Chapter 24: Duty First
I watched as the four what seems to be upside down mini obelisks fall within the city I already cleared out, Though another patrol of bugs were already on its way from what I'm seeing. Looking across the barrier of the city I see several chargers and a couple of acid giants walking towards the noise being created by the four soldiers.
I could see halve of them them tap on their wrist while the other halve started shooting at the bugs. Too late to stop the smaller ones releasing the smog, They were surrounded almost immediately. Two Already died And two more came down when someone typed on their wrist and threw a ball that stuck to the ground.
Another one did the same but it turned red. All of them ran different directions and it took me about a second to late to realize what was coming down. A massive explosion threw me quite far. Luckily I hit sand, Though landing in front of two of the soldiers before I could asses what I was getting into was troubling.
"Howdy fellow people" I said forcing a smile as the explosions went off in the background. They looked at each other then spoke into their helmets, Luckily they haven't noticed the constant wind pushing outward from me. "We got a civilian here, any idea what we should do with him?" The voice, female said and the male now that I heard him agreeing. I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
A few seconds and I could hear someone's voice replying. "Do your mission first then bring him in alive, For Democracy." "You heard him, Lets get the oil rig going. You head for the platform northeast of our direction." The male said and the female handed me a shovel and a pistol. "You die here and you'd be doing a disservice to super earth."
They then ran off leaving me with two more weapons in my inventory. Not having anything else to do I went to the direction she pointed. It wasn't to long before I saw another one of the small bugs on my way there. 'Hopefully they forgive me for causing trouble.' I pulled the shovel out and ran towards the line of bugs four times enhancement already active.
"Another diver for the cause." The female, H2 said calling in reinforcements, Her battle buddy shooting down a swarm of bugs a stalwart in his hands. "How'd you like a taste of freedom!" The male said finishing off the rest of terminid. The Two finished turning on the generator and getting ready to assist on defending the on coming pelican. The two looked at their Hud when a terminid bug breach warning had flashed. The male Radioed for H1 only getting a negative on the location.
H3 and the new diver H4 followed H2 to the sound of shrieking and bile titans stomping around. Both H2 and 3 found the presumed civilian fighting off most of the types of terminid with a shovel. H4 stopped along the two and saw the spectacle. Unnoticed or unbothered the "civilian" kept fighting showing feats of strength the trio never though possible.
Up in the super destroyer, General Brash watched in astonishment as the child lifted a Alpha commander and tossed it towards it the lackeys it summoned. Brash started recording the proof he needed to send to high command so further research would be done.
The shovel in my hand kept clanking against the claws of the many hunters jumping and swiping at me. deflecting mandibles I jump away from the acid giants spit and quickly roll away from the leg that came crashing down from the second giant. There was so many of them I was very tempted to blast waves of fire, So I did.
I shot out my hand and let loose a stream of fire once again amplifying it with the already existing wind I was outputting. The wall of fire immediately extinguished the life's of the smaller bugs. The giants although ablaze did not stop there attacks, Their sacks burst they could stomp their way towards me. A charger, cracked and already on the verge of dying came full sprint giving me the opportunity to hop on and jump to one of the giants head.
Immediately I tried shaking and biting to which I created a large enough bowie knife to stab into the head and through. The giant went down the other one was blown up unexpectedly by the Soldier with a rocket launcher he threw to the ground.
"Well I guess the jig is up huh." I stated not knowing whether to kill them or somehow reason with them. "We Still have one more objective to do until you come with us, High command wants a word with you." The Same Female said holding her hand out. Looking at her confusedly she finally seemed to get the silent question I was asking. "My Peacemaker give it back to me since you could handle yourself just fine."
Taking a guess I reach behind myself and pull the pistol out and hand it out, Guessing correctly she takes it and beckons me to follow her. "Where we going?" "To complete our mission as Democracy intended!" H4 another female I noticed as she said zealously. "Well I'm not completely sure you know how." I said with the slightest hint of mockery in my voice.
She stormed off going to prove me wrong along with H1 who met up with her. "So an oil rig? would that not cause a racket?" I said trying to gleam some sort of info of them. "We Helldivers won't shy away from a couple of bugs." H3 said absolute in his resolve. 'I'm starting to get some type of devotion to these people.'
"You will assist us in getting the oil in the pelican, With your strange strength and blue creation ability Democracy will be dished out dozens of times faster." 'Oh yeah they guys are completely devoted, Mana didn't even phase them.'
By the time we got the the oil rig the first pelican was already aiming and ready to drop its nozzle down. 1 and 4 were dealing with a massive breach calling in gas and napalm. "Kid use that fire attack again!" H3 ordered me as she began firing at the bugs coming out of the hole. "What am I some Pokémon to you?" I said getting closer to the breach and thrusting out my palm.
Not sure what look I got from them but I know they didn't understand the joke. A bile titan came from the ground and was already charging up its acid. One well placed shot from H1 and the titans head exploded and came crashing down covering most of the breach. I kept the stream going until the smog stopped. H4 had unclamped the pelican and the second one had already started to swing by. 'That really is just a smaller pelican.' I thought to myself as I noticed the similarity's between halo and here.
H4 clamped the pelican down and waited for both the terminid to arrive and for the pelican to be done. Sitting on the ledge I waited for this mission to be complete. The thing left and we were heading to the direction I was pointed before hand. "We leaving now?" Another strange before understanding reached H2. "Kid doesn't have coms, And yes we are heading to evac."
I Looked around once more before seeing several acid giants along with about a hundred or so bugs heading toward the platform were one of those pods fell. 'This might get a little.'