Ash and Honey [BL]

Chapter 30: Strange Auction House Dealings part 2

A fantastical visage of a grand golden auditorium assaulted his eyes, and the fragrance of incense filled his nose. It was a burning wood scent, reminiscent of Tian Han. However, it lacked the subtle sweetness of honey, and thus, it was far from pleasant.

Just like the outside, the interior of the building was filled with opulence. Tall golden pillars stood as the structural integrity of the auction house. Fine seats sat in neat rows lined up next to one another, and people in formal dress gossiped in hushed tones.

However, the guard didn't stop there and instead opened a separate door. After the conversation they just had, Fu Ran had every right mind to not ask questions. His lips were hushed.

Worry was still present in his studdery footsteps, but Tian Han walked with a measured calm, his hands clasped neatly behind his back. He didn't glance back even once, moving like he knew exactly where to go. 

Fu Ran frowned, the weight of curiosity finally winning out. "That black card earlier…" He probed, "What was it? I've never seen anything like it."

Tian Han didn't answer immediately. Instead, he continued walking, his pace steady and unhurried. Fu Ran's brow furrowed.

"Tian Han," Fu Ran tried again, his tone firmer this time. "You're not going to pretend I didn't ask, are you?"

"Would I do such a thing?" Tian Han finally answered. Yet he had the gall to do so while sounding amused. He glanced over his shoulder, just enough for Fu Ran to catch the faintest flicker of a smile. "It's not something you need to worry about."

"That doesn't answer my question," Fu Ran muttered under his breath, more to himself than Tian Han.

"It answered it well enough." 

They approached another stretch of the hallway. This path was much emptier than the previous ones, though it was embellished no less. Actually, there were elements of it that were even fancier than the main auditorium hall, like it was meant for the rich. Large embroidered tapestries hung on the wall, and the lanterns were each carved with symbols of Jinan.

When they finally stopped, Fu Ran noticed it wasn't because the hallway had reached its end, but because they stood in front of a lone door. It was unassuming compared to everything else—no carvings, no jewels, just plain, dark wood with a single golden handle.

Tian Han's hand rested lightly on the door handle now.

"What's this place?" Fu Ran asked.

"A room far from prying eyes. Please behave when we enter," he responded in a whisper.

When the door opened, blackness enveloped Fu Ran's vision. There was only a faint light glinting over what looked to be an empty stage with the curtains drawn shut. In the darkness, there were people scattered all around. They hid along the edges in groups of varying numbers.

The scene somehow felt like a cult.

The added footsteps caught the attention of the people. Like a wall of eyes, the two cultivators were watched from many angles.

The seats were scattered with beautiful women and handsome men, most of their features obscured behind their whispering masks. Despite the tensions being so thick they were palpable, Tian Han sat in the frontmost center seat.

"Are you an idiot? What are you doing? Everyone is looking at us," Fu Ran whispered.

Tian Han smiled softly and gently reached up to capture his wrist. "Shizun, right now they're not looking at me. They're looking at you. Now sit down."

He paused, only his heartbeat pounding in his ear. They were looking.

Why were dozens of eyes suddenly on him? Fu Ran suddenly couldn't spare a single breath. What were they saying? Practice whispers were hidden behind fans and gloved hands, and soft laughter froze him on the heel of his feet.

"By gods, why did I think this was a good idea? I'm a recluse! And now I've jumped into one of the most difficult social situations possible," he muttered. His words were quiet, hopefully even unheard by the Tyrant Emperor.

The nightlife in Jinan was just so different from his own. Some evenings, he might have the urge to go sit under his tree. And then maybe—just maybe—he might add a few drops of honey to his tea.

Fu Ran believed that to be a night of riveting excitement.

Before his mind could spiral further into panic, he felt Tian Han give a light tug. He stumbled, but was guided to sit beside his companion.

"Shizun, you are okay. You are in no danger."

"I'm not worried about that!" He tried to keep it below a whisper, but instead he sighed in defeat. "I know… I'm okay."

But now that he was left with his thoughts, he still couldn't calm his beating heart. He had already begun theorizing why he was brought here, on the hunt for Wan Yu, and nothing he came up with was reassuring. 

It only left a lump in his throat.


With a resounding click, click, the lights on the stage flicked on. 

Just as one would have imagined of an auction house, it was decorated garishly, akin to the Twin Summit's bedroom: filled with golds and reds. Down to the drawn red curtain, and the shining hardwood floors, it was the lap of luxury.

A single figure clad completely in white, identical to the guard, stood in the center.

"Welcome dear guests," the voice of the man spoke out over the crowd, signifying the demand for silence in the room. "The Treasures of Life is the one place where you can always be assured that you will receive a tremendous experience." He crossed an arm over his chest and drew an arc in the air, like a performer. 

"I am sure you are waiting now, with bated breath, to see our special menu tonight."

The crowd was drawn in, no differently than a show. Had the Tyrant Emperor taken him to a play rather than the auction house? Fu Ran let his chin lazily droop onto a bent wrist.

Just as he opened his mouth to question, a painfully loud squeak took over the room. Something large and metal was being drug across the floor. It dried up any words he wanted to say in an instant.

The tenseness that has just begun to fade away came barreling back with a soft whine from behind the curtain.

"Let us start with the first item for sale today," the auctioneer said. With the wave of his arm, the backdrop of red parted. 

A cage sat directly in the center of a bright white stage light. 

Fu Ran's breath hitched and in his shock he stood to his feet. "A girl?" he rasped. In a cruel display, the girl, about 13 or 14 knelt and gripped iron bars like she was holding on for dear life. She sobbed, but bit her lip in evidence of holding her tongue.

Fu Ran's simple action of pure disbelief, caused eyes all over the room to lock onto him once more.

The auctioneer chuckled. "How exciting! Is that a bidding? Well, well you didn't even hear the starting price. 500 silver, to the young man in the front!" 

"500 silver?" Fu Ran almost choked on nothing but a gasp. That was no small amount of money.

However, the price of money alone was nothing compared to this—he was livid. Fu Ran's hand lowered to his side, but before he could grab hold of Shi Wei Ji he was yanked back to his seat.

"Tian Han—" Fu Ran was cut off by a firm hand over his mouth, and Tian Han quickly interrupted.

"We'll buy, continue. We're expecting more purchases." He answered like it was nothing, nothing at all. He answered like buying a person was normal.

You damn Tyrant Emperor! He could barely contain the threats.

It was not like Fu Ran had never heard of people selling off their daughters, or sons, for some amounts of money. Back a decade ago, the old Peak Elder used to buy up young kids being sold for cheap and use them for labor.

Fu Ran wasn't naïve; He knew the world was cruel. But knowing didn't make it right. To see a life reduced to a price? Disgusting.

He breathed a heavy and frustrated sigh from his nose, and sunk deeper into his seat. Saying that he was out of his element was a steep understatement. The chatter of high-class guests slithered around him, oily and smug. It made his skin crawl. Just breathing the same air as them felt like a stain he could never wash off.

For even being in the same room with them, for even being this close to them. Fu Ran locked eyes with the small girl on stage. Even through blurry tear-soaked eyes, she watched him. Not pleading. Just watching. Like she had already given up.

The auction continued, Tian Han's hand an iron clamp over his mouth, pressing firm enough to smother every word before it left him. His blood boiled, and it boiled fast. 

Bets were thrown left and right, prices were put on children's faces and their bodies. All the while he tried to regain his composure. It felt like hours had already passed by, restrained from more sudden movements by the Tyrant Emperor. 

The auctioneer came back on stage and threw a gesture to the side of the stage. "Hopefully, you saved some budget! This one is unique, and has some lovely features! Incidentally it's also our last for the night." He played up his introduction as always, the same as he had done with many of the other children on stage.

When the next child was dragged onto the stage, there was no need for chains because he wasn't moving. His blue sect robes clung to him, dark with blood, and for one terrible moment, Fu Ran wasn't sure if he was even breathing.

Wan Yu.

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