Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 33 - He must be a doomsday merchant!

佳 Chen Jianan heard the words, and immediately came to spirit, curious, “Boss, what do you think he does?”

“In my opinion, he is probably the kind of eschatological businessman who specializes in dumping supplies in the survivor base in the eschatology!” Lin Yuandong said sternly.

Chen Chenan said: “How is this possible? Boss, how do you see?”

“Think with your mind!” Lin Yuandong analyzed. “He has so many supplies, and the variety is so rich and complete, can ordinary survivors have them? I think 80% of them are bartered and traded! And I Did n’t you say it before? I asked, Su Ran already came to the Third Hospital Survivor Base, but he has always chosen not to evacuate, and he often goes out. This is incredible to us because it is totally out of the ordinary. Survivor’s action logic!

“But if you think from another angle, Su Ran is an eschatological material merchant. If he goes out, he is probably risking to find all kinds of resources, and then bring them back in exchange for other resources. The third hospital has a military background here, and no one will easily move him. In this case, if I am him, I will also evacuate supplies, and I will not follow the evacuation. I have to wait until the earning can’t move. Go, when you have something in your hand, you can live well no matter where you go! “

Listening to this analysis, Chen Jianan is showing sorrow, saying: “It seems that such a truth, boss, in such an explanation, all the incomprehensible mysteries on Su Ran will be explained, I It has been said that if there is an answer that can solve all unknown problems correctly, then this answer must be the correct answer-the boss, Su Ran, as a merchant of eschatological materials, he must have the goods, we should not rob him Anymore ?! “

Lin Yuandong frowned and gave Chen Jianan a slap in the back of his head. He said, “What do you want? Not to mention that they have a military background, and it ’s not just your analysis. I just guessed and did n’t confirm. And that little brother Su Ran is really a good person. We have to make friends, not to cause trouble everywhere, do you understand? Are you short of supplies now? What are you doing without them?

佳 Chen Jianan was aggrieved and said: “Who knows what will happen in the future, it is better to grab the supplies first …”

When Lin Yuandong was furious, he gave Chen Jianan a slap: “Co-authored I told you this for a long time, and you didn’t understand a word? In the last days, materials are important, people are more important. You know a great person who can Bring you more than just supplies.

“Society in the last days is also society. Without friends, you don’t want to go far.”

佳 Chen Jianan seemed to understand, “Boss, I really don’t understand your theory, but I listen to you.”

And Lin Yuandong said, “Okay, we have to study and see how we can meet the awakener named Li Yilan. She is now a treasure in the army and a character. If we can meet her, we will really be It’s stable … just a pity, let’s not meet her at all. How can this be a relationship? “

Chen Jianan followed with a sigh and said, “Oh, boss, I heard that the awakener named Li Yilan had survived when he escaped in Bingcheng. It was said that the person who saved her There is even a black technology fighter, extremely powerful, Li Yilan is grateful to him. If you can meet that person, can we go sideways in the last days? “

When Lin Yuandong heard the words, he also expressed his longing. After returning to God for a moment, he poured cold water directly: “Such a powerful person is more fierce than the awakened person, and he may not run into it by walking shit-you are not even the awakened person. But I still want to make it more powerful. Dreaming? You can have a snack! “

Uh …

Wu Suran didn’t know that he had become a doomsday goods merchant in Lin Yuandong’s heart. After Lin Yuandong left, he fell asleep and was ready to rest, and then set off immediately.

越 The longer the time, the calmer the outside, the more anxious Su Ran’s heart is.

This means that a bigger storm will come at any time. Before that, he must accumulate resources as much as possible.

In the last life, he was a duckweed who couldn’t do anything in the last days.

But in this life, he no longer wants to live like that.

In this life, the timing of various events has deviated from Su Ran’s memory, and he can not, when and what will happen, can only make full preparations.

However, Su Ran lay down for a while, and heard a sound from outside.

Government staff ran from building to building, using a loudspeaker to report the message: “Everyone, all survivors of the three hospitals, ready to evacuate! Ready to evacuate!”

Today is at dusk on July 11th, and the doomsday has erupted for more than two weeks, but communications and networks around the world have not recovered. According to Su Ran’s knowledge, the intentional interference of alien zerg has blocked long-range and For ultra-long-distance communications, the civilian frequency band is almost completely scrapped, and the military can only maintain short-distance communications.

Therefore, notifications are all shouts, which is normal.

Soon, everyone in the building moved.

The military is about to abandon the survivor base of the three hospitals, and all members have evacuated.

没 Within a short while, the whole three hospitals were full of moving heads, crowded and crowded.

Wu Suran looked at this scene and even thought of the crowded and chaotic scene even when he was in the college entrance examination level 4 or 6 long ago.

And all kinds of rumors are also rumbling.

Some people say that the insect tide is coming, some people say that the military is going to start a big move in advance, and some people say that the ice city is about to fall completely and so it will retreat … All in all, the military has not waited to announce the exact news ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It’s already flying all over the sky. Everyone is like the leader of the military. They know everything.

In this way, everyone is in danger, everyone is panic, and the crowd is more chaotic and disorderly. Many staff members are more flustered than ordinary survivors. At this time, who can control who, and no one deals with it. Order, therefore, Su Ran took more than 20 minutes from her eleventh floor to the first floor. The military outside has even divided a small army and urgently transported a group of important scientific researchers. And agency staff.

A lot of survivors are very angry about this, and yell at it constantly: “Why can they go first?”

“Aren’t we ordinary people?”

In this way, the already chaotic situation is even more chaotic, and the staff of the agencies and the military have to turn their heads to maintain order.

The military retreat also has priority. Important scientific research personnel are all elites. Under the condition that the safety of all people cannot be guaranteed, it is an inevitable choice to evacuate the elites and the government. Can not only guarantee the future of humankind, but also ensure that the existing system will not collapse.

Suddenly, this chaos was quickly interrupted by a loud roar that tore the sky.

Countless people looked up, and saw in the sky passing countless meteors.

Dense missiles dragged a long tail flame, densely spreading the skyline, tearing the sky like a meteor, and aimed directly at the mother nest in the northern district of Bingcheng.

Behind this missile group, there are three fighter flight formations, guarding a huge ghost-like heavy bomber, which is tearing the sky sharply, following the missiles coming from a distant military base, the sword pointed directly Bingcheng Zerg Mother Nest!

The counterattack of the puppet army is beginning.

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