Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 35

Chapter 4 .Bad news and total offense

“Dathrohan, if we continue to progress at this speed, we will be able to completely clean up Andorhal in two months at most!”

Uther was standing in the Dalungmir Lake where the poisonous fog had been dissipated by the mages. Two people stood on a small boat and looked at the sky in Andorhal with an engineering binoculars, performing a thrilling performance. “.

The Wildhammer dwarves who have been acquainted with the Knights of the Silver Hand dispatched their proud griffin brigade. Hundreds of griffins spread their wings and whizzed past Andorhal, those elite dwarves. Air knights, when approaching directly above the undead, they will throw their waist pockets from the air to the ground.

The pockets contain large disposable water sacs that have been magically compressed by the wizards. These water sacs made of common large bass fish skin are extremely malleable. Each water sac can hold 5 gallons of liquid. After the bag was filled with holy water, it was compressed to the size of a finger by the wizards, but because the weight did not change, a griffon rider could only carry a maximum of 20.

The undead of Andorhal, in the unique “bombing” offensive of the Wildhammer dwarves, the ground cleaning with all members of the Silver Hand and some elite recruits transferred from Stratholme has been reduced in this month. Halfway through, only those elite undead who were loyal to the summoner Araki were still hiding in the city center, lingering.

Dathrohan is a taciturn warrior. He is an absolutely trustworthy companion. Facing Uther’s joy, his face also showed a smile, although the first generation of Paladins were basically from the first World War. The people of the destroyed Stormwind Kingdom, but after living in Lordaeron for more than ten years, everyone also regards this as their homeland.

“Speaking of which, the quality of these recruits from Stratholme is really good!”

Uther personally rowed the boat to the shore. As soon as the two great knights came ashore, an attendant handed the reins to the horse. Uther rode on the horse and took a rare leisurely moment. Faced with his statement, three days ago Dathrohan, who had just rushed over from Stratholme, nodded again. This time, he said a few words rare.

“Dick Knight treats these recruits very crudely. It is completely different from our previous training methods. It’s like…like the wolves we saw in Elwynn Woods when we were young. When the young wolves grow up, the old wolves will They completely drove out the wolves and allowed these young wolves to form new wolves. Although cruel, these young lads grew up very quickly in battle!”

As one of the leaders of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Dathrohan does not like to talk, but if you think he is really stupid, then you are a naive fool. Of course Uther heard Dathrohan’s implication. He touched his beard,

“Hey, I also know that Knight Dick is using this method to prove that the plan he proposed is feasible, but… if he really does that, the first one who won’t let him go is His Majesty Terenas. The Paladins, an elite unit that can have one enemy and many, must be in the hands of the real class in charge of this country. This is already the scope of the king’s power.”

Dathrohan shook his head. He held the horse rein and carried an epee with a crusader inscription on his back. His previous warhammer had been destroyed in the fierce battle of Stratholme.

As Uther and Dathrohan were talking and walking towards the Andorhal camp, the two war horses leaped forward and backward from two directions, both of them were messengers with feather helmets, Uther Er frowned, he stretched out his hand and motioned for both messengers to come.

The great knight glanced at the badges on the chests of the two knights, and first reached out and took the letter from Alessandro. Uther moved his shoulders and opened the letter paper. After only one glance, he was completely stunned. Ground.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong! Uther!”

Dathrohan felt something wrong on the old friend’s face. He reached out and patted Uther on the shoulder. The latter recovered and handed the letter to Dathrohan, then grabbed the messenger and asked sharply. ,

“Are you sure it is Alsace?”

“Yes, Knight Uther, we can be sure!”

The messenger gritted his teeth and said, “After Lord Mograine received a request for help from Lordaeron, he immediately rushed to Lordaeron with all the knights and priests of the Holy Light Monastery, but he encountered Arthas and A demon ambush like a spider beetle, Lord Lord is seriously injured! We have suffered heavy losses! We can only retreat to the Holy Light Monastery!”

“Lordaeron…Except for a small number of citizens who escaped from the sewers, all the other 60 citizens… were slaughtered!”

“What are you talking about! Lordaeron… Lordaeron is ruined?”

Dathrohan grabbed the knight’s shoulders with both hands, his sturdy arm armor squeaked, but the messenger knight was obviously also in sadness and despair. He wiped a handful of red eyes and said nothing. Suffering severe pain.

Until Dathrohan’s hands were forcibly opened by Uther, the silent great knight still couldn’t believe it, but faced with the oath the messenger knight gave to the Holy Light, Dathrohan, together with all the knights around, Are silent.

They couldn’t imagine what kind of **** scenes Lordaeron was like in the past three days, but one thing is certain, Lordaeron…the order of this country has disappeared at this moment.

The joy that Andorhal was about to be regained disappeared completely at this moment, because they were facing worse troubles. The entire Tirisfal region, with a population of up to 100 residents, was once Alsa mastered a certain evil spell. All turned into undead, then…

“Messenger! Go to the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel immediately and tell Gavinrad and the ascetics who stayed there that big trouble is coming! Let them all come over! We can’t stop the coming undead, we all have to die here. !”

Uther gritted his teeth and gave orders to the messenger in front of him. The messenger with tears on his face mounted his horse without saying a word, and ran toward the East Dalungmir area.

“Dathrohan, I need you to go to Hearthglen and find Ethanlion. Now is not the time to discuss the differences of ideas. I need you to take the paladins there to the border of Tirisfal and Dalongmir. Stop the coming undead for me, and don’t let them meet the undead of Andorhal!”

“give it to me!”

Dathrohan responded, flicked his whip, took his attendants, and hurried north.

Uther stared at the position in the west. He couldn’t imagine that if Alsace really wielded his troops eastward, relying only on the Knights of the Silver Hand and the local legions, it would really be able to block the army that is absolutely over a million people. ?

I…Is he really wrong? Dick’s absurd prediction… actually came true!

Speaking of Dick, Uther also noticed another messenger. His badge was a fist holding a warhammer. It was the symbol of the “Strongholm War”. He took a deep breath and made his heart disturbed. Ma’s calmed down, and then took the scroll in the messenger’s hand.

Uther opened his eyes and glanced, the anger that had just been suppressed rushed up again, he looked at the messenger knight with his head up and chested sternly, and asked loudly.

“Who gave him the right to call private soldiers privately? I don’t remember, I allowed him to call new soldiers in East Dalungmir!”

The messenger knight glanced at Uther. Although there was a little fear in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said forcefully.

“Our team leader said that when you received this letter, he had this right! He said…he said…”

“What else did that **** say?”

“The commander said… if you still have a little bit of wisdom, you will not be stupid enough to fight the coming war with the Knights of the Silver Hand. The commander said that there is no danger at all to defend Cidalongmir, the Knights of the Silver Hand. The only chance for the regiment to win is to unite with the Wildhammers of the Hinterlands to defend the Coldwind Camp and the Crusade Barrier, and then let Dalaran and Gilneas send troops to blockade the Silverpine Forest, and control the war in Tirisfal and Cedarlon The Mir area, otherwise, the entire northern Xinjiang will be plunged into death!”

After the messenger knight finished the first sentence, he gushed out all that Dick had told him. Of course, after finishing speaking, he glanced at Uther anxiously, the big man in front of him. The name of the knight is known to everyone throughout Lordaeron.

When Uther heard what the messenger said, he immediately constructed a complete defensive circle in his mind. Within a few minutes, he deduced the battle many times, and finally found that Dick’s strategy was absolutely immediate. One of the best strategies, the cold wind camp is remote, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the Crusader Barriers can continuously receive support from the entire area of ​​East Dalungmir. If the mages of Dalaran are willing to help, then Arthas was locked in the Tirisfal and Dalongmir regions, which was not a problem at all.

He touched his chin, and then took a close look at the paladin recruit with his head up and chest up in front of him. He pondered for a moment.

“Recruit, what’s your name?”

“I… My name is Herod, a recruit warrior in Stratholme!”

The messenger knight was a little nervous, but also a little proud, Uther asked curiously.

“Recruit Warrior, what title is this?”

“Ah, this, this is the title that the strongest among the recruits can get!”

The messenger knight deliberately or unintentionally displayed the three bars of golden silk thread hanging on his chest, and said proudly,

“I am the strongest of the recruits in this period! I took my “Warrior” team and slaughtered 200 elite undead to get this title!”

Herod brags. Although their squad is the strongest, it is impossible to kill 200 elite undeads. In fact, their kill count was maintained at 173 in the end, but this is already the highest among the 100 squads. The highest one.

“Oh! Stratholme’s undead deserves the name “Warrior”!”

Uther exclaimed, and when Herod was very proud, he smiled and said,

“Then, bring your warrior squad to Andorhal, as you have seen, a fierce battle is about to take place here, and I need a warrior like you!”

Herod was obviously moved. This was an invitation from Uther-Lightbringer, but in the end he shook his head.

“Forget it, the general attack on Stratholme is about to begin. I have already made an oath at the “Sworn Meeting” a week ago. This time, I must win the title of “Warrior” again. At that time, I can call myself the “Warrior of Stratholme”!”

“General attack? What general attack?”

Uther stunned, and then he saw Herod turn his horse’s head, waving his whip, and shouting back at the same time,

“Captain Dick has determined to eradicate Rivendell, the traitor entrenched in Stratholme, and officially launched a raid at midnight today. I can’t delay any longer. Goodbye, Great Knight, you…you are a kind person!”

Uther stood on the spot and heard Herod’s “good guy card”. He was not angry. Instead, he turned his eyes to the east. He was a great knight and felt a sense of frustration at this moment.

A week ago…Alsace hadn’t returned yet…Are you still wary of the darkness in the corner while we celebrated the victory?

Dick…Dick-Tang, are you really the messenger sent by the Holy Light to save this disaster?


“Guards! Immediately send a distress letter to Dalaran, Gilneas and Alterac, send a messenger to Hearthglen, and let Dassault Han come to the Coldwind Camp to see me! And… another 1,000 people will be mobilized from Tyr’s Hand Recruit, send to Stratholme battle group!”

————————————————– ————————————————– —————-

Ahhhhhhhh! Brothers work harder, rush to the top 50 of the new book list, at least let me show a face on the second page! I rushed past, but I couldn’t do it! Ten more! I’ll make ten more if you rush past it! When I can get to the first page, I will give it up, please take two days off, write some crazy crazy, in return to my brothers! !

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