Ash and Honey [BL]

Chapter 15: Residual Aftereffects part 2

Fu Ran's garden gate creaked open, revealing a figure beyond the gap.

Well… there is one downside to his new schedule… Fu Ran thought. He did his best to hide a grimace behind the hem of his sleeve when his glance landed on Tian Han.

For the last few weeks, Fu Ran had been visited by walking death itself. The Tyrant Emperor never missed a single day. Only when his appearance was noticed did he smile.

"Now, go practice your sword swings properly. Work on your form for now." Fu Ran gave his kids a simple task, one that wouldn't cause injuries to worsen or appear.

Fu Ran's eyes turned cold as soon as he was alone. "Come in," he muttered and walked towards his outdoor table.

Tian Han quickly trailed. "Thank you Shizun." His tone shifted to one of pure glee.

"Stop calling me that, it sounds gross coming from you." Fu Ran sat lazily on a red upholstered stool, and propped his cheek on a bent wrist. "I don't intend to raise a grown man, so there's no need for that title." 

This was the downside. No other Peak Master in the recent history of An Xian Yun Peak had to deal with an adult intruding on their private lessons. Why had the Tyrant Emperor's fascination become unquenchable? Did he not understand he was unwanted? Obliviousness was hardly a virtue.

In the passing weeks, the dreams had lessened in their severity, so Fu Ran wasn't nearly as irritable at Tian Han. But he still did not trust him. 

Tian Han adjusted the red umbrella just enough to fully shield Fu Ran, and the burning sun was replaced by a comfortable coolness. Despite the earlier bad looks, Fu Ran poured two cups of tea. He turned to watch the children as the seat to his left shifted. 

"Shizun, I brought you a gift."

Fu Ran's face tensed when he saw a little wrapped box. It was elegantly tied up in ribbons. "Another one? I don't need you to keep buying me things."

Tian Han certainly lived a life of excess if he was willing to splurge on gifts like treats or trinkets as frequently as he did. Fu Ran lifted his tea to his lips and lowered his lashes to the box.

"I heard you broke a teacup last week," Tian Han said quickly, when it looked like Fu Ran was going to reject it.

"And?" Fu Ran blinked, confused. "Wan Yu did not do it. Why are you buying replacements?"

Tian Han stiffened, and he lowered his head, still not allowing his smile to falter. "Can you at least open it? I doubt anyone else would like it…"

So, is this just excess baggage? Did the Tyrant Emperor overpack? Fu Ran withheld a breath and lowered his teacup. With a gentle pluck, he undid the ribbon. It unfurled in a smooth, unbroken line, untouched by a single wrinkle

The box was clearly packed with a delicate hand, so with the same amount of precision, Fu Ran lifted the lid. 

"Oh," his eyes widened.

An elegant teacup painted with careful strokes of purple and pink. The dropping petals of wisteria blossoms decorated one side of the cup, while the other was endorned in weightless falling petals. The rim was a shimmering gold, almost light, like it was mixed with another metal. This kept the appearance delicate, and not gaudy.

"It's…" Fu Ran held the tea up two fingers and gently rotated it for viewing. "It's quite lovely."

Tian Han sat up straight, like he had been praised. Excited, he ran his thumb over the rim of his drink in a habitual motion. "Is it to your taste?"

Yes. He admitted that it was.

Fu Ran turned his head to watch the children practice. Be still, he muttered. Kindness is not so much of a rare commodity that you need to beat for a tyrant. Fu Ran covered his mouth with his sleeve and chastised his own heart. After a brief moment, he answered.

"I will use it." Simple and curt, and then he added, "But not while the children are practicing. Lest it get shattered."

The petals fell over his students like rain, landing in pink piles that they tirelessly swept up at the end of the day. He took a drink, enjoying the quiet peace. The tea was cooler now than when it was first poured, but not enough that it ruined the taste.

Aside from the obvious changes, Fu Ran's days remained mostly unchanged.

Zhi Lao visited him less, only four of the seven weekly days, and Shesui Lang never visited anyways, so that remained unchanged. He now had three disciples, but one was still in recovery. That meant that even the training was easy going. For now he relaxed. Even the children worked for only an hour or two, and then played.

Fu Ran grimaced and cut a glance to Tian Han, who was already waiting for his glance. The biggest difference was him. Never before had Fu Ran told his martial brothers about the contents of high nightmares—they wouldn't get it. But that meant that he couldn't share his woes with anyone. No one would understand why Tian Han's visitation put him so on edge.

Tian Han swirled his cup of tea and leaned a shoulder closer to Fu Ran, nearly enough to touch. "Should I make some snacks?" he whispered. "...Or I could also slice some fruits and bring some honey."

"You don't tire of bringing snacks?" Fu Ran asked genuinely. "If you insist, then ask the children what they prefer instead." 

Tian Han's smile twitched and his brows furrowed together in dismay. Tell the Tyrant Emperor 'No' and the first time he plays it off. However, the second time seemed to shatter his will. This small quirk became noticeable after the first week or so. He had to fight back a dubious smirk.

However, the sounds of crunching grass swayed Fu Ran's smirk away immediately. "Outside today, princess?" A familiar nickname from a familiar voice.

Fu Ran shuddered at the sound. There goes my sense of normalcy, he thought.

Shesui Lang dropped himself onto the bench with an exaggerated sigh, papers in hand. The entire table's contents shook when he propped his elbows against the cloth.

"Tired?" Fu Ran cocked his eyebrow.

"You don't know the half of it!" Shesui Lang whined, "You still get to sleep the days away if you want."

Fu Ran fought away a grimace. "What do you want?"

"Oh? Really wanna know? Even if you won't like it?" 

"Hm?" Fu Ran's brows lifted, the papers Shesui Lang held were dropped to the table. As Fu Ran read the words, his eyes widened. "A mission?"

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