Annie Grey

Chapter 53: Captious 3

"Ohh what's with the hostility now?" chuckled the Strange man

"Oh yeah right do you want a cup of water or let me guess some fine rich almond tea??" she said Sarcastically

"Okay let's stop the small talk now as you know I am here for business" said the Man

"As I told you one hundred times I am not selling! This Orphanage is home to many children that don't have one, and you expect me to sell it and leave them on the streets??" she said Angrily

"Oooh do you consider me a madman?? I didn't say that we would leave them on the street I said I would make arrangements" said the man

"Still the answer is no and please tell me why do you want my Orphanage so bad Huh??" she asked

The man didn't answer so Madam Lizzie slammed the door in his face

The man looked Furious no one had ever said No and challenged the Great Witch world Business man Hanz Doffenshmirtz and he would not stop now.

But he had an ulterior motive for buying the Orphanage, you see legend has it that there was an old witch mine used to find some elements for potions under the place where the Orphanage is located their ancestors fought to keep that land from the forces of evil and so they sold it to a poor farmer.

He and his family lived there for years without know what was underneath the land. As time went by the land was changed from a Farmland to an Orphanage where madam Lizzie manages.

"Madam Lizzie who was that man??and why are you so angry??" asked Innocent Captious

"Oh don't worry dear" said Madam Lizzie as her face turned into a quick smile

"That bad man that wants to take our Orphanage away is gone now" she said smiling trying to reassure the children that there was nothing to worry about.

Little Captious stood up from his seat went and sat on madam Lizzie's lap and said

"Don't worry Madam Lizzie when I grow old, big and strong I will buy all the land in our area and we'll build the best big Orphanage ever" said the cute child

All the other cheered and the determined serious look in his eyes made Madam Lizzie want to cry but she said "Oooh that's sweet honey but don't worry nothing will ever happen to our Orphanage" she said as she hugged the boy on her lap

All the children moved from their seats and showered Madam Lizzie with Love, that night the Orphanage was filled with dancing and laughter from all the children.

The next Morning

"Hmm Capi remember that movie we watched about that child home alone trying to save his house from the bad guys??" asked Jack

"Ooh yes I do" said Captious

"Well I have an idea!" said Jack with a suspicious smile

"Oooh Jack I don't think your idea will be good" said the shy Captious

"Oooh don't be such a worrywart it's a good idea" said Jack as he placed some blueprints on the table

"Angela, Lucy and Fred you guys get the supplies" said Jack as he looked so in control

"Capi, Karen and Michael you guys stay here and help me set up the system, this is going to be good" said Jack as he smiled mischievously.

Nobody could tell what was in Jack's mind but little did they know his plan was to make a device that automatically fired tomato paste at Hanz and his people anytime they were in a 5 mile radius.

Angela ,Fred and Lucy snuck into the pantry and took as many tomato sauce cans they could find and they also saw some expired milk in there too.

While they found the ingredients, Capi, Jack, Michael, and Karen built the slingshot that would catapult the ingredients to Hanz people, they were done with it by lunch time.

After lunch Jack called Lucy and Capi to cast an alive spell on the catapult because they were the best at magic.

"Lucy and Capi you guys cast an alive spell on the catapult" said Jack

"Jack that spell is too complicated it will drain us" said a worried Capi

"Oooh I know but I know that you and Lucy can do it you are very advanced and I believe in you two" said Jack

It seems that those words were enough to lift their spirits, Captious and Lucy got ready to do the spell and said "facti sunt vivi"

They chanted together and they became very weak, a minute passed and the Catapult came to life and said.

"I am here to serve you masters"

Jack's face turned into a Bright smile

"Paulty your job is to refill yourself with Tomato sauce" said Jack

"Oooh we also found some expired milk" said Angela

"Okay Pautly you must fill yourself with Milk and tomato sauce and your target are these bad men" said Jack as Fred handed him a picture taken by them of Hanz and his men.

"So Paulty are you ready for your mission??" asked Jack

"Yes Master!!" said Paulty

That night as expected Hanz and his men appeared once again to ask for the Orphanage and they were bombarded by a red and white Substances that smelt bad and immediately he cast a spell "claudicare" and the fire stopped

Hanz walked straight to the door and kicked it open covered in tomato sauce and expired milk he look Madam Lizzie straight in the eye and said "You better tell those little brats of yours to stay away from the adults business or else"

Hanz perfect white face was covered in milk his supposed charm had left him and his dark eyes were filled with anger, he then left the building

"Children come here now" shouted Madam Lizzie

All the children lined up they all stood in order

"Now tell me who's plan was this??"she asked

All of them pointed to Jack

"Well what happened to all for one and one for all" said Jack sarcastically

"Jack that was unacceptable behavior, you should never do it again understood??" she ranted

"But it was hilarious ,and I will let it slide this time" she said

And all of the children chanted and were happy that evening.

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