Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 36

Chapter 5 .Rivendell’s End

“Warrior Squad!”


“Holy Light Team!”


“Darlung County Team!”


Dick in a uniform, carrying the fire of justice, stood on the fire-burned large square in Stratholme. Behind him, there is a boundary between Stratholme’s inside and outside. The outer layer belongs to the light, and the inner layer belongs to the darkness. But today, after getting the information returned by Arthas from Jaina, Dick has made up his mind that this battle will completely wipe out the undead inside Stratholme!

The deputy commander of the battle group, the high-ranking knight Errigal, was holding a heavy book in the center, passing in front of the 100 knight squads and 30 additional militia squads recruited a month ago, and he shouted every one. There were 20 knights who answered with full anger. After the 130 squads were named, the morale of the 2,600 soldiers standing behind Dick had reached its peak.

In his previous life, Dick saw more of this formalistic “swearing ceremony”, but when he truly became a leader, he discovered that this formalism is really indispensable. He faced 2,600 warriors. The energetic soldier took his warhammer from his back and injected the holy energy into it, just like holding up a golden torch, piercing the cold darkness of Stratholme.

“The soldiers of Stratholme! The warriors of East Dallonemere!”

“I am Dick, Stratholme’s last protector, Dick! You all know me!”

“A paladin, a warrior, his lifelong pursuit is only one! That is to fight all evil!”

“Many of you have not witnessed the destruction of Stratholme. You cannot know my despair that day!”

“On that day, the glory of the Holy Light was completely torn apart, that day, the broken battle flag fell into the flames!”

“The undead killed my compatriots, and they won’t even let go of a child! This is what they will do for their master! What can we do for ourselves?”

“Today, I stand here again! I want to declare war on evil! As a former fugitive! I want to regain the glory I lost here!”

“Today, if I die here in battle,”

“I will die for the justice of this city, I will die for the innocent victims, I will die for the protection of my loved ones, my love!”

“Who would be afraid of such death? Who would refuse such glory?”

Dick looked at the calm soldiers. He could see the clenched fists of the knights and militiamen. He knew that the blazing flame had been ignited in their hearts, so he would release it.

“Now, I’m going to fight to the death with those bastards!”

“Who wants to go with me?”

The scene was calm for a second, and the next moment, as if endless battle roars and screams overturned the tranquility of Stratholme. Young recruits and veterans, militiamen from Dahlone County and other places, raised their hands high. His weapons are like beasts swearing revenge.

Dick turned his head. He saw Errigal and the five Paladins who had fought against Ramsden together with the same weapon high. He saw Herod and his team of warriors holding the battle axe. Look When I arrived at the Darrowshire team of Davy and Redpath, I saw Dave the Paladin and his team of Knight King who almost died in Stratholme, and…and the priests who also held the staff, even that one. Miss Whitemane, who has always been ignorant to Dick, also gave her part of her strength in this roar.

Dick’s eyes were reddish, he turned around and looked at the undead who were retreating step by step in the darkness. He stretched out his left hand, and the lifelike flail of Holy Light formed in the air.

“Strongholme battle group! Charge!”


The formation of 2600 people charging together is terrible. Although according to the predetermined plan, each team has its own area of ​​responsibility, at least at the beginning of this moment, the surging light gathered together and swept across in an instant. All the undead at the front.

Just like wheat cut down by a scythe, there are almost invincible elite undeads in front of ordinary people. The number is much higher than the undeads in Stratholme. At this moment, they are like shivering prey, both The positioning between them was instantly transformed.

“Go to hell!”

Dick turned around and avoided the ghoul’s claws that threw out from the darkness. The sharp claws left Dick’s five blood holes at the joints of the armor, but the Paladin did not stop at all, so he immediately returned Color, a hammer smashed all the ghouls in front of him, and the holy light held by his left hand threw it toward the front of him. The 20 attempts in his sleep had allowed him to fully master the knight’s secret technique-the use of dedication. Now, he can activate dedication skills anywhere within his field of vision.

The holy light group landed, and the assembled skeleton warriors immediately danced a ridiculous “dance”. The holy light mixed with the power of order is definitely a big killer for any undead, with the strength of Dick’s current holy energy. , Even if Ramsden is resurrected, under the burning of this dedication, he must definitely choose to avoid it.

In less than 3 seconds, Dick’s path was opened up. He saw the high-level abominations gathered in the distance, as well as the necromancer, and the principal who hid in the back of the final front, the traitor Rui. Wendell.

“Traitor! You are dead! No one can save you!”

Following Dick, Erigore’s eyes were red and roared at Rivendell in the distance. He was also one of the paladins who almost died in Stratholme that day, so for this guy who completely buried his comrades-in-arms , He can’t wait to kill him personally.

Rivendell was also very helpless at this time. Alsace’s fire burned all the most powerful cards in his hand. He hadn’t waited for his necromancers to wake up the corpses that had not been burned. Dick’s Stratholme battle group settled in this ruin. The first thing they did was to splash all the corpses with holy water, and then settled in the soil.

There is no way to awaken the corpse purified by the holy water. Therefore, in this changed history, Rivendell is much more miserable than the original. From the beginning of the evenly matched position, the recruits have been conditioned by this “Stan”. The Somme regiment” pressed and fought, and couldn’t make a move at all.

After finally coming back to Alsace, Rivendell let the Buddha see tomorrow’s victory, like a golden apple within reach.

But the premise is if he can live until tomorrow.

After being completely divided by 130 battle groups like hunting wolves, Rivendell lost even the only quantitative advantage. For the sophisticated 20-man Paladin squad, ghouls and skeletons are no threat at all. Unless you encounter the undead of the law system like the Banshee, but the high-level undead such as the Banshee, Rivendell only has so many dozens in his hands, which is simply too much.

Even if it is a high-level hatred, after all the members of the team are equipped with hooks that hunt large creatures, they are firmly locked by 10 hooks soaked in holy water. Unless they reach the level of Ramsden, these war weapons , Faced with the insane bombardment of the Holy Light weapons, he could only close his eyes and wait for his death.

Small group battles, local victories promote general victory. This is Dick’s strategy for combat. Fortunately, the three elite undead under Rivendell’s command have been severely suppressed for 75 days, and only less than half are left. , Otherwise Dick’s plan would not be able to be implemented.

Quantity! Quantity is always the only advantage that the undead’s natural disasters cannot beat! Even the lowest level of walking zombies, after reaching a level in number, can unsurprisingly defeat the powerful high elven kingdom Quel’Thalas. Without the number, the undead are nothing!


After fighting fiercely for nearly half an hour, Dick injected the last bit of holy energy into the warhammer and smashed it on the ground. The erupting wave of holy light instantly pushed back the hatred surrounding the three heads, watching the wailing scorched by the holy light. Detested, Dick took out a bottle of concentrated holy water from his rucksack and poured it into his mouth.

Bitterness, I definitely don’t want to drink the second bitterness after drinking it once, but it is this kind of bitterness that makes Dick’s depleted light alive again. He swings the warhammer with one hand and flicks his left hand forward. The glorious flail of Holy Light hit the head of Abomination. This was no longer the kind of trial it used to fight against Ramsden.

In the last three copies of Stratholme, Dick relied on the increasingly powerful “Trial of Order” to almost completely suppress the death knight-Rivendell’s frantic bombing. The last time he broke through the limit, Judgment in order, played with an effect similar to the “Fist of Heaven”.

What is the Fist of Heaven?

It’s very simple. It’s like Dick’s current situation. After the one-shot order trial, the flail of Holy Light does not disappear, but with Dick’s dancing, it continues to sweep across the other two loathing bodies like a real flail. , Supporting the ground with the fire of justice, Dick’s hand will continue to dissipate, and he will immediately receive a supplementary trial of order, dancing in a circle around his body.

Any undead who dared to enter this white glowing circle will be ruthlessly destroyed.

Dick could feel that this attempt should be the initial form of a more advanced knight’s secret technique-Divine Storm, but he still has a long way to go before he can fully understand the unique skills of punishing the knight in the game of Divine Storm. To go.


The last abominable head was blasted into the sky by the fire of justice mixed with great power. At the moment that huge body fell, Dick, who was covered in blood, stood with the fire of justice, with a gloomy and cold face. Rivendell in front of him.

Behind him, the undead…has already collapsed.

“Did you ever think about this day when you betrayed your compatriots? Bastard!”

Erigore held the long sword in his hand angrily, wishing to slash him with the sword in the next moment.

However, Dick looked at Rivendell’s indifferent eyes suspiciously. He had faced this guy 20 times and died under his hands 17 times. Dick knew Rivendell’s appearance better than anyone else. Those eyes, no It should exist, there should be two blood-red undead fires.

Dick frowned and looked at Rivendell who was blocking the rune sword in front of him. He increased his attention. The next moment, Rivendell’s message jumped into his eyes, but he was surprised.

“Rivendell-Semi-undead Rare Lord”


“Strength -85, Agility -70, Energy -200, Rune -4”

“Evaluation: This is the poor guy who has not completed the death knight ceremony. In this world where history has been changed, he probably will never have the chance to become a death knight.”


There was a sneer at the corner of Dick’s mouth, he had forgotten this! Kel’Thuzad was killed by him in the unnamed valley of Tirisfal more than three months ago. It should have been a transformation ritual for Rivendell by his own hands, but after Kel’Thuzad died, this The ceremony stopped, and Rivendell became half-dead.

No wonder Dick has been wandering in this city for so long, and only encountered a rare undead in Ramsden. The original OSS Countess Anastari, the pale Maleki, etc., have not been caught by Rivendell. Transformation, because he himself doesn’t have the ability to transform the undead.

Rivendell in this form is the complete death knight Rivendell that Bidick has experienced, but in terms of data, it is more than one-third weaker. Divine power is blessed to reach the new 100-point strength threshold. In front of Ke, he couldn’t even turn over a splash.

“Lord…you will probably be the weakest lord.”

Dick said something that Rivendell didn’t understand, and then hit it with a hammer, and then Erigore also swung his sword.

The battle almost ended before it even started. Twenty face-to-face encounters made Dick very familiar with Rivendell’s moves. After Erigore attracted the poor guy’s attention, Dick stretched out his left hand and slapped it. Blocking the cross cut of the rune sword, the metal screaming sounded. At the moment when Rieldale was surprised, Dick injected all the holy energy of his whole body into the fire of justice that had been waved by his right hand.

All the soldiers present saw the holy light rising into the sky, followed by a miserable wailing.

“Drip… Alsace’s request, complete”

“Reward: All attributes +15”

“Drip… Large historical node-Stratholme, complete”


“The review is complete, the current world twist is -11%, the new template-talent is open! New template-rank is open!”


Dick took a deep breath and smashed the holy water in his hand on Rivendell’s corpse. Looking at the ashes that were completely turned to ashes and the two remaining items in the ashes, Dick pursed his mouth.

If you really stopped the massacre at that time, it is estimated that you could get a perfect 6%, but… it doesn’t matter. Under his influence, the future history has changed by one-tenth, that is enough!

Watch it! I won’t come here in vain, I will change the world eventually!

In fact, he has already done it, hasn’t he?

————————————————– ————

The total list is 50! ! We have reached this goal! ! oy! ! The promised ten more will be released tonight, in three days, thank you brothers for your support!

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