Ash and Honey [BL]

Chapter 26: The Tyrant Emperor's Threats

The trek to the gates of the Faceless City was long and steep. However this amount of walking would really only provide problems for the elderly. Children and young adults of moderate health should have been fine to traverse it.

Fu Ran wasn't elderly, though. So why had he grown so tired?

He could feel his hermit tendencies weighing on his body. Until now, he hadn't realized how out of shape he truly was. He was beginning to mentally praise Tian Han for digging up the graveyard earlier, because had he not, Fu Ran could imagine himself in an even worse state of being. Only about half of the mountain had been traversed when the strain on his thighs and calves became apparent.

He started to drag his feet more noticeably, and his eyes locked onto Tian Han's when he heard a small chuckle. Damn you, Tyrant! Why do you look so excited!?

They were so close to the destination, yet when he made eye contact, those golden eyes lit up. He watched as though he was waiting for some excuse to be given. How infuriating. He was clearly being looked down upon.

Finally Tian Han opened his mouth with a content smile. "Shizun, are you okay? Do you need a rest? I can carry—"

Feeling a sudden wave of inadequacies, Fu Ran shook his head and laughed shakily. Before that sentence could be finished, he interrupted, "Nonsense! What kind of Peak Master would be overexerted from such little exercise!"

Fu Ran really felt as though he was being played like a fool, again. His words went quiet, but his mind certainly didn't.

How have I wasted so much time? Fu Ran grit his teeth.

Most days he couldn't be made to get out of his bed. Other days you couldn't get him in bed for fear of what he might see in his dreams.

There were weeks where his mind didn't bother him with terrible nightmares, but when his brain hit a turbulent period, he would go days on end without sleeping at all. This left heavy bags under his eyes to the point where he would sometimes be made to cover them with make-up. 

And when these weeks came about, the only thing that promised results, was to rid his room completely of distractions. Zhi Lao had taken it upon himself to remove all of Fu Ran's books, his papers and pens, and even laid down rules that stated that he was not to leave his bed at all until he slept.

During the last three years of solitude, those stolen things were what brought him comforts. And in a single week's time, his own attitude had gotten them confiscated, and returned back into the library and records hall. Because Zhi Lao knew Fu Ran wouldn't cross, they were taken through those tall white walls of Xing Xing Pavilion's Entrance Hall.

Those were some of the few times Fu Ran had truly disliked his martial brother.

Jinan had become a beacon in front of the group. The city lights completely encompassed the entrance sign, almost as if it were daylight. The biggest difference was that the light came from brightly colored lanterns rather than the sun. Even the street walkways looked like a rainbow of color, gently swaying as the lanterns shifted in the wind.

The guard by the gate paid no mind other than a simple acknowledgment, his attention drawn to a beautiful woman. Both of them wore gem-encrusted masks that covered the upper half of their faces. This was a staple piece of the Faceless City.

"Everyone, please take one of these," Fu Ran said before they fully entered the walls. With that, he procured four masks from his bag. They were all fit for cultivators of An Xian Yun Peak—simplistic white with an embroidered silver tree representing the sect's symbol.

"We have to wear masks?" Meng Xiao asked.

"Yes, and you are not to take them off. Not until we are in the privacy of the inn. I will explain in more detail as we go," Fu Ran added.

Only a few steps inside the city revealed the true differences from the small farming village down the mountain. Aside from the major capital, this was one of the largest cities in the nation. The buildings were grand, the people many, and even gold and jewelry were abundant.

Civilians filled balconies by the dozens, smoking, laughing, and drinking who knows what. The streets were full of people shopping and living in extravagance unknown to the remote residents of An Xian Yun Peak.

Lights were strung up on every building, and lanterns hung from every food stall. People brushed shoulders and shared the air in close proximity. The smell of more adult entertainment lingered, making it clear why there weren't many children wandering the streets at night. This was not a place for the faint of heart.

"What's that? A really big building!" Lin An asked. Her hand pointed straight down the center street of Jinan.

There were a few things in her line of sight. A large bridge that stretched above the streets connected two massive inn towers. This one residence held the most tourism one would find outside the capital.

"You mean the inn? Or are you talking about the building deeper in?" Tian Han answered.

Lin An adjusted her mask and nodded. "The other one. The roof is covered in gold!"

"That would be the auction house." Tian Han crossed his arms and smiled. "That's a place you don't need to be. In fact, that's a place you don't want to be, unless you're looking for trouble." He explained it like it was common knowledge.

Fu Ran had never been there either, so he was puzzled. He knew about it, of course. In fact, part of him was looking forward to it when he figured out he had to come here anyway.

"They sell a little bit of everything, don't they?" Fu Ran asked.

"And a lot of things you might not even be able to imagine."

What a vague response, Fu Ran thought.

"Follow your Shizun and your Shibo. Don't get lost, okay? It's a very big city, and you might not be able to find us." With that, Fu Ran gave a firm nod before heading past the gates of the Faceless City.

The clusters of people were so thick and suffocating, Fu Ran had to weave in and out of personal spaces. He only turned his head to occasionally check on the two children, despite already giving them the much-needed talk on the way here. Jinan wasn't a place one wanted to be without reason, and he was a good and pure master of An Xian Yun Peak, so he simply had no reason.

Looking to his children rather than his feet, Fu Ran moved by sheer instinct alone. To his distaste, he weaved his way right into the arms of a salesman, the likes of which plagued the streets.

Fu Ran yanked his head upward to see who had planted hands on his upper arms. His eyes met with a handsome man with smooth dark hair and eyes. The mask could only hide so much, so his features were evidently pretty.

Bringing his face closer to Fu Ran's, the pretty man muttered sweetly, "Oh. Gege, you have gorgeous eyes. Would you like to try something sweet?"

The invasive man held onto one of Fu Ran's arms, and his free hand held a small case of candies. With the positioning, he was forced to look at them. They sparkled, glistening in the dancing lights of the nearby lanterns.

"No, I—"

"The first one can be free for you," the pretty salesman interrupted, his voice rich and intrigued. His hand snaked behind Fu Ran's back, blocking off easy escape routes. "You might even be dying to come back for more."

Fu Ran went to take a step away, but the back of his robes had clearly been caught. He raised his hands in front of his body, hoping to build a barrier. He opened his mouth to refuse the small treats.

"Wait, um—" As soon as his lips parted, a marble-like piece pressed against them. Fu Ran's eyes widened in shock.

The ball of sugar hit his tongue and sat there. There was a sweet, subtle taste, and another light floral flavor. He didn't have much time to linger on the concerning hint beneath the sweetness. It was hard to identify with the other profiles overpowering it. Generally, it was nice. He really loved sweets, after all.

Fu Ran felt a different body press up against his back and an arm hook around his shoulder. Tian Han's voice presented itself, so he didn't have to look to know who it was.

"That will be enough. We aren't interested." His words sounded threatening, more reminiscent of the tyrant emperor he knew.

"Oh, but me and Gege were talking. Please don't mind us."

The salesman's eyelashes fluttered for a moment, confused, before his eyes widened in shock. His tone took on a stutter, and he said, "S-Sorry, sorry!" Nearly stumbling backward, he bumped into some women walking behind him and scuttered away like an insect.

What kind of intimidation tactics does the Tyrant Emperor have to make someone turn tail so quickly?

"I don't need aid," Fu Ran clarified, planting his feet more firmly on the walkway. However, all of his might wasn't enough to ground him as Tian Han led him away from the growing crowd, and into a tight alley. Nervous that he was being led away from his children, Fu Ran strained to look, but Tian Han stood in the way of his view. 

"Tian Han, what are you doing?" 

An open palm landed right before his lips. "Spit it out," Tian Han demanded.

Fu Ran's brow twitched at the absurdity. "And why should I listen to an unruly ask like that?" His words came out a little funny because of the hard candy in his cheek. He swirled it into the other and was half-tempted to chomp down in retaliation.

What an atrocious command. Fu Ran opened his mouth to chastise, but a firm hand clamped over his lips.

"Don't make a scene." A nose pressed to the side of his head, and soft lips were far too close to his ear.

Fu Ran jumped when a wave of goosebumps crawled from his neck to his wrists. It was only meant to be a whisper, but it wracked his body down to his fingertips.

This scene is too familiar. He flinched. Fu Ran wanted to yell at him, nothing but hateful words and curses. However, cold chills distracted his brain.

You damned Tyrant Emperor—

Tian Han's whispered words tickled the bangs of hair by Fu Ran's ear, stunning him silent.

"Spit it out. It's a drug."

Fu Ran's eyes widened beneath the mask.

"Do I need to pry it out, Shizun? I'd rather you not be poisoned within minutes of entering Jinan," Tian Han demanded again, but this time his fingertips were already pressing between pursed lips.

Fu Ran wore a look of disbelief. No matter how he tried to phrase it, that was a clear threat! He was only a thought away from pulling Shi Wei Ji out to slice the man in two, but a soft voice of worry made him rethink that choice.

"Poison? Is Shizun going to be okay?" Lin An asked.

Of course, she was right behind Tian Han, right where they were told to stay. However, with his disciples at risk of seeing this pathetic scene, Fu Ran's wrist came in contact with Tian Han's hand, knocking it away in a single strike. How dare this tyrant act a fool in front of my students. Fu Ran's brow lowered, and his mouth was drawn into a line.

Fu Ran brought his hand up to his mouth and spit out the "candy" into his own palm. The outside had already started to dissolve. Squishing the pearl between his fingers, the shell cracked and opened, revealing white powder. Some of it had already reacted with his saliva and become congealed.

He kneeled to the ground, took out his water satchel, and rinsed his mouth. The candy shouldn't have been on his tongue long enough to cause any effects. He hoped.

The white and gold mask had been pushed up to hold Fu Ran's bangs out of his eyes. He coughed up any remnants of the substance before scowling at Tian Han. 

A near-solid white mask obscured Tian Han's eyebrows, along with any squinting that might have shown anger. Not a single intention could be gathered from the tyrant's amber eyes.

I despise gold.

"Drugged?" Meng Xiao asked, a small smirk forming as he tugged at Fu Ran's mask. 

"Something amusing? This shizun is fine."

Fu Ran dusted the candied powder. The remaining wetness stained his lips and chin until he raised a hand to wipe it away.

Most of his current stressors could have been avoided, had he not been inclined to act like a spoiled brat. Fu Ran tried to rationalize his decision, but the Tyrant Emperor caught his glare.

I can't work with a man like him.

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