Ash and Honey [BL]

Chapter 29: Strange Auction House Dealings part 1

Thanks to a little outside assistance, Fu Ran deemed his appearance positive. He couldn't do much about his face or the bags under his eyes, but at least his hair looked neat. The Tyrant Emperor works well with his hands, he thought begrudgingly.

By the time the two men exited the washroom, Meng Xiao had already climbed into bed and turned away. It looked like he had claimed an entire bed for himself and pushed Lin An off to the other. Well, can't be helped. I guess we weren't going to be sleeping anyway. Fu Ran brought a hand up to his lips to hide a smile.

Lin An twiddled her fingers over her lap, but her eyes lit up when she saw her teacher. "Shizun!! Your hair looks so pretty! Did you do that? Or did Tian Shibo?" She clapped her hands together, beaming. This was a much better look for his little disciple than worry and dread.

"I had some help. I'm glad it looks the part."

Lin An giggled and slid further back on the bed. "We'll be right here, don't worry! Try to at least… enjoy the night while you're looking for Wan Yu!"

He shared a look of curiosity with her before following Tian Han to the door. "All right. Lock the door and don't let anyone in unless it's us. Good night."

As the door slowly closed, both disciples called out. "Goodnight, Shizun!" "'Night."

The halls of the Twin Summit Inn were empty, and even the lobby was sparse. A single woman was propped up on the counter. She only gave a small peek of acknowledgment as Fu Ran and Tian Han left the building.

"So when are you going to tell me where we're going? What exactly did I get dressed up for?" Fu Ran questioned.

"Well, where does everyone in Jinan go when they're looking for something of great value?"

"For something of great value?" Fu Ran pressed a thumb to his chin. There were only a few places that matched that description. Really, there was only one place the Faceless City was truly known for. "You're talking about the auction house? Why would Wan Yu be there?"

Of course. Tian Han always had a way of keeping secrets just long enough to be insufferable. Fu Ran resisted the urge to sigh. He offered no response. But if Tian Han already had an idea, what reason did Fu Ran have to disagree?


Right past the Floating Bridge was Jinan's major shopping district. Fu Ran actually had a little experience here. He had bought some things when he was younger—nothing super important, but certainly some trinkets he still had today.

This place was called Guang Blind Alley. If memory served, this was actually the one place Yi Yang particularly wanted to visit. Because of his hoarding tendencies, he spent most of his money on personal assets here. It was much better than traveling all the way to the capital for similar quality goods.

Guang Blind Alley sat on a large circular walkway, with a fountain marking the center. The buildings curved along the outside edges, creating a spider web of tight alleyways leading who knows where.

Compared to the entrance gates, the festive decorations were toned down. This was for more serious shopping. Even the patrons were of noticeably higher caliber.

Here, men and women dressed in jewels and richly colored robes, only available to those with large pockets. 

A glimmer of fountain water caught Fu Ran's eye, and the shimmers inside drew him closer. More dazzling than the high-value gems were the creatures swimming beneath the rushing water.

"They have—" He couldn't hide his excitement as he pressed his hands on the edge of the fountain and looked in. "Koi!" Fu Ran cooed, wishing he'd brought snacks for them.

Tian Han chuckled. "Perhaps next time we can bring them some bread, but for now—" He sat on the edge of the fountain and pointed deeper into the shopping plaza.

Fu Ran pulled his gaze away from the ripples and followed Tian Han's hand.

Waiting for him was the building that naturally drew all attention. It was dazzling gold, a display of clear, affluent wealth. The roof stretched tall, the building wide, taking up almost the entire width of the floating bridge.

For most tourists, this was clearly the city's selling point. The massive staircase led up to it like a pedestal. Large hanging signs read plainly:

"Treasures of Life, Auction House." 

Fu Ran read the title aloud. "Isn't the auction house only for the obscenely rich? Or closed off entirely to those without money?"

Tian Han leaned a little closer, and his voice was hushed. "It's true. You must have money. or some good reason to be let in." He spoke quietly, as if to avoid eavesdropping.

"So then how are we getting in? I don't exactly have all the money in the world."

Fu Ran carried just enough coin for a mission. He could splurge on food or a nice room, but only because allotted mission money was planned by Shesui Lang.

He pulled out his small coin purse to count his gold coins. Both of his martial brothers had a shameful habit of babying him. When they learned he was actually going on a mission for the first time in years, they secretly added some funds out of their own pockets. But of course, he had no intention of spending it and even planned to give it back.

Even though he was considered 'well off' at the moment, he wasn't rich. Fu Ran shook his head. "No, this isn't nearly enough. Depending on how long we need to stay in the city—"

"Shizun, stop fretting. I'm not asking you to pay a dime," Tian Han said. He readjusted his posture, hands supporting his weight behind his back. "Just leave it to me."

His look of pride was not comforting in the least.

It was a look that simply said: I'm up to no good. Fu Ran knew it well. It was a look often seen on young disciples, especially when they thought they were getting away with something under their teacher's nose. He would know—he had frequently made that face himself in his younger days.

Tian Han abruptly stood and offered a hand. "Well, let's get going."

Dozens of people littered the pristine staircase of the Treasures of Life Auction House; They sat counting their cases of coin. Flaunting this much wealth so openly in the Faceless City seemed like a surefire way to get robbed. Yet they showed almost no fear.

Strange that in a city with so much crime, people seemed to fear it less.

A single man stood protective in front of the door, he barely moved. Wearing long white robes down to the ground, his feet were hidden. Silver designs traced the hem, elegant and refined. Most shockingly, a plain white mask covered his face. 

Unlike the extravagant and decorative ones preferred by citizens, this one had no features at all. There were no cut outs for eye holes, and it only loosely hugged to the shape of a face. It was a wonder how he could even do his job.

However, when Fu Ran got too close, the guard's hand rested on the tip of his sword. He most certainly could see.

"Wait, wait—" Fu Ran held both his hands up. "I um… We want inside."

The response was immediate. The guard wasted no time looking Fu Ran up and down, his hallow gaze completely unreadable.

"Do you have identification, or proof of funds?" he asked, an almost inhumane flatness to his tone. The guard's eyes were covered, but not well enough—His scrutiny was still so heavy and palpable. It was akin to appraising wares.

He made a noise like he had come to a realization: a "hm" of thought reverberating beneath the mask.

"Or," the guard murmured, and turned his head, as if dismissing Fu Ran without another glance. Instead, his attention shifted to Tian Han. "...Are you selling?"

Something about his tone, mixed with his apathetic, habitual way of speaking, conjured a frightening chill.

"No." Tian Han's answer slipped through tightened teeth like a threat. If he pulled out a weapon right now, that action might have matched his expression.

Fu Ran had felt the battle of fight or flight before, but rarely was it so clear he was unwelcomed. Tian Han stuck his palm in between the folds of his robes, and this simple action stole a startled flinch.

He pulled out a thin piece of black paper engraved with gold lettering on the front. 

"What's that…?" Fu Ran whispered, but he missed his chance to see it. The trade-off was too quick, and it was back in Tian Han's hands in only a moment.

"Forgive the implications," the guard said quickly. "Right this way, cherished guest."

Well, he certainly changed his tune. Fu Ran huffed, and crossed his arms. That had to have been some kind of black card. Does the Tyrant Emperor already have some type of unrestricted access?

He felt unease, that was the best way to describe the scene. Why did he feel like he witnessed a back door dealing?

"Ah, Tian Han wait—" Fu Ran hastily chased after his companion, and into the auction house.

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