Becoming Monsters

57: The Skeleton In The Restroom

The staff at Alonzo’s were utter professionals, probably cattle-prodded by Chastity for her sister’s sake. When the waiter returned, not even an eye blinked before leaving and returning with an outfit that Fred quickly slipped into without a word. As someplace Fred likely frequented and had access to VIP perks, it probably wasn’t the first time a clothing malfunction like this happened and the staff possibly had a whole closet on hand for this exact emergency. This outfit was a more casual jumper, the color a light green Honoka associated with Tommy Oliver - or at least in the same spectrum range. Honoka politely turned her head while the little woman changed, but it was difficult to keep her fantasies under control.

At this point, Honoka was compressing her pelvic floor downward continually, a similar sensation to keep from peeing, but instead of urine it was semen she was holding back. Between the amount of hours since her last ejaculation, eating that yummy Transmutation Crystal and getting stuck in a room with a woman who exploded out of her clothing, Honoka felt like she deserved a medal for not painting Fred like Japanese Spiderman’s porno webbing. Honoka had no previous experience to this feeling, like an orgasm without an orgasm; not only was it incredibly intense and distracting, but Honoka didn’t want it to end.

The food was sublime. Both women ate in euphoric silence, not wanting to spoil the meal with frivolous words. No other description did the meal justice, and to describe it would only cheapen how amazing it was to taste, to experience. From the garlic bread to the lemon-butter infused Mallardroot to the soft cheeses that tingled Honoka’s tongue to the essence of pepper infused into something that transcended beef when roasted in onions, garlic, salt, a little tomato mixed into a sour cream based coating and served upon a steaming skillet…Honoka actually thought she died at one point and ascended into heaven this food tasted so good. No wonder everyone she knew always raved about this place despite some meals costing as much as a month’s rent, it was like eating a five course meal of bliss followed by utter joy when something that resembled a ten layer crepe cake arrived, each layer a different sweetness adventure.

“I’ve had sex that hasn’t been as good as this meal,” Honoka said, her stomach only bulging out a little as she licked the last dribbles of something that tasted like sugary snozzberries off the dish. “Definitely going to have to bring the family here after I take out a second mortgage.”

“I’m pleased to hear it, I’ll be sure to let Chas know.”

Mentioning the succubus soured Honoka’s mood, but she lightened up when her phone buzzed and Gwyneth announced she was coming up.

“As abysmal as my social life typically is, I’m counting this date a success.” Honoka pushed her chair back and stood up, only a little embarrassed for her obscene erection propping her skirt up like she was trying to hide a baseball bat between her legs. She shoved that embarrassment aside as she smiled down at Fred. “I don’t think we covered many details about each other, but that’s second date stuff.”

Fred couldn’t look away from the cock as it bounced and dripped underneath the drapery, Honoka’s chair and the floor around her looking like Venkman in the Sedgewick Hotel. “I guess I projected some of my feelings of being set up by my sister onto you unfairly. I hope we can spend some more time together when we aren’t so…pent up.”


The door opened slowly and Gwyneth popped her corpse-thin face into the room. Realizing this was the place, she entered fully and Honoka nearly lost it when she came in. Gwyneth’s proportions were almost seven feet tall (214 cm) but as thin as stretched taffy. Finding anything to fit her dimensions were actually preposterous. Instead, the lich took the route of a t-shirt and shorts, the shorts cutoff jeans that weren’t daisy dukes but instead rolled up to mid thigh and her shirt was bright pink with the word Girly bedazzled across the modest chest. The shirt had become a belly shirt because of Gwyneth’s length, but it was knotted in the back and the effect was both casual and stunning. The shy woman finished the outfit with a small clutch that had a purse strap and sandals with no heel.


Honoka had to clench her thighs together, her snatch going from a leak to a low running faucet and her penis no longer throbbing because it was bloated to the point of making Honoka worried she might faint from lack of oxygen to her brain. In a whirlwind of words, Honoka ran her mouth as she pushed Gwyneth out the door, making sure to remember her canvas bag in her rush to get out. “Well, this has been fun and we should totally do you again sometime…do this again…but we breast be going…you know what I mean. Call me.”

“I will,” Fred replied softly, giving Honoka a contemplative look before slowly finishing her desert as the other two women fled the room.

“Is everything alright?” Gwyneth asked, bent down to shoulder assist Honoka quickly out of the building and into the parking lot.

Before Honoka could respond, her phone buzzed in her bag, distracting the horny girl for a moment as she thought it was one of the wives needing help with the children. Pulling it out, she almost threw it across the parking lot when she found a notification from DoubleD saying she had a prospective match with user tabinda_likes_girlz who also sent a message.

tabinda_likes_girlz: hey, cutie, wanna meet up?

Not needing this right now, Honoka just ignored the message and put her phone away, worried at the amount of fluid pooling underneath her feet onto the asphalt.

“I need you,” Honoka said with ferocious hunger and lust, her intense eyes looking around the upscale businesses around them. Spotting a fitting candidate nearby, Honoka pointed to the pastry shop Gooey and they quickly hobbled in that direction. “Time to give you that crash course I talked about earlier.”


“Hi! Welcome to Gooey! Looking for something in particular or do you just want me to stuff your pie hole?”

About thirty seconds away from ejaculating whether Honoka wanted to or not, she and Gwyneth couldn’t help but stop at the entrance from such an absurd greeting. Dressed in normally shaped clothing - a neon violet blue tank top over white leggings that could pass as yoga pants with a large pink apron over top - the material was all a thick rubber. This made sense as the perky girl wearing it was an orange colored slime.

“Get it? Because it’s a pie?!” The translucent girl smiled impossibly wide as she did indeed hold up a chocolate cream pie in her hand, jumping lightly in place with a glorping sound as the long tendrils of bundled tentacles that made up her hair slapped wetly against her back. Her color was a uniform orange, hinting into the brown range so more like a bright Burnt Orange, her slime body translucent enough to see basic shapes through her but not clear enough to make out any details.

In shape the girl’s personality seemed to fit her body, bubbly being the keyword: round face with her mouth stretched cartoonishly large in what was probably a permanent smile, eyes wide with excited energy, narrow shoulders and thin arms with small breasts tapering down a thin waist before blowing out and around into butt and thighs that must have held half her body mass. Her hair wasn’t hair so much as it was thick noodles of slime arranged in a bouffant, like piled spaghetti around her head and down her back. If this were a sitcom, she would be the overly happy neighbor constantly getting the main characters in trouble with her crazy ideas. If this were a porno, she’d be frosting the cakes underneath the glass counters with her twerking glutes as…

Honoka shook her head, trying to clear it as she had to physically restrain her left hand with her right hand to keep from jerking herself off. “Bathroom,” Honoka croaked, smashing her eyes shut to keep any other distractions out.

“No problem! We have a whole Race setup there, so there shouldn’t…”

Honoka couldn’t see but the slime must have pointed out the direction because Gwyneth soon got them both into a small room with a toilet, sink and mirror as well as half a wall of tubes and vacuums to account for 94% of the world’s restroom needs. Nobody could really account for everything, so most business settled for what was commonly known as The Golden 94. It wasn’t an exact number, new Races were being born every year, but the term stuck and the other 6% were either left to fend for themselves or apply for handicap status. Not their fault some buttholes were literally a second head that vomited their excrement in the form of gaseous plasma.

Oh, and the entire room was garishly pink. Even the toilet.

While Honoka threw down her skirt, she was surprised to find that sometime in the last ten minutes her erect penis had actually gone completely flaccid. It was so surprising, in fact, that the futa girl stopped with her jockpanty only pushed down to her knees as she stared down at her dark cock and wondered what in the wide world of sports just happened. Or was happening, as her whole body stretched back and she nearly fell on top of the toilet and she experienced something that felt like one of the most body-engulfing orgasms in her life.

“Oooh! I, I, I’ve never feeeeelt thiiiiiis!”

Honoka had no frame of reference for this kind of orgasm. It was like she reached it without stimulating her penis physically and only stroked it mentally, so when she finally reached release she wasn’t so much shooting or thrusting out cum as she was letting it flow out like she’d had a full bladder all day and was now letting it all out. Only that wasn’t entirely it either. Because as the river of semen traveled down her urethra, it was like her glop was charged with some kind of contact orgasm balm that shocked her to the core from tip to prostate and had her cresting in female release soon enough, her pussy leaking out a thick white ooze as her engorged labia were pushed aside from the stream of juice shooting out onto the tiled floor.

Gwyneth wasn’t sure what to do, standing in the corner as she watched the erotic display. She also wasn’t sure what she was feeling, but the lich had decided this was going to be her life and so she was prepared to help in anyway she could. Stripping out of her new clothing, Gwyneth came at Honoka from the side to avoid getting sprayed and started gently rubbing Honoka’s shoulders. “Anything I can do to help?”

Honoka tried to say something, but couldn’t as her breathes were only gulping gasps, each inhale cut off as her abdomen closed it off and it became a struggle just to keep breathing. White bursts of light were going on behind Honoka’s eyes and she was about to pass out when she felt the rollercoaster ride ease off. Collapsing to the cold tile like Terry Kiser, the black woman wondered if Chanise would mind that her skirt and blouse were probably ruined at this point as she marinated in her own sexual slurry.

“So if I just lick up some of this cum, I’ll be able to harmonize, as you called it.”

Honoka couldn’t do anything if she wanted to, yet suddenly her entire body seized as she felt her limp penis getting sucked into Gwyneth’s human mouth, about a pint of jizz coming along for the ride as Gwyneth inexpertly Hoovered it up. At first, the after orgasm sensitivity made it too much, but that was gone in an instant and Honoka suddenly felt herself growing hard very quickly.

This whole mental orgasm thing is really weird, Honoka thought to herself, shifting around a little to give Gwyneth better access as she started up an amateur blowjob. “Looks like I’m ready for round two. Keep going for a bit…that feels really nice…but I want to try a couple of things before finishing here.”

Gwyneth gave Honoka a look that conveyed she understood what she was doing couldn’t possibly compare to succubus lips but she appreciated the sentiment (it was a multi-faceted look and Gwyneth was even better at her silent communication than she was at blowjobs). And truthfully, the blowjob wasn’t anything special as her tepid mouth didn’t produce enough saliva so it was more like Honoka rubbing up against some dry skin with a bit of slickness making it more pleasurable than it was irritating. By the time Honoka become fully erect and hard enough to play hockey with, the head was larger than the lich could reasonably work in her mouth without getting teeth involved. She was now down to licking it like a melting popsicle. It was the effort that Gwyneth was putting into it that Honoka appreciated. This wasn’t something the lich knew how to do, that Racially she wasn’t even capable of doing. Despite all the reasons Gwyneth shouldn’t even attempt anything resembling intimacy, she was doing her best, and that is what turned Honoka on more than anything.

No amount of technique is more erotic than one person caring for another.

“What next?” Gwyneth asked, now getting her hands involved for a slow working at the base as she leaned back, a look of sadness crossing her face as her shorts hit the tile and soaked up some of the cold femcum.

“Now,” Honoka said, making a few allocation selections and moving the dials up, “we see if someone can actually have sex with a skeleton.”

Gwyneth nodded without emotion, probably having expected this as she stripped out of her clothing at the same time her flesh melted away and she was left naked as a demonic female collection of bones.

“Hmm,” Honoka muttered thoughtfully, looking her up and down. The indents of ribcage breast outlines were too small and not close enough together for a tit job. The space through the pelvis was too large and the coccyx had spikes, so that was just asking for a bloody dick. The intercostal space between the ribs was too small for her penis and most everywhere else was not looking friendly to her meatbag flesh. Walking over to her bag, Honoka got her phone out and sent another text, ignoring the giant stack of unanswered ones currently clogging her digital queue. “Ok, I wanted to try something here but it looks like we’ll have to put a pin in it until I work out the logistics. Until then, get ready to human.”

“What?” Gwyneth asked, real fear edging into her voice as Honoka allocated the lich Race to Dolly, the lucky winner today. Quinn had even immediately texted that there would be pictures. “I don’t know if I’m ready to…aaaAAaAAaah!”

Whatever Honoka expected, it wasn’t an odd moan that fluctuated between every known emotion Honoka could recognize. Nor was she expecting the tall skeleton to collapse in on herself and shrink to five foot four as muscles and organs materialized inside her before a lot of skin sprouted into the form of a pudgy girl blinking and squinting hard enough to make it clear she needed glasses of some kind. All together, it was unfair to say Gwyneth humaned into an obese woman. She was plump but pleasantly so. Honoka could see in how she carried herself that this wasn’t the fat of someone disgusted with themselves but rather of someone who was genetically disposed and didn’t care, accepting who they were without letting it consume their life. Probably weighing a little over two hundred pounds, she also had the small wrinkles around the eyes and mouth of someone who enjoyed being alive, probably the most ironic thing coming from a short brown haired, blue eyed girl with large breasts, and even larger posterior and a round middle that brought it all together. Just another cruelty that this girl lost all of that when she became a lich.

“I…” Gwyneth was looking down at her hands as if she wanted to cry and laugh all at once, her eyes leaking as she giggled and coughed. Taking a deep breath, she let it all out and then took another long breath. “I didn’t know you could miss breathing!” Coughing, Gwyneth then held her nose as she started to regain other missing senses. “Ack! It smells like cake mixed with wet dog.”

Honoka took a quick whiff, but apparently she was nose blind at the moment to her sexual odors. “This isn’t even a three out of ten on the Honoka Musk Scale. If I have enough sex in one room I can create a literal fog.”

“That’s, that’s, I don’t know, why’s the room so small?” Gwyneth reached up to her head as she bent over and started to shake all over.

Honoka stepped over quickly, hugging the plump woman as she came to terms with being human again. “Breath in, breathe out. You’re ok and just getting used to having a bunch of things you’ve been missing for a few years. Being alive is kind of noisy when you think about it: lungs moving, tendons popping, mouth squelching, heart beating, hair rustling. I can’t even imagine being emotionally numb for so long either, then suddenly getting them back all at once. I’m actually surprised how well you’re taking this all in right now.”

“I’ve been looking up undead Races in the forums, seems there are whole support groups for people like me,” Gwyneth said, slowly reaching up and clinging to Honoka in a desperate hug. “Most undead do what I did, we had such bad reactions from others when the Change hit that we all became really good actors. Its not like we forgot how anger and sadness and happiness felt like or looked like, we just couldn’t experience anything new. It makes us feel a little bit human to react in a similar way to everyone else.” Then she broke down and cried into Honoka’s shoulder, full on bawling as she gripped even tighter onto Honoka’s back. “But it isn’t the same!”

Honoka let her cry, patting Gwyneth’s back as her own eyes misted a bit. The Change fulfilled so many dreams in a single instant, giving hope and happiness to those who thought they could never amount to anything. But for Gwyneth and nearly all of Honoka’s wives, those dreams were more nightmare than anything else. If not for the grace of God, Honoka would still be stuck in her own Purgatory, wondering why life cursed her instead of healed her.

Then, like the elephant in the room he always was, the Beast flexed up between Gwyneth’s legs and slapped her in the plush toosh.

“Wanna see what Tery Garr discovered Gene Wildar got from Peter Boyel?” Honoka said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Pulling back, Gwyneth scrunched up her round face and stuck out her tongue. “Yes, but leave the weird Mal Brooks foreplay out of it. I don’t want to orgasm while you sing the Blazing Saddles theme song.”

“Would you prefer Jessica Rabbit?” Honoka asked, stepping back and going back to her bag, pulling out her last C&A potions from the bag. “I do a mean Why Don’t You Do Right.”

Gwyneth rolled her eyes, but she took the potions with a coughing grimace. “Now…yck!…what?”

“Think you can pull off the Hot Seat position?” Honoka asked, gesturing towards the toilet.

“I’m not what you would call knowledgeable in various sex terms,” Gwyneth replied, but she moved over, looking game.

“Neither was I, but the wives have been giving me an education.” Honoka put the seat down with the lid up, then straddled the porcelain with her prick up in the air. “Now you sit on me Reverse Cowgirl style, facing away from me with your legs down between mine, bracing yourself on me and on the floor. Normally a Missionary would be better for hitting your G-spot, but this will keep us the most sanitary.”

Giving Honoka’s hard cock a hard look, Gwyneth was skeptical. “I don’t know if that’s going to fit.”

“Give me a second,” Honoka said, pulling up her Status and making a few quick allocations, “you’ll fit just fine.”

Despite the love hate relationship that had grown between the Ymirian and her cock, Honoka really was a size queen. Bigger was always better and the wives all agreed. However, when it came to the reality of someone inexperienced with the more extreme sizes of Honoka’s world, a fat black dick wasn’t fun, it was painful. Who in their right mind would want to have sex if it involved bruises, tearing and an inability to reach climax? Honoka and Gwyneth had time, they could get to the weird stuff later.

With only a little whimper, Honoka’s penis shrunk fifty percent, becoming an above average nine inches (23 cm) long tool, its veiny darkness something that would still be appreciated inside most women but no longer the gigantic abnormality that typically hid under Honoka’s skirt. Honoka also felt, weirdly, an increase of pressure, like she still had all the mass of her hot rod there, only compressed into a smaller package. With some concern, she noticed her MP ticking downward at a much quicker pace than a small allocation should cost.

I need to make a list, Honoka thought, pleased to see that Gwyneth’s face got a little disappointed as well from the shrinking penis. I can’t keep track of all the things I need to research when I get a free pair of seconds to rub together. Honoka used both her hands to gather up some residual pussy gloop and mix it with her precum to slather on some hot lubrication all over her hard staff.

“Please be gentle,” Gwyneth said as she moved her fleshy posterior into position, using one hand to steady herself on Honoka’s thigh as she used the other to guide the Beast inside. This actually proved difficult for the humaning woman, the cock between Honoka’s legs proving to be so erect, it felt as stiff as actual steel instead of metaphorical metal. Unwilling to bend, Gwyneth was forced to move slowly downward to avoid injury.

Slowly, inch by inch, she waddled her booty down and Honoka helped with her hands on that Back Baby Got, squeezing tightly as Gwyneth gave out a sound between a moan and a soft cry of pain. At an inch away from hilting the two of them, Honoka felt her head hit the cervix, fully inside. However, because of the phat fat of Gwyneth’s badonkadonk, her cheeks were resting on Honoka’s thighs and the two women waited patiently as Gwyneth adjusted to the still-significant-girth of Honoka’s cock.

“This will be my second time,” Gwyneth said softly, rocking her hips a little to keep adjusting to the whole experience. “My first time was after my graduation ceremony for college. I was blackout drunk and I don’t remember anything about that night. A month later, I found out I was pregnant and I had no idea who the father was. Three months after that the Change happened and I lost the baby.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I do, but not right now.” Bringing a hand up to wipe some tears away, Gwyneth turned her head back and smiled. “I just thought you should know I’m not any good at this and have zero context on what to do. I’ve never even seen a pornography.”

Honoka couldn’t help but giggle at the strange turn of phrase, using her hands to caress and jiggle Gwyneth’s softness. “Diane would be ecstatic to give lessons and I have more porn on my harddrive than most streaming sites. For right now, the name of the game is getting you taken care of. If you think you have the coordination for it, lick your fingers and start playing with your clit as you use your other hand and legs to move up and down my penis. I’ll push from back here to get you in the rhythm. Everything else past that is in your head. Focus on what you think is sexy, focus on what makes you feel good and relaxed and when you reach a point of building pressure, focus on that. And don’t worry: we have all the time in the world and an entire harem of girls who want nothing more than you to feel happy and satisfied. This is just a quick test before we introduce you to pleasure barely comprehensible.”

Moving up only a few inches, in a jerking motion Gwyneth came back down, sloppily slapping together as Honoka’s ever-flowing premen splashed off the two naked bodies. Honoka couldn’t see but she felt as the human girl reached down and started rubbing her clitoris, the pressure hitting against Honoka’s urethra. This got her excited as she pushed upward and the two women got into grinding like an X rated lapdance.

“…huh, huh…” Gwyneth puffed after only a few minutes, already feeling something deep in her abdomen unlike any sensation she had ever experienced. “Are you doing something…Statusy? I’m inexperienced, but not completely in the dark. I remember health class. I’m not…ooooooh!…women aren’t supposed to get this excited this quickly.”

“I think its my precum,” Honoka said between her own grunts, pulling up her Status to make some adjustments to her Strength so she could finish this. “I haven’t been able to prove it, but it might be a mild aphrodisiac. Nothing else really explains how I’m able to bring so many women to orgasm so consistently. It just isn’t statistically possibly, no matter how skilled a lover I think I am.”

As Honoka bulked up five points, Gwyneth suddenly stopped as she slapped Honoka’s thigh. “Ow ow owie! You’re getting too big!”

Confused, her Status still in front of her face, Honoka found the problem was her Forging Of Mjölnir dial: it was right now 62% and quickly moving up. Thinking fast, Honoka came to terms that she couldn’t keep herself small so she would just have to make Gwyneth bigger. Scrolling down to Eve’s menu, Honoka allocated the change quickly and then closed everything down.

“Oh, that is peculiar.”

The noise that the human pussy made when it got larger by ten inches (26 cm) was mostly a squelching one. The sound an expanding cock growing inside a growing pussy made was covered up by the pounding of Honoka’s heart as she forcefully pushed and pulled on that tush up and down her South Pole. Because when the growth completed, Gwyneth could stand fully upright and then sit all the way down and keep her sleigh jig-jig-jiggling while Honoka tensed her body and thrust up, cumming to town.

“HO HO HO!!” Honoka yelled, wrapping her arms around as much of Gwyneth’s plush waist as she could get, shaking as she delivered a white Christmas. And her other plan appeared to be working, her creamy ejaculate pouring out of the pussy and down between Honoka’s legs, spilling mostly into the toilet and not…

Honoka’s eyes widened as she felt the toilet overflow beneath her, flooding out and spilling all over the pink tiles of the room. The orgasming futa reached her hand around to try and flush and minimize the damage, but Gwyneth had gotten really close and was furiously rubbing her clit so that not only did she reach climax with a silent scream and a lose of control of her entire body, the pressure transferred from her hands onto the pumping urethra and sent Honoka into a second mini orgasm.

Her jizz output increasing threefold, Honoka toppled to the tile and brought Gwyneth with her. With a sploop and a ploop, both women hit the already significant semen puddle as they disengaged and Honoka’s dick was free to paint the walls. And lights, as a stray spurt arched up with enough force to hit the simple light fixture and still have enough force to shatter the bulb, plunging the room into darkness.

In that darkness, as the orgasms faded, a realization came upon Honoka along with a growing dread.


Gooey was a family establishment, a pillar of the community. Shannon, though, hated working at the shop her parents owned and relished any excuse to close up early. After the opening notes of the sexual symphony started playing in her bathroom, the slimy girl tinged a little more orange before taking off her apron and locking the door, deciding now was good enough a time to take her lunch. When the tall African woman stumbled out of the bathroom a half hour after locking herself in there with her skeleton friend, she emerged looking as if she lost a game of Paintball Bukkake. Her clothing looking as if they had been soaked in goo and poorly wrung out (a situation Shannon was intimately familiar with), the black woman stumbled over to where Shannon was pretending to have been reading a book as she discretely tentacled herself under the counter.

What ever that was, Shannon thought, her oozy body heating up enough that actual bubbles were rising underneath her gelatinous skin, it was hot.

“Do you have a mop?” the ethnically mixed woman asked, her eyes wandering over the selection of delectable pastries underneath glass.

“Sure!” Shannon replied, shlorping out of her chair (when a slime is aroused, they have difficulty holding themselves together and tend to drip) and into the back room, coming back with a mop and bucket. She lost a bit more cohesion as her mind frantically fantasied about what kind of sex it would take to require a mop.

“Thanks.” Taking the mop and bucket into the bathroom, it would be another hour before two women emerged from the bathroom, both slumped and tired from their efforts.

“How could I have been so stupid?” Honoka asked herself, the last hour an ever-growing spiral of despair for the young woman.

“I understand wanting to clean up a mess as bad as this one, but why do you feel so badly about it?” Gwyneth asked with her hollow undead voice, once again in a mostly human looking state as a lich using Quinn’s Feature.

Looking over to the counter where the slime girl sat reading her book, Honoka made sure to lower her voice. “Think about it. How did I collect you?”

“With your…” Gwyneth trailed off, looking back into the bathroom and then at Honoka again, her black eyes widening.

“Exactly. And I have no control over whom I collect. What if someone had walked in on us and got a couple drops accidentally shot in their mouth or randomly licked what looked like a bit of frosting a day later? What if it was some kid? Their entire life would be over and I would…I don’t know.” Hugging herself, Honoka shook a little as the reality of what might have happened sunk further in. “This cannot happen again, not outside of the dungeon. Even down there, I have to be more careful.”

Stepping forward, the tall and emaciated looking woman bent down and gave Honoka soothing hug. “I won’t say we shouldn’t have done it somewhere else, but thank you for this. I can’t make new emotions as I am now, but I can remember the ones I’ve had allocated as a human. You just gave me the greatest memory.”

Some of the tension eased out of Honoka as she hugged back, able to face the day again. Also, her stomach rumbled as her nose picked out the sweet smell of baked confection, turning her towards the slime girl who looked a bit more orange than she had when they first got here. “Sorry about that, had a bit of a Change emergency to take care of.”

“My pleasure…I mean, no problem!” The goo girl wobbled a bit like tall jello as she stood up too quickly and grabbed her apron, putting it on as little bubbles inside her translucent body rose to the top and plopped out with loud pops. “Is there anything I can get you?”

Looking around, Honoka noticed further back in the store a large multi-leveled cake was getting prepared for someone’s wedding and a half-heard conversation came back to her. “Do you cater weddings?”

If a person had an ability to light up like a ten thousand watt lightbulb, this slime girl would be blinding the room. Leaning forward over the counter with a smile that stretched past Joker levels, she must have shifted her gelatin mass because she even appeared to grow larger as she got into Honoka’s personal bubble. “Yes! Yes yes! Are you two getting married? When is it? I can have everything ready by tomorrow if you want to elope. Or not tomorrow, but by Monday at the earliest. Oh! I absolutely love to see a happy couple, it is my joy jam!”

Stepping back, Honoka couldn’t help but smile at the sheer enthusiasm the oozing girl exuded. It was infectious, though she did take another step back to appreciate it from a distance. “We are getting married, but it is more of a large ceremony for me and my nine wives. And it won’t be tomorrow, but I think my mother is trying to get everything together for my birthday on the sixteenth, so ten days from now.”

“I can do that! Please let me do that!” The bouncing bundle of happy energy threw her apron off and was sliding into the back room. “I’m Shannon by the way!”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Honoka and this is Gwyneth.” Honoka wasn’t sure if the girl heard her, some splats and crashes coming from back there as the girl prepared a kind of pitch for Gooey’s catering options.

The next fifteen minutes involved trading information before Honoka just pulled out her phone and got a conference call going. Uzume said she would be by on Monday and everything looked promising for Shannon to be the wedding’s caterer.

An hour after that, Honoka was getting out of the shower in her room back in Harvardtown and putting on some tight fitting sweats that felt too hot for the jungle air of her home but it was all she had clean and ready at the moment. Tired, hungry and still horny, Honoka would not be denied her motherly rights as she marched down into the nursery.

“There you are. Wondering when you’d get back.” A large and boisterous voice from the bottom of the stairs spoke as Honoka made her way down the long steps.

Aunt Cholena, matriarch and boss of the largest holstaur herd in the United States, she not only ran a huge collection of dairies outside of Boston but she was also Banda’s aunt. Her patches of black fur on white making her look like a true Holstein and her horns nearly minotaur length, before Banda’s Harmony changes into a celestial taurine, Cholena held the record for largest, most muscled and biggest titted holstaur Honoka had ever met or seen. Only a few inches shy of ten feet tall (305 cm), the large woman tenderly held little Trinity in her arms, both large breasts exposed and leaking a bit out the sides as the angelic titan girl suckled down her dinner from one.

In fact, as Honoka looked around the room, there were half a dozen other holstaur women either directly feeding babies or getting drained into a couple of standard pumps that probably came from the dairy. None of the wives were around, which instinctually got Honoka anxious until she squashed those unfair feelings. For one, she hadn’t been home all day. For another, Cholena was family.

“Why…?” Honoka asked, looking around the room of calm and feeding children.

“Why am I here? To cuddle babies, of course.” She shifted a little bit as she took the squirming Trinity from her empty breast and maneuvering the hungry girl so she could access the other, more full milk dispenser. “Only when I got here, I realized you had a huge problem on your hands. Frankly, with all these Legendary kids under one roof, your food bill is going to skyrocket because each meal for each child is going to be measured in gallons. Even with Banda’s new udders, she is only one heifer and the rest of your family is not equipped to handle the amount of volume you need each day. Right now your wives are all drained dry and you still have hungry babies that need feeding. I just got back here with a few of my girls who were willing to donate to the cause. As long as I’m able, your children will never go hungry, even if I have to get a hundred girls down here.”

When Cholena finished, she sounded resolute but also a bit embarrassed, as if she realized how she sounded. Honoka didn’t know what to say, tears coming to her eyes over the generosity of the typically hard and bossy woman. Generosity had been in shorter and shorter supply, especially after the revelation of Isami earlier today. Honoka appreciated the gift even more as she went over and hugged Cholena’s free arm silently, the large woman too large to get around effectively.

“Thank you,” Honoka said, feeling Cholena leaning her bovine head down to nuzzle Honoka’s hair. “I know you don’t know me very much and you probably know most of the rest of the wives even less, but this is the greatest gift we could have ever received.”

“Banda’s the daughter I never had,” Cholena whispered, the large woman keeping a hitch out of her voice as she spoke quietly. “And when she Changed into a holstaur but couldn’t give milk, it ate me up inside. I might have made some bad decisions in an effort to help her, but all I’ve ever wanted was for her to be happy. Then you came along and did everything I could never do. I know it hasn’t been very long and you are right, I don’t know you very well, but I would move mountains for Banda just like I would move mountains for you or any of these children. Nothing is more important than family. Nothing is more important than Banda, these children and you.”

Eventually, Honoka managed to spend time with each of her children, even jumping into the aquarium and getting the long plastic tube connected to a fifty gallon drum of milk into Baby Uzume’s kraken mouth, feeding her largest little girl. However, for a few minutes, Honoka and Cholena sat silently together as Trinity finished her meal and fell asleep.

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