Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 34 - Grand retreat

At the end of the sky, there was a blast of earth-shattering explosions, and the brilliant flashes of explosion exploded above the sky like fireworks.

The dense swarm of migratory locusts formed an insurmountable line of flesh defense in front of the worm nest. Looking at Su Ran’s location, a huge black wall appeared between the sky and the ground.

Every second, hundreds of thousands of Zerg descend from mid-air, but more locusts are lifted up.

The endless migratory locusts slowly rose from the dim **** sun, and collided with the fighter cluster in mid-air.

The puppet formation of the puppet army is galloping in the sky and the locust swarm like a sharp arrow.

The puppet fighter formation of the puppet army was like a flying bird crashing into a huge black wave.

In the ice city at this moment, countless corners, countless people are looking up at the sky, and have a panoramic view of this scene. Every survivor base is a deadly silence.

However, after the huge roar of fighter clusters, another voice sounded in the city.

That is the hissing sound of insect tide. Ten million roads converge in one place, penetrating the sky and the earth. Then, the earth rumbles and shakes.

At this moment, Su Ran, who had followed the chaotic crowd to the outside, clearly felt the shock.

The momentary silence was replaced by chaos instantly, and Su Ran saw an inch of violent sudden explosion on the ground.

Puppet—that is, the digging worm is walking at a high speed from under the ground.

Under the glow of the setting sun, Su Ran saw an armored vehicle in the distance. Xiao Zherui, the head of the Third Hospital Survivor Base and the second mixed battalion commander of the 793th Brigade, stood on the roof of the armored vehicle and watched the ground crack. Opened and gave a heartbreaking roar: “Withdraw !!!”

Soon, the loud noise drowned everything.

The hospital building in the middle of the Third Hospital vibrated violently, and then, with a huge noise, a huge armored meat worm broke out of the ground, and the overall appearance was like the legendary sand dune death worm. The huge mouthparts, the edge of the mouthparts, have four wildly twisted tentacles, but the mouthparts are densely packed with sharp teeth, which are arranged in a circle, and only one glance is enough to scare the patient of dense phobia, and Around its mouthpiece, there are a large number of scale armors, heavy like armor, and underneath, it is the red and white disgusting flesh and blood body.

This is one of the Zerg digging units. It feeds on sand and soil, and its body is unprecedentedly large. At this moment, it burrowed out from the bottom of the three hospitals. The huge body was all the way up, and the entire building was shaking, with a spider-like crack. Exploded on the wall, gravel, dirt, and rolled down, the ground even began to collapse!

In the huge hollows of the depression, a large number of black beetles and slaughterers surged up like tides.

Humans are staring at the Worm Nest, and in the same way, the Worm Nest is also staring at the human survivor base, preparing for the destruction of all survivor nodes set up by the military in the ice city.

This is also the moment. From the far end of the street, the hissing sound of the insect tide is getting closer, and in the sound of the rumbling earthquake, a huge black tide comes from the end of the street.

That is the real Kuroshio.

The cymbals pressed their heads, stacked them one by one, and covered the land. This kind of landforms also stacked ten meters high, crushing everything on the street, smashing the buildings on both sides, and rushed madly.

At this moment, the two army ’s wheeled rocket launchers fired wildly. The rolling waves of dust rose into the sky, and the shrill sound of the rockets tearing the air rang through the street, becoming the strongest firepower to block the frontal wave of insects.

In the middle of the Third Hospital, the ground digger was tearing the entire building. Under its swaying huge body, the dense black beetle strung wildly among the survivors like wolves!

Puppet building will fall, and the swarm of insects will be overwhelming. In this case, everyone is panicking and fleeing, screaming everywhere, and people escaping everywhere.

The puppet army’s troops are doing their best to withdraw the survivors from here.

The survivor and the black beetle were mixed, and there was no way to use heavy weapons. Ye Qijun rushed in with his company and slammed the black beetle in one direction.

连 The company commander held a gun in his hand, while firing fiercely, he yelled, “Withdraw! Everyone withdraws!”

青 His forehead and blue tendons were exposed, and the current two slaughtermen were directly shredded into **** by the powerful firepower of the military. However, in the overwhelming stench of blood, more dense slaughtermen rushed from behind.

However, the swarm swarmed back and forth, and the second digging worm came out of the ground at this moment. The main building of the three hospitals was disintegrating, and a few tons of boulder fell to the ground.

It is no longer possible to hold on here. The military is adopting a preparatory plan. The troops are reduced to zero, and the survivors are compiled.

As the garrison of the three hospitals, their mission is not to attack the worm nest, but to protect the survivors’ retreat. Prior to this, Xiao Zerui’s military had received the news, so they were barely prepared.

However, the fierceness of these insect swarms is beyond their imagination. According to the original plan, the attacking troops of the military should conduct a decisive battle on the front battlefield and the insect nest to contain the insect surge army. The survivors in these ice cities will be A full retreat can be organized, however, unexpectedly, at the same time that the military launched an attack, these alien zergs also launched a crazy counterattack on survivor base nodes throughout the city, making them fiercely scary.

Suddenly at this moment, the air in the field suddenly dropped several degrees, and the people instinctively separated to the sides. I saw that in the dense and chaotic crowd, a beautiful woman appeared.

That is Li Yilan, the awakener. Since this time, she has become more and more familiar with her abilities. At this time, when she shot, she stopped several slaughterers, and attracted the survivors.

At this time, Ye Qijun was moving in the other direction, pulling a survivor off the ground and repulsing a slaughter with a shot, and then a sharp hissing sounded in his ear. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

A black beetle rushed from the side, opening up a large number of survivors, trampled to death, and rushed straight to Ye Qijun’s side!

In the chaotic battlefield, Ye Qijun felt as though his heart was cold.

In the case of a single soldier, with the weapon he is currently equipped with, it is impossible to shake a black beetle directly.

的 All his comrades-in-arms are scattered, and it is even more impossible to cooperate.

This situation will undoubtedly die!

Ye Qijun gritted his teeth and pushed away the survivor: “Run!”

Then he just squatted down here and shot at the black beetle madly-he couldn’t run, he had to stop the black beetle, at least to attract the attention of the black beetle, otherwise, let it go and kill it all the way I don’t know how many innocent survivors are going to die!

His firepower can’t withstand this black beetle, but he is a soldier, he chooses to withstand this black beetle with his life!

However, at this moment, Ye Qijun suddenly heard a strange buzzing sound. With this sound, the body of the black beetle blasted open a blood hole, and the body was forced to stop.

Immediately afterwards, a figure was holding a weird hand cannon, walking step by step from side to side, firing three shots at the head of the black beetle, and directly killing the scary black beetle on the spot!

Looking at this scene, Ye Qijun could not help but widen his eyes in surprise, and what made him even more surprised was that he knew the person who saved his life.

That was the nail house of the third hospital that he had a side with before!

After the last meeting, Ye Qijun also inquired curiously.

If you remember correctly, this person … seems to be called Su Ran? !!

This guy is actually a master? !!

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