracy as she went looking through the other pictures provided in the profile. These were more promising, showing an elegant and mature woman who liked cocktail dresses and fitting her large natural breasts and generous hips into said dresses. She appeared tall and held herself with confidence. Her race was listed as Hecatoncheires, which meant nothing to Honoka. What surprised her was that it meant nothing to the Change forums either, the Race a complete unknown. Looking over other parts of the profile the part that interested Honoka the most was that she was forty-four years old.

With only a bit of hesitation, Honoka replied.

tabinda_likes_girlz: I have to admit I’m an alpha personality...
HonoChanJ: sure. message me details.

The reply was immediate, listing directions to the restaurant, dress code and even a link to the online menu. Too anxious right then, Honoka put away her phone and walked the rest of the way to her room, thinking this was going to be tomorrow’s problem.

Opening the door to her common room, Honoka was greeted with Eve dressed in sexy devil cosplay while Dolly wore the sexy white robes, fake wings and tinsel halo of an angel. There were some rose petals trailing towards the Harmony Chamber, the aroused and curious woman spotting some chains and toys through the open door.

“Tonight,” Eve said, running her long and spindly fingers down the side of her newly elongated and curvy body slowly, delicately snapping her crimson panties that did nothing to hid her much larger and puffier pussy before moving back up again across her purple skin, “you will have to decide how naughty you want to be…”

“…and how nice.” Dolly finished as if the two had rehearsed this, languidly moving her lower body in a cat stretch as she plowed her tight cleavage only a few inches away from Honoka’s nose.

Honoka leered, her sweatpants shrinking as she tried to decide on her own virtue or vice.


“I call this…Reverse Pussygirl In Chains!” Eve spread her hands out, grinning like a fiend as she presented Dolly hooking herself into the velcro cuffs attached to a long bar hanging from the ceiling into said chains.

“Just…yck!…walk her through it,” Dolly said, trying to scrape her tongue carefully along her fangs to get rid of the taste of potion. “Some of us spent most of the day crawling inside the entrails of giant alligators and want to go to bed.”

“You’re really stepping on the moment, here,” Eve replied with a bit of a pout, tightening the final straps around the center of Dolly’s cheetaur spotted cat mass. “Ok, not complicated and we’ve already tested it out, but you sit your butt under D’s rear legs as she sits her rump down on your dick, like a Reverse Cowgirl. Only problem is, with D’s Race, she can’t Beep Beep Like A Sheep properly and twerking up and down your rod would be too hard. So we’ve taken apart the sex swing and looped these chains up and over so Thundercat here can assist pulling herself up with her arms like a frantic bunch of pullups. We’d wanted to use rope but we don’t have any on hand strong enough, but these pulleys were designed for the chains so it should be a smooth ride.”

“I’ve already asked the girls: I’m going to need ten Strength from Banda and ten Endurance from Quinn to make this work. To get you off I will probably have to do hundreds of pullups and I’m already a little tired.”

“Done,” Honoka replied, taking off her sweats before coming around to view the changes she allocated over. Specifically, the ten Endurance and fifty Strength pushing over.

“Mmm, definitely see what all you girls mean, getting filled with muscles is…um, is it supposed to be this much?”


Dolly’s robes had been loose by design, but she wore lingerie underneath. First the white bra snapped in the back at the clasp as her trapezius fought with her latissimus dorsi for space, mass swallowing her mane of hair between them. The wings fell off the hooks when the rest of her teres, rhomboid and especially deltoids tore apart the harness they sat on. In front, Dolly’s chest kept pulsing outward as the pectoral major jumped, more mass following when the pectoral minor caught up, heaving her breasts up and down even as the loose robes became tight, thin cotton tearing at multiple points. Abdomens previous athletically pleasing swelled outward in a dome as the muscles no longer contained enough room to keep her stomach flat.

The main event were her arms. Strapped as they were to the long bar, they were raised up so the most prominent visual were the triceps. Lateral, medial and long heads each striationed outward as they cut and grew, upper arms growing thicker and rounder over all than the size of Dolly’s own head. In fact, amid the stretching and groaning of allocated muscle growth, the cracking and popping of bones breaking apart and growing thicker and longer could be heard as her shoulders, arms and the rest of her skeleton gained the scaffolding needed to support so much mass.

As impressive as it was to watch the human parts of Dolly swoll, her lower cat body was gaining mass five times as fast. Honoka didn’t have a frame of reference for the monster unfolding before her eyes. Although the withers boosted up about half a foot as the top musculature of Dolly increased, it was more that she nearly doubled in width, like the power of her cat side got stretched out from a sleek race car into a T28 Super Heavy Tank. Under her golden spotted fur, the closest description from nature would be to take the body of a Belgian Blue, double it’s width, then stick 4 tree trunks of cat legs between that mass and the ground. These legs weren’t natural, each thigh bursting into a diameter of over two feet, rippling as Dolly adjusted her stance to take on the girth. Ever her tail plumped up, going from a fluffy cat’s into a python that could probably curl Honoka while it got its own sports drink endorsement.

Taking all that in, it was still a few more minutes before she went from all the descriptioning above into something almost twice as large.


“I can’t…” Dolly, the remnants of her clothing fluttering away in tatters, her head literally surrounded and half buried in muscled and veiny skin, her voice a little muffled as she tried to move her chin above her pectorals. “I can’t move my head. I’m not sure I can bend my arms.”

Dolly’s muscles were not practical, there was too much mass to let her move around effectively. With a loud stretching sound, the harness around the middle of her cat torso strained as it proved to be made of a Change material, tightly digging into her flanks but remaining whole and ready for use. Honoka thought about it, then transferred twenty points in Agility so the behemoth of a woman could move again. As Honoka took in all the delicious mountain before her - lightly jacking her cock and fingering her pussy, the ground at her feet a puddle - Honoka’s eyes glazed over with the realization this was only about two thirds of the pooled Strength and under half of the Agility. While the Agility settled in and Dolly could again move a little, rolling her eyes even as she rubbed her cheek again a bicep the size of a truck tire, Honoka estimated the cheetaur gained around three thousand pounds in muscle and bone.

Her lust getting the better of her, Honoka was about to push the rest of the Strength Dolly’s way when Eve scampered onto Dolly’s back, her own panties pushed aside as she savaged her enormous vagina with one of the vibrator wands and waved her other hand in the air like she was a rodeo clown.

“YeehaAAH!” Eve cried, part in stupid silliness and part as she hunched over from her orgasm. Yet the hob remained determined to keep going, choking out the rest of what she had to say. “[Muscle girls for the win!]”

Honoka decided on the better part of valor and retreated, saving going full Tetsuo on the Southern belle by only the narrowest of margins. Coming around the the rear of the Catbus, Honoka shimmied her way between the two legs and lay down on the blue gym mat, her penis high and proud as she tapped Dolly. “Alright, ease her down.”

Dolly complied, raising the pullup bar as she lowered herself down into a sitting position on top of Honoka. For a moment it was touch and go as the chocolate futa had to maneuver her cock into the correct hole, but with a plop and some initial painful bending, Honoka slid inside and Dolly quickly pushed herself to nearly Honoka’s base, making sure to stop before pressing thousands of pounds on top of the fragile Honoka.

“It’s like I’m holding the cord to a small window shade,” Dolly noted, with a grin Honoka could hear. “Ready to get pounded by your pussy’s pussy?”

“Try not to crush me to death!” Honoka said, gasping as Dolly wasted no time and started to ride.

*rhhnt whnnd* sounded the chains as they slid along the pulley paths, allowing Dolly to move her mass up and down the Beast with minimal effort on her part.

Honoka was really a passenger to this whole experience, laying there with nothing to do but watch as the Titanic moved up and down her iceberg with all the energy of a Texas Oil Pumpjack rig. It was as intimidating as it was forceful, only a couple of minutes of the up and down motions enough for tight cheetaur snatch to suck the orgasm out of the prone woman.

*rhhnt whnnd*


“OOOOH!!” Honoka roared as her spunk geysered inside Dolly like a gloopy eruption. However, this only seemed to urge the overmuscled woman on faster and harder, each downward pump now splurting out a rippling wave of jizz as Honoka kept ejaculating and Dolly kept going.

Still orgasming a couple minutes later, the sensitivity of her dick head forced Honoka to grit her teeth as she felt her shaft harden again for round two even as it shot cum wave after cum wave, Dolly never pausing in her assault. And Dolly wasn’t paying as much attention as she neared her own orgasm that she had been lowering herself further and further down, bruising Honoka and threatening to shatter her pelvis into powder with one slip of the downward stroke. Desperate to get some Health so she could survive the deadly Reverse Pussygirl In Chains, Honoka pulled up her Status and tried to focus past all the pain and pleasure on the dial she wanted, allocating it to one hundred percent.

She quickly realized she might have dialed the wrong menu item.

With a shock and a zing, Honoka’s cock grew flaccid and then disappeared entirely in a matter of seconds, the Beast leaving behind only a small clit. It was so sudden that not only was Honoka completely immobile and speechless, but Dolly almost lost the grip on her pull bar, catching herself at the last moment as she stood upright, her hard breathing and frustrated growl letting the other two women in the room know that the Muscle Mistress hadn’t yet reached orgasm and there there would be orgasms, even if she had to drag it out of both of them.

“I…what did…it’s gone!” Honoka didn’t know what to do, reaching down between her legs and trying to come to terms with being her normal self but not having a dick. This feeling of strangeness only lasted for a few seconds before she realized whatever she had done came with consequences. Inside her abdomen, churning like a typhoon and blowing up her lower stomach to the size of a basketball, the size of medicine ball, her body was letting her know that she had been in the middle of an orgasm and whether she had a dick or not, her ejaculation was not finished.

“Oh no,” Honoka said, only a moment before the Mother Of All Squirts blew out of her snatch, the initial force enough to push her along the mat about a foot before her bucking body gained enough friction to stop. Gallons of femjaculate broke through the relatively tiny hole of Honoka’s female anatomy every few seconds, a deluge that hurt with the painful vengeance Honoka’s body seemed to visit upon Honoka each time she tried to deny her nature.

“So close!” Dolly growled, trying to turn her head around but couldn’t see what was going on when she suddenly felt as if a fire hydrant broke underneath her body. Working on the straps hooking her hands to the bar, between her frustrations and the deluge Dolly wasn’t paying attention to the other odd things happening to her body. “Eve, can you hop off and see what’s going on?”

“…yeah, ok,” Eve replied, out of breath and coming down from her own wild orgasm ride. The purple hob didn’t so much get down as she flopped to the floor, diving bodily into the sea of cum and twat slurry, idly thankful she had taken a just in case C&A combo earlier. Wiping thick gunk out of her smoking eyes, Eve took a look at everything.

What she saw dropped her jaw wide open.

Honoka was missing a penis, but there were allocations that could have caused that, so Eve wasn’t particularly surprised there. Honoka was also squirting enough fluid out of her pussy to fill up a large pool if she kept at it for another hour. Which, given Honoka’s strange Race and odd sexual reactions, remained a literal possibility.

The shock came from an impossibly girthy FBB steroid fetish dream cheetaur girl sporting an erect, three and a half feet long cock under her cat torso.

“H, you mad genius, you’ve done it again,” Eve muttered in wonder, sputtering out some of the snatch smoothie that splattered into her mouth. “Dolly! You’re about to lose your new virginity inside me!”

“What are you talking abo—what is that?!”

Dolly didn’t know what was going on, unable to see underneath herself as the nimble hobgoblin girl waded through the slippery slime and wasted no time positioning herself doggystyle, reaching behind with her long and spindly fingers to get that monster tool inside her recently enlarged vaginal lips.

“Too big, too big!” Eve yelped, glowing green tears dripping down her face as her mouth puffed out a steamengine’s worth of eldritch smoke. The hob didn’t care, though, needing to be the first as she shoved her butt further and further back, the slickness of her tunnel adding the green blood of a gob when something tore. With enough pleasure to make the goblin have to focus on staying conscious, she flicked her hand up to the underside of Dolly. “Well, don’t just stand there like a lump, get to screwin’!”

Dolly was at a loss. For one, she had a penis growing out of where her clitoris should be, curving along most of the bottom of her cat body. This alone should have been enough to make any woman stop and reassess their life choices that led up to growing a dick. But before any other emotion could come to terms and allow the woman the ability to cope with her new appendage, suddenly she had the shocking feeling of getting said salami shoved into a tight cunt, blowing every other thought out of the water.

Dolly had had boyfriends before, she had heard them describe what it is like to have a penis. Recently, joining Honoka’s family and getting bombarded by the constant sexual activities of the wives, the Southern farmgirl found herself falling down the rabbit hole and learning more about sex, orgasms and fetishes in the last few weeks than she even imagined possible. Honoka herself was the bridge between the sexes and had gone into explicit detail over what it was like to be at war with her lustful needs.

None of that was enough to prepare Dolly for sticking a penis into a girl. On one level, it was a physical explosion of pleasure that forced the girl to lean her hind legs forward, pushing further and further in until she couldn’t push any more. Without having any training or experience, all Dolly’s body knew was that if she moved her dick in and out, it would feel good. However, it was the mental battle that lost it for the cheetaur hermaphrodite. Whether it was this way for all guys or just for anyone borrowing Honoka’s pulsating Beast, nothing else mattered. Pregnancy, STDs, morality? Those were Future Dolly’s problems. Moving faster, Dolly’s amateur technique was made up for with high Strength, Agility and a capable partner immune to pain.

In and out, both woman thrust into each other, Eve’s experience the most helpful as she felt and timed everything to get the most out of it. In a world of euphoria, the hob knew she would need to take a few healing potions if she were to be able to walk properly tomorrow. The masochist might like it rough, but this was enough damage Eve would have worried about her health if she wasn’t already trying to push that throbbing rod even further into her womb.

Unsure how to control herself, new to the experience and unwilling to hold out, Dolly became the first wife to scream out and ejaculate like a man into her sister wife, shooting a load measured in gallons but still practically minuscule in volume compared to Honoka’s typical output.

“OOOOH MYYY GOOOO…osh!” Dolly shouted, catching herself at the last moment as her legs began to shake from feeling like she just shoved all her energy out through the tiny(ish) hole of her male urethra, stumbling a few steps as she slipped out before falling to her side with a small splash and a large crash. Even with all her allocations, Dolly just wanted to close her eyes and sleep, gaining a new appreciation for what guys went through.

Eve remained where she was, her butt still propped in the air and her face shoved into the floor where she could hear the dungeon catching up in how it drank up Honoka’s magic fluids. She didn’t want to move either, her body still as she basked in the afterglow and the sputtering shower of Honoka’s as the other woman finally stopped her impression as a broken sprinkler and lay gasping for air on the ground. In those final moments before Honoka slipped into slumber, she must have reset her allocations because Dolly shrunk back down to a reasonable size and Eve felt her joints limber up as she regained her missing Agility.

Nevertheless, Eve groaned as she got to her feet and wobbled over to the bed and nightstand on the other end of the room. Picking up her phone (sealed in a plastic bag, Honoka’s wet and wild sexings already having forced the hob to replace her phone twice), Eve took some time to type out a text with her new and longer fingers, still not used to having fingers a foot long and with four joints. But she persevered because the text she sent out was monumental, possibly changing everything for the family.

Turning her head back to look at the sleeping Honoka, Eve felt the tiniest bit of pity for her wife before her fierce gob face split into a fanged leer.


“Wakey wakey, Darling.”

Getting pulled out of the current cycle of dreamland Honoka found herself returning to each night, Honoka tried to reach her hands around to rub the gumminess out of her eyes but couldn’t, something restraining her arms. And her legs.

“How long have I been asleep?” Honoka asked, wincing as she opened then closed her eyes, head throbbing and mouth dry. She tried to open them again but all she was getting where shapes and no focused details.

“About an hour?” someone sounding like Banda asked on Honoka’s right, stomping clops of hooves matching the dark blur to the voice, her halo light a sharp sting brighter than anything else in the room.

“Closer to two,” announced the rough and smooth choral voice of Abra, her buzzing wings causing a small breeze to announce that Honoka was completely naked wherever she was.

Honoka shook her head, getting some of her bangs out of her eyes. “Look, I like sex as much as the next girl, but even I have to take a break every so often.” Honoka could now make out where she was, the high ceiling and echoey sound telling her she was in one of the basements, probably the gym.

“You’ve been holding out on us, Darling,” Padmava said, her snake scales shifting around and telling the immobile futa that it was the naga who was restraining Honoka to the floor. “Here you are, pounding away at all us helpless, submissive girls with your hot, hard cock, hundreds upon hundreds of times, and you could have let us return the favor?” Padmava leaned in close enough to lick Honoka’s face with her forked tongue. “Shame on you.”


Uh oh.

Her heart beating faster (and her dick hardening like the traitor it was) Honoka tried for a winning smile as her eyes finally cleared enough to see. “Heeeey, it isn’t like that.” Her head was also clearing as she noticed the fire in the eyes of the three women leaning down around her. “I just figured out how to do it, did it by accident. Can’t blame a girl for something she didn’t know she could do, hehe, right?”

“We’ve already had a meeting,” Banda stated, cracking her knuckles with the same decibel level as gunshots. “The three of us won the Paper Rock Scissors tournament - the rest are on baby duty - and we get to go first. I’m sure the rest of the family will patiently let you sleep for a few more hours before they all get a turn.”

Honoka winced even as she felt the air in her lungs shake and her skin flush with heat. “Three of you?”

“You have three holes,” Abra chittered, her five eyes reflecting the light of the room like gemstones.

“Two holes! Only have two holes! No anal!” Honoka begged, her panic palpable as her anxiety tried to beat her lust down with a stick.

The three wives looked at each other. Despite the ominous atmosphere and the sinister way they were going about this, the three women were just roleplaying (mostly) and this threw a wrench into their plans.

“Maybe a titjob?” Banda suggested, looking down at Honoka’s C chest with some doubts.

“Too hard to do with all the other dicks flying around,” Abra answered, the surety in her voice sounding knowledgeable despite her lacking the most experience in the group. “I still think a gangbang is impossible until after we’ve had a chance to at least test the equipment.”

“Pish-posh, not like this will be our first orgy,” Padmava said, moving her scales up so that Honoka could sit while they worked out how to make this work. It was then that Honoka found Padmava must have been playing with her scale coloring, her current palette the same gradient vivid greens usually found on Jaya. “Honoka’s got enough points lying around between nine wives to knock over a mountain. Guys are so easy to get off most make due with a sock and Sports Illustrated. If we put our heads together we can come up with something between those two points.”

Honoka sat up into an Indian, her cock already at full mast from seeing all the naked women surrounding her, tits and labia all in plain view. Looking over at Abra’s delectable insect body, a lightbulb went on inside her head and she started to form a plan. Checking her Status and pushing through the bit of headache it brought, Honoka started to add up the points that would be passed around.

“Ok, I think we can make this work. If we’re going to do this, might as well fit in a little extra training as well.” Looking around the gym, Honoka quickly spotted the small cabinet they kept some spare potions in when the girls were working out. “Pad, can you please get a C&A, an MP, a Jaw Breaker and a Hunger Pains from over there? In fact, I imagine a lot of cum is going to be flying around, so C&As for everyone will be a good idea.”

“What’s the plan?” Abra asked, going through the complicated process of moving her wings and abdomen out of the way so she could sprawl on the floor. When Padmava came back she took her medicine with only a little retching, just like the other two.

“As far as I can see…gaah!…there are two problems here that we need to solve and one opportunity.” Honoka handed the small vial of Hunger Pains to Abra, the blood red liquid inside shining in the glass. “The first problem is easy. Apis girls have a mouth, a vagina, an anus and an abdomen hole. Three holes for three girls, everyone is happy.”

“Except for the unlucky sap who gets that penis blender Abra calls a mouth,” Padmava pointed out, looking over Abra’s face as if it was obvious.

Abra shrugged. She knew what she looked like and wouldn’t want to stick a dick in her mouth either.

“This is where it gets complicated.” Honoka took her hand and put it into her mouth, stretching her mouth open by about a foot then wiggling her teeth that had also taken on a rubbery state, then letting it all snap back into place. “Jaw Breaker is a newer potion, but I’ve already tested it out and as you can see, will make even Abra’s mouth less shreddery. However, to make it even more safe, I think I have a solution for that.” Looking Abra in the eye, Honoka asked the important question. “Abra, how weird do your fetishes get?”

Confused, Abra shrugged again and thought about it. “I wouldn’t say I’m a straight ten out of ten, but I’m at least an eight or a nine.”

“Good enough for me. While we’re at all this, I think it will also be a chance to have you all try out mixing and matching a few different Races.” Pulling up her Status, Honoka started to arrange everything into four neat boxes. In reality, this wasn’t going to be complicated, but Honoka was finding more and more that she was absolutely loving the anticipation and surprise of a good set of allocations. “Ready?”

Honoka didn’t give them a chance to object, sliding the four bars to a hundred percent as the leering futa stood up and got ready for the show.

The fastest to change was Banda. With the last round of harmony turning her into a celestial taurine, the woman took up as much space as she earthquaked her hooves around the house, as a large truck. Fifteen feet tall and with breasts now weighing around a thousand pounds each, it was with some oddness that her silvery fur fell off her body and her pink skin took on a deep crimson as black cracks formed up and down her body. Normally only having three fingers in each hand, a fourth clawed it way out from one end as each finger stretched longer. Sulfurous yellow light smoked out of her eyes and mouth as her bovine head lengthened and sharpened, her mouth filling with sharp fangs. As her body found the last few changes, slimming her hard muscles and lengthening her arms as spikes sprouted at various joints, the large woman suddenly covered her snout and rolled onto the ground, desperately trying to come to terms with the overload of scents a gob nose brought to the table.

Padmava was slower but had just as hard a time as Banda. Even as blue fur burst in between the green scales of her body, all four of her hands clamped down hard on the sides of her head, otter hearing already driving her to scream silently as she tried to block things out. This was happening as her size and length expanded outward, her tail growing outward from her new and impressive length of seventy-one feet to stretching out well past a hundred. Her body also grew, going from a woman who would stand nine feet tall if she were human to matching proportions with Banda. In fact, because of all the extra Attribute points Quinn had on her, fur and size weren’t the only things growing as Padmava finally got enough strength to stretch out her arms and and body while the deluge of Charisma ballooned her breasts to almost double their current M size, two arms disengaging as they were unable to resist feeling her rising chest meat and lightly clinking their scaled and furred pliability together. Other changes took effect as her face squished and grew whiskers and her tummy blazed with light for a moment as the kanji gi (戯) formed there.

Abra took longer because she had to change twice. First, her body collapsed into the brown haired white girl that didn’t seem to have any clear ancestry (though her large nose suggested some of it was Jewish) before her body stretched taller even as her skin and flesh sunk down until they disappeared entirely, leaving only a skeleton behind. Blue flames lit up inside her eyes even as long horns grew out and what sounded like the largest bowl of Rice Krispies snap crackled and popped as all those bones shaped and reformed into the unholy mix Honoka cooked up. A thicker pelvic bone that stretched out in every direction, a much larger ribcage with the skeletal outlines of breasts thrusting forward as the ostieum shattered and regrew inch by inch, boney wings and a tail crackling out while something in the succubus Racial DNA forced an actual skeletal vagina to form between her legs.

Honoka would have kept up trying to follow as the rest of the changes added those subtle touches that allocation brought to the table, but the futa girl had decided to pick the weirdest combination for herself and it wasn’t easy on her psyche. Strangely, it started in her mouth, as if the System didn’t know what to do before saying screw it and just letting it happen. Honoka couldn’t be sure without a mirror, but it felt as if she grew a wide, large beak that then had a second grow inside that one but opening horizontal. Wanting to go more into that, Honoka reached up with one hand but quickly pulled away as it burst into purple fire. Startled, Honoka tried to wave the fire out as she suddenly shot up from her current five feet and seven inches to eight foot seven, this growth disjointed from her usual size changing as she felt like pulled taffy before her body caught up and filled in.

“Itchy!” Honoka yelped as the combination of chitin and feathers growing up from under her skin and pooling through her pours like liquid metal forced her four hands around to try and itch everything. Which, when she realized she had four arms now is when all the extra Strength decided to show up, her skin taking on an orange tinge under the purple feathers and orange-brown and black carapace. Muscles growing under an exoskeleton had a lot more pressure as her new hard covering actually cracked in places and exposed bare muscle fibers before healing and cracking again. As her shoulders took on new dimensions, her arms lengthened a bit more and then gained a row of thick feathers along her upper arms and then a sharp diaphanous insect set of wings cutting out of the lower. Wings sprouted in Honoka’s back, though, as a weird combination of the two sets, coming up and down like a normal set of back wings with feathers, but structurally insectual underneath.

To finish her massive wing arms off as well as traveling all along her shins and calves just above her bird talons, thick fur sprouted out and Honoka suddenly understood what made Apis hair different. Normally made of keratin in humans, hair was essentially dead past the roots. This hair, though, Honoka could both feel and taste the air around her with, just another sensation as her new sets of eyes and antenna swarmed her mind and the rest of her body burst into purple flames.

In Honoka’s mind, the final event was always sexual. Her breasts started off during all these changes by slowly growing out. However, as the changes on Honoka took more then a few minutes, the growth kept adding pound of flesh after pound of flesh, the orbs compressing high and tight from the sides as the chitin pushed them together. Even that hard insect corset wasn’t enough to keep them in check as they continued to grow and grow, sweat dripping down into the central canyon as they plumped and jiggled outward, nearly to the end of the alphabet. As the Beast retreated and her pussy engorged with blood to triple her normal size, a thin stream of honey started to leak out and Honoka felt an overwhelming need to stick something inside. Which she would have if her wasp abdomen didn’t bloat out her tailbone and extend down her butt and curling between her legs, her stinger shooting out and hardening like the hardest of cocks before retracting like a dick pulling out of a pussy, the feeling was so familiar.

As Honoka came to terms with the allocation and took a few easy breaths, her compound eyes were able to clearly see the last part of the allocation: three dicks for three wives. The menu in her Status wasn’t hard to find, a drop down from her Class Feature Forging Of Mjölnir, mildly surprised the Ymirian girl hadn’t found it out earlier. Normally it looked like it was a one to one trade off, her magical futa penis seemingly too powerful to split up, but some quick math did the trick. Padmava, Banda and Abra all got 33% of the Staff Of The Jötnar passed onto them, then Honoka would adjust the percent of Mjölnir to deal with any size issues. What made Honoka start to drool some honey was that each wife’s new penis took on aspects of their current and allocated Races.

Banda must have lucked out, because her tool looked huge even on her colossal body. Thick and throbbing as it passed five feet in length and swelling as thick as a rolled up sleeping bag, the head was surprisingly small and flat, making her meat look like just one long piece of sausage. Which is when the dark cracked lines of her allocated gob Race grew more prominent and a dozen small, wiggling tentacles sprouted up and down the entire length.

Padmava, even though she was now of a similar sized ratio as Banda, gained only a modestly sized dick that probably wasn’t more than eighteen inches, the shaft all scales while the base grew a forest of dark blue pubic hair. The head was narrow and pointed and the rim around the head was covered in fleshy spikes that changed color as they hardened into scales. Then, as Honoka watched, the cocked split apart like an amoeba and then reformed the flesh in a spray of slime and blood, moments later two dicks sitting side by side growing above Padmava’s vaginal slit.

Abra’s penis was just weird, and that was saying something after looking at tentacles and spiky double cocks. Around seven or eight inches, her tool looked no different in general shape to a normal, ordinary penis…if that penis was ribbed like a chest cavity, hollow in the center and topped with an actual mini demonic skull, its mouth pointing upward and looking like it was about to scream as it dived into whatever muff was unfortunate to be cursed with that thing. It was truly H. R. Giger to look at and the little burp of clear premen coming out between its fangs only made it creepier. Fortunately for everyone, Abra’s Racial changes didn’t affect her mind much, calmly popping the cork to the potion in her hand and downing it before everything was finished.

“This is going to be…interesting.” Honoka thought, her various holes already aching from the idea of getting all those alien things inside her. Banda was going to be a problem, but a quick swap from Diane’s Racial Features submenu fixed it (only taking the Vagina Of Holding, not the other parts of Demonic Attributes), Honoka reasoning Abra wasn’t going to miss an elastic succubus pussy if she was going to be busy dicking.

Looking over the other wives, Honoka sat back down as she gave them all time to get used to their new bodies and Features. Calling up her Status, Honoka felt a bit of a headache before it went away, her own boosted points making her feel energized and calm at the same time. She was so calm, in fact, that she immediately dumped her four waiting Attribute points into her Health because the recent episode of Death By Ejaculation (Almost) still had her worried and then she called up her Class Feature options, ready to make a choice.

Ch58 Info

For a brief moment, all the tension drained out of Honoka’s body. While she had no idea what Verðandi And Loki would give her, it was clearly a better choice than what she had available. Verðandi was famously one of the Norns, or Norse spinners of the idea of Fate. Specifically, she was in charge of the present, while the other two Norns were in charge of the past and future. Loki hardly needed an introduction, but outside of movie interpretations his role in the pantheon was better understood as an agent of chaos. Not evil, more like change, which made sense with all the shapechanging he did on a regular basis. So, something to do with the fate of present shapechanging? Honoka shrugged and took it, taking a moment to look over her current digits.

Ch 58 Honoka1Ch58 Honoka2Ch58 Honoka3

Deciding to ignore the glitch, the first thing Honoka noticed was how light she was. Not that five hundred pounds was light, but for her height and supposed mass, she should have been a thousand pounds, minimum. Waving her four arms around slowly, Honoka vaguely remembered learning in school years ago that birds had hollow bones to make them lighter and therefore easier to fly. Maybe it was as simple as that, both phoenix and apis Races capable of flight. Looking through all the boosted stats, not only was she impressed with the general spread Miaka managed to get with Harmony, but that forty one Charisma made her think the family needed to rethink how they chose their points, probably get a few extra in the dump stats so the entire pool could be a little more balanced.

Who am I kidding? Honoka thought, getting all four of her hands to smash her boobs together. As far as Honoka was concerned, more Strength and Charisma all the way. Lets min/max this adventuring party!

Also, good for Gwyneth. One quickie in a bakery bathroom (possibly two) and she was more than half way. In another week the Second Wives’ Club - Miaka, Dolly, Abra and Gwyneth - would be caught up with the rest of the family and then they could all look at breaking twenty levels before the end of the year.

“CanIbedeadnow?” Banda asked with a hyper voice, groaning as she attempted to lumber her body up. She moved too fast, instead managing to pitch forward, her horns gouging deep cracks into the stone. While the celesdritch hobtaurine tried to pull her head out of the ground, Honoka noticed her normally bright white halo was now a sickly yellow and looked cracked in places. “…I…need…to…slow down.”

“[Shhhh.]” Padmava’s soft shhing was more hissing than anything, which sounded adorable, even as she slowly took her hands off from over her new round and fluffy ears. Still looking like she was standing next to a jet engine that could turn on at any moment, the older mystic nagter milf stuck her tongue out to taste the room. This forced her to look down and see what she had for the first time past her mountainous tits. “[I have two dicks.]”

“The moment we are done here I am going up to Gwyneth and giving her the biggest hug,” Abra said, her voice hollow and dead, curiously pulling down the spines of one of her wings to play with it a bit, her blue fired eyes lacking much spirit or anything really. “I thought I had it bad as the creepy bug girl. At least I could still feel. This emotion dead thing…I don’t think I would have lasted a month.”

“We need this, all of the wives do.” Honoka looked down at her hands and noticed she was still burning as hot as an industrial gas stove. Feeling around inside herself, she clenched down on the new sensation of heat and smiled as her purple flames died down from scorching to a dim pilot light. “It isn’t enough for just me to be able to switch around with Races and Classes, you all need to be ready to do the same. Last week Dolly saved our lives because she was allocating Diane, figuring out how to combine Class Features. She would have died instead along with probably many more of us if Miaka hadn’t thought on her feet and gotten one of the Hunger Pains potions, the reason small vials of the stuff are stashed in most of the cabinets of the home right now. Miaka later told me that fight was the worst one of her life because she was dealing with goblin nose, only her training and experience as an MMA fighter got her through it. What if the only way I can save any of your lives is if I allocate a Race and you had to be able to deal with the weirdness instantly? Could you do it?”

Silence greeted Honoka as all three women understood as they had just spent the better part of fifteen minutes adjusting and none of them could honestly say they were ready to do much of anything right now.

“I think…I speak for all of us,” Banda stuttered, still getting used to the increased time perception Eve picked up yesterday, “when I say we need to do this. Soon.”

“Great!” Honoka said, wincing herself as Padmava ducked her head and covered her ears again. “Sorry. Anyway, now that you all have dicks, lets see who has the stamina and who will be one pumps.”

Padmava was the first to bring up the elephant penis in the room. “Um, maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Gesturing around at the varying forms of overly large and thorned genitalia, she was the one to come out of the lust haze first. “You’ve been very considerate to us, and now that we all have dicks that can cause a lot of damage, shouldn’t we take this slower?”

It wasn’t a bad idea, and Honoka paused, thinking it over. “Thank you for the warning, but this shouldn’t be a problem. Been thinking for a while that my vag has been getting larger as if to accommodate my own dick. And since y’all are just borrowing my dick for the moment, it is almost like this was meant to work this way. However,” Honoka said with conviction before the other interrupted, bending over and getting into position, “I will use the safeword if we need to stop at any time.”

This mollified the girls, with Banda being the first one to step up. The only place Banda was going to fit was Honoka’s pussy, though sliding that stick inside proved to be an experience. Before allocation, Honoka had theorized her own vagina had a Racial component to it not explicitly stated in her Status: her twat could stretch to fit her own cock. It was why she subconsciously became such a size queen with her dildos and toys years previous because nothing smaller could satisfy her. So while not quite as One Size Fits All as a succubus snatch, Honoka had a hole that could give Lucy Mancini a run for her money. Add on three feet in size, the massive honey pot of an apis queen and then throw in the aforementioned succupussy, Honoka didn’t think there was going to be any problems.

Honoka was wrong.

Lying on her side, the contemplative combination of gob and cow bending Honoka’s much more flexible left leg all the way down until it was resting on plush tit, Banda stopped just as she rested her flat tip against the oozing lips. There just didn’t seem to be any way this was going to work. No matter how much either woman wanted it to happen, an elephant wasn’t going to fit through a doggy door.

“Maybe if I…”

Banda never got to finish because her eldritch dick took matters into its own hands. Or tentacles. Stretching out like a striking squid, those fleshy tendrils grabbed onto the inside of Honoka and forcefully pulled Banda in. At first, there was only pain as those tentacles dug in and couldn’t budge the dick through. Then, with erotic slowness and feeling as if her crotch was shifting wider, the succubus allocation kicked in as with a sound of a wooden sailing ship creaking underfoot as it breached the shore, Banda’s dick entering and then quickly getting pulled inside as each finger of wiggling mass wormed three and a half feet of shaft inside before stopping when it hit what Honoka felt was her throat. Looking down, Honoka realized it was her throat, her internal organs having moved aside to make room for a giant cylinder inside her body, her torso and chest comically looking like a stretched pipe instead of a body.

Padmava had an easier time, relatively. Although she had two dick flopping around, as she made her way to the aperture of Honoka’s insect abdomen she found that neither penis was particularly thick. Squashing them together with a moan, it was still tight as she had to rock them side to side to slowly put them inside. As soon as the heads were through, the spikes on the base of her meat stopped any further progress. With a sympathetic look towards Honoka, the union of otter and naga picked up the feathery abdomen with both sets of hands and shoved herself inside, wincing as the scales scraping through chitin sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

“Yeeoooow!” Honoka screamed, feeling a few things tear and break back there, but unable to turn her head much with Banda’s monster in the way. She also found that she had another problem on her hands, one that she had to mentally focus on or there would be a problem. Her stinger wanted to shoot outward. This would be bad and would probably ruin Padmava’s day. To keep it from happening, Honoka had to make sure she continued to keep those muscles relaxed and resist the urge to contract. The problem was that the abdomen hole she had back there was very sensitive to any sensation of something inside, making her want to contract. It was actually taking a lot of mental effort to resist it and even before the party was fully started Honoka found herself sweating rivulets of thick honey all over her body.

“I’m not sure this is going to work,” Abra said without emotion. She had come around and was kneeling her bony body in front of Honoka’s face now, her hands xylophoning up and down the strange skeletal penis with her phalanges, a drop of premen hitting Honoka’s beak from the grinning demonic skull. “I’m jacking off as best as I can but I can’t feel anything down there. How am I supposed to get off if I can’t feel?”

Honoka was at a loss (and distracted by the three dicks currently inside her) but then with a grin and a roll of her eyes, she had the answer. “Check your Status, you should have all of Diane’s new toys to play with. That includes the ability to make anyone orgasm on command, including yourself. I suggest we give it a go and then whenever you think you’re ready, pull the trigger.”

With another shrug - Abra’s goto gesture - the strangely seductive cross between undead and succubus shuffled her way forward on her knees and aimed her boner into Honoka’s opened double mouth crossing bird beak with insect mandible. A normal flesh and blood would have been instantly mutilated as Honoka slowly closed her beaks, but instead the hooks of her mouth clicked and clacked down the ribs of the odd penis and sounded an odd music in the air, Abra’s rhythm setting the other two women off to get to screwing.

Anyone who says a gangbang is easy is lying. Think doing something simple, like traditional irish clogging, then add juggling 5 bowling pins while singing all the songs from HMS Pinafore. Ok, not quite that complicated, but there are some similarities. Proper sex doesn’t happen by accident and good sex doesn’t involve whoever has the dick doing all the work. Both parties need to work together. On the receiving end, at the very minimum, hips and pelvis movements need to be in time with each thrust and kegel muscles need to clench and unclench in time or else the penis can slide out or feel like its just flopping around in there. Orally, the tongue needs to flick around while focusing on keeping the tender meat away from hard teeth. It is a tall order most times with only one partner, meaning every coitus operation should always end with multiple thank yous while the cuddling commences.

In Honoka’s case, she had all kinds of problems normal people just never had to come to terms with. Banda’s lumbering thrusts were like the Washington Monument had come to life and wanted to liberate Honoka from Britain. Every time Banda pulled back was a struggle for even her massive thews, those tentacles holding on for dear life inside Honoka before Banda didn’t thrust so much as let herself get forcibly pulled back inside, each time stumbling before pulling back again with a grunt of effort. Padmava looked like she was enjoying herself far too much and was using her long snake body like a spring to push and pull with far more force than was needed, moving faster and faster with each passing gyration. And while Abra might look bored in her skeletal face, her pacing remained steady and Honoka had to hardly do anything, one of her hands holding the bony base to keep her head steady.

From Honoka’s end, Banda’s push and pull was filling her so utterly that it felt like she had to clench her whole body around the mass, not so much feeling the penis but experiencing getting her whole body stretch around the giant tube. She couldn’t explain it better than getting a professional grade enema, feeling the insides of her body fill and fill until the point of bursting then filling more, until getting a giant release of expelling all that water. It was like that, only more, and happening over and over again every second inside of her pussy instead of her bowels.

Padmava’s enthusiasm was painful and not at all pleasurable on Honoka’s end. Those spikes on each dick made nothing feel good and Honoka wasn’t enough of a masochist to like the experience. Added to that was the difficulty of keeping her stinger from ejecting and Honoka had some serious worries around how this was all going to end.

“I wonder how this Racial Feature works,” Abra muttered, her dick keeping steady as it bobbed in and out, Honoka occasionally gagging a little as tiny teeth bit the back of her throat! “Do I just…”

Maybe the emotionally bereft woman should have tested her powers out earlier, but instead of targeting just herself, she managed to get everyone in the room all at once. For a singular moment everyone stopped, Status shenanigans magically settling upon the four women with a feeling of stillness before all four were violently pushed over the edge.

Honoka seized her body, only barely managing to keep control of her stinger as she felt a massive flood of liquid expel itself from her body. This was not a female squirt, no femjaculate pouring out of her body, this was mostly a reaction for having an apis body as the hot honey inside went into overdrive and production churned out in a sticky deluge that pushed with such force it managed to actually push Banda out of her snatch, an opaque pearl colored honey washing over Banda like shotcrete concreting a pool. At the same time a familiar pressure built behind her clit and Honoka realized that 33% times three girls still left her with 1% of dick, a tiny fountain of cum mixing with the honey.

Banda, completely clear of Honoka now but getting glazed all the same had both of her hands around the base of her cock, the jizz taking its sweet time to travel down her shaft as she was already on her fifth contraction before white semen shot back at Honoka and the two massive streams met in the middle, spreading their individual hot messes to everyone in the room.

Padmava wasn’t sure how to take her orgasms, getting two at the same time. The odd part of it was that they were not in sync, the contractions happening one after another and causing her snake tale to whip around behind her as she tried to just stay conscious, white girlchowder pooling out of the abdomen as she twitched herself insensate.

Abra didn’t get any of that, or at least most of that. With enough disappointment to almost break through the undead barrier blocking emotions, Abra felt liquid traveling down her…she wasn’t sure what it was traveling down, there was nothing there, but she could feel it as something hot squirted out of her bones and into Honoka’s mouth. The aphinix wasn’t ready and gagged before pulling her head away, which gave Abra a perfect view of the little skull on her dick with its mouth wide open, spunk pouring out and basting Honoka’s face before the gasping woman managed to use one of her arms to turn the boner away and leave Abra moneyshooting onto those massive tits Honoka was sporting at the moment. The disappointment was there because while Abra could feel the motility of the semen, she couldn’t feel anything else. No bliss, just like a regular urination that went on for far longer than it should.

When all four women finished, it was Abra that got up first, taking stock of the damage. Between honey, sweat, the ejaculate of five dicks and whatever other fluids were getting passed around, the four girls were like a set of honeyed hams ready for Easter dinner. Unsure how she felt about having the feeling of drying cum caking the inside of her ribcage, Abra wondered if she should shower first before allocating back and somehow trapping these fluids under her skin.

And, just because she was this way, Abra almost, almost, used her borrowed Instant Orgasm powers again just to see what would happen. It was close, but she resisted, rightfully expecting the girls to thank her for not giving into her perverted prankery.

“Anyone else hungry?” Abra asked, her hollow voice eliciting a few panting groans from the crowd.

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