Chapter 27: The Faceless City part 1
People called for attention throughout the entirety of the entrance road. As they passed by well-decorated buildings, dozens of people tried to lure them in. Tian Han seemed to be avoided since he walked with a different stride compared to the rest of the sheltered cultivators. With unknown levels of experience, he managed to shoo away attention as if he'd done so hundreds of times.
"Don't worry about it too much. The city lightens up the further you go in. There are not nearly as many salesmen and thieves," Tian Han explained. He seemed to have lost his previous angry demeanor, and his steps now lifted with even a slight saunter.
If Fu Ran were to guess, he even looked a tad…comfortable?
"That being said, the city does have dangers practically around every corner," Tian Han continued.
"It's dangerous? Like how? We gonna get mugged?" Meng Xiao asked. The boy crossed his arms, cocked his head, and caught up to Tian Han with a few fast strides. "Can I beat someone up if they try?"
"You absolutely can not." Fu Ran chastised.
A small chuckle escaped Tian Han's lips before he asked, "Well, what do you two kids know? The Faceless City is one of the most popular cities in the northern half of the nation. Have you not heard anything at all?"
"I've heard a little," Lin An said. "Some of the rumors in my hometown said that people who come here don't come back."
"Bingo." Tian Han smiled. It was almost like he didn't mind the crowds swerving around him, but he stopped mid-path and turned to look at her. "The city makes people vanish," he explained. The words slithered from Tian Han's lips like a snake. Such threatening words shouldn't have been said with that expression.
"Vanish?" Meng Xiao pulled back, face twisted in confusion.
Tian Han nodded. "Your face and name are entirely forgotten. There might be some small traces if you look, but the city does well to hide its secrets.
"People going missing or vanishing is a major reason why the city became known as 'The Faceless City.' You never really get to know people if you don't know who's behind the mask. You won't miss them. You also don't know who's committed a crime if they wear a mask. You see what I'm getting at?"
During the few trips outside, Fu Ran was always accompanied by the Peak Elder. So of course, he never witnessed such things in Jinan. But this sounded more like the lead up to a story. He had to ask:
"So then, people are freely allowed to do what they want? Anything?"
Tian Han exhaled, scanning the passing masked figures with an unreadable expression. "Jinan wasn't always like this. I don't know when it started, but at some point, everyone had to wear a mask."
Fu Ran frowned. "It was to hide their identity, right?"
Tian Han shook his head. "No. To blend in. Because if you stand out…" His gaze flicked to a shadowed alley where a hunched figure lingered, watching. "You get targeted."
Meng Xiao scoffed, arms still crossed. "What, so we just walk around pretending we don't exist? That's stupid."
Tian Han smirked. "It's survival." He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "You can be mugged or even killed just for looking different."
At this point, Lin An had wrapped her arms around Meng Xiao with a whimper. Even from beneath her mask, little droplets of tears were forming.
As if parting the sea of people, Tian Han walked even closer to the floating bridge, the one connecting the two massive inn buildings. Even here, the scenery looked as though it were fit for festivities. These were less of the traditional type and more made to feel exciting. Large streamers and characters wrote out the words "Joyous Celebration." However, these decorations would have been here every single night.
Fu Ran didn't remember the air feeling this heavy when he last visited during his training years. Large buildings stretched so much higher than he remembered, making even the Tyrant Emperor look small. The inn building had more fancy decorations and rows of lit lanterns all the way up to its roof. It had become thirteen stories tall in the seven or eight years that had passed.
The twin inn buildings dropped large banners from the sides. With the wind blowing through the bridge connection like a tunnel, they flew wildly despite their size. During a span of calm air, the words could be read clearly, written in bright red ink: Twin Summit Inn, the name of the only room rental building in Jinan.
"Tian Shibo?" Lin An called loudly while he walked deeper into the crowds.
Tian Han took in a deep breath like he was smelling long-forgotten air. He stretched his arms wide, letting the flickering lantern light catch in his golden eyes. "And no one will even tell you that they secretly love it!" His voice rang through the street, loud enough that passing strangers turned their heads.
"Your mother goes missing? Forget her. Your kid? Forget them too. Your troubles? …Forget everything."
For a moment, the hum of the city seemed to pause—just for a fraction of a breath. Then, just as quickly, the moment passed. Conversations resumed, merchants continued their calls, and masked faces moved along, uncaring.
Fu Ran felt a sharp thud in his chest.
Was it because Tian Han's speech sounded like it was from firsthand experience? Was it because he walked these streets like they were his own? Something about his actions showed distaste. Contempt.
Tian Han grimaced and lowered his head, obscuring even more of his face. His shoulders dropped, and his arms fell by his side. "...That is the culture of the Faceless City," his words were quieter now.
Fu Ran's fingers curled tightly around Lin An's hand and Meng Xiao's collar, like something could steal them away. The city suddenly felt colder, its streets wider, its people more distant. The air pressed down on him like a heavy, invisible hand.
Lin An shifted against his grip, muttering, "Shizun, you're squeezing too hard."
Tian Han's explanation was perfect. Jinan lived in ignorant bliss, regardless of who had to suffer. Fu Ran, at this very moment, couldn't shake the underlying thought that there was still quite a lot he didn't know about the father-son duo.
Few words were exchanged after Tian Han's speech beneath the bridge, leaving only a small yawn to fill the silence. Fu Ran was used to sleepless nights, but both of the young disciples went to bed on a schedule set by the sect. While Meng Xiao seemed the type to power through a day or two if needed, even he looked exhausted.
Fu Ran forced a weary smile. "Should we buy a room for the night?"