Annie Grey

Chapter 52: Captious 2

They were all shocked

"I did it all , yes I did it and you know why??" he asked

"IT'S BECAUSE ALICE GREY KILLED MY BROTHER" he said Angrily as he broke down into tears

"exponentia revelare" said Stella as she pointed to the crying Captious

just then everyone was transferred into a trance

we see two lovely boys and the older says

"Don't worry Capi, I will always be here to protect you no matter what" said the older looking boy

"Are you sure Jack what if you just wake up one day and leave just like Mother and Father did" asked the Younger brother

"Oh trust me that won't happen that's why I want to train and become big and strong so that no one can hurt you and remember this we will always be together no matter what" said the Older Brother

"You sure Jack??" the little boy asked

"yes I am trust me ,I Pinky Promise" said the Older brother as he made a pinky promise and stood like a boy scout

"Jack, Captious come in now for dinner" shouted an woman supposedly in her fifties she had some white strands in her dark black hair and she wore some pink glasses she had her hair in a bun she had an apron on her,

If you didn't know her you would have thought that she was little red riding hood's grandmother.

"Okay madam Lizzie" said Jack as he walked towards the house with Captious holding his hand

The Venuste Children Jack and Captious lived in an Orphanage after a brutal supposed Accident killed both their parents in an instant the Oldest Jack was eight years old and his Brother Captious was six years old.

After the death of their parents they were put in an Orphanage but lucky for them the Orphanage was run by Lizzie Bolt she loved Children and she took them like her own she was like a mother figure for all the children especially for Jack and Captious.

Jack was a very energetic child he often day dreamed of being the best warrior the witch world had ever seen he wanted to make his name known and save his realm.

He wasn't that good in spells and potions like other children rather he was good in combat and war tactics to fight his enemies.

But Captious on the other hand was the complete opposite he was a dark haired tender eyed boy that hated trouble.

He would always run away as soon as he sensed there would be trouble, he was a book worm he was always realistic and would only focus on the now and what his abilities were at that point in time.

He read many spell and potion books and would follow them to the letter which made him a star student in potions and spells class.

While everyone was eating there was a sudden knock on the Orphanage door

"Everyone finish eating dinner I will be back soon" said Madam Lizzie as she stood up from the dining table to answer the door.

"Well look who it is Good Morning Madam Lizzie" said a man

Just then Madam Lizzie countenance changed from happy to angry really quickly then she said

"What do you want??" in an angry tone

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