An Uncaring Anomaly

Chapter 23: Reinforcing

 Opening my eyes I found myself floating in a void, It wasn't cold neither hot wasn't even warm. The air so stagnant I couldn't tell if was breathing.

 [Howdy Partner =)]

"I'm I dead?" I asked a little unsure as what to do.

 [You Were But That Old Lady And The Paramedics Saved You. Though You Still Did Die So The Thing I'm Going To Do Is Halve Your Reserves And Regen, In Exchange For .5 In Density]

I looked at the bar where it now read 12,030 max and 180.45 in regen also now a darker shade of blue. "Wait what about the Bird thing I killed, Shouldn't have I gained something out of that?"

 [Oh Yeah, Your Right]

 [+7500 Max Mana]

 [+62.5 Mana Regeneration]

I look In shock as the number for one beast though a very strong one exceeded my expectations. "Is there any more in this story?" I asked wanting to know if I could face off against another one to gain more.

 [Yes Though Not As Strong As Strong As The One You Fought, But The Next Time You Die Even IF It's Savable You'll Move On To The Next Story I Have In Mind For You]

"How does that work exactly? Do I only go into games when its challenge time? Or will I be put into a game sometime after I do This Story?" 

 [Well I'm Still Thinking About It, So Yes. Any Other Question Before I Send You To The Next Challenge?]

"Do I not get a chance to say yes or no? Also If I die again will the same thing happen? Will You Take halve to increase The mana density?"

 [Yes To Both, But Only If You Die In The Main Quest I give You A K A The World You Go To After Challenges]

Taking A second to prosses that and what it could possibly mean I ask one more question. "Do I ever get to go back to the worlds I visited?"

 [No And Yes, You Can't Go Back To The Same World But A Similar World. Example, The My Hero World You Are On Have Only A Slight Difference To The Original, You Can't Go Back To This One When You Die Only An Alternate reality.]

I hummed in disappointment, The thought of never going back was a little...sad. I couldn't be like those world hoppers who could go back. I had to play it a little safer to keep those around me.

 [Time To Go]

I simply nodded my head and was teleported to a very dusty looking place, buildings in the distance that were covered in what looked like rock. Mushroom looking structures where also in the distance with glowing bulbs littering around the top of it.

 [This Is Fort Prime, Also Keep The Spores Away From You With The Wind. You Don't Want This To End Too Fast Do You?]

The world unfroze and I could hear the sounds of explosion's with screeches of an animal I've never heard of. Looking up I could see countless dark colored ships some some shooting lazars and others sending objects down, Some Four others two or three.

Seeing what seems to be a plume of smoke coming towards me I keep a constant wind barrier around me. Taking a quick glance around I see what look like tyrranids but not as quick or big. Taking another second to register what I should do I decide to go on the attack and see what these things can do before they have a chance to go first.

Throwing a red tipped spear I watched as it split into four and blew the seven up. Waiting I look around for anything else or any others that I missed. Nothing happened for another five minutes, Then I saw a massive green bug like creature making its way towards the bugs I killed.

Throwing more spears It didn't die immediately, Instead it came stomping towards me. I did see a smoky like cloud come from just behind a rock as I threw more spears. Blowing up the tall one I saw dozens of bugs come from the ground as flying ones came from a different direction. 

I forced the wind to pick up as more and more bugs came from many different wholes differing in shape and size. Inhaling a deep breath I released a large cone of fire it enhanced by the wind taking care of most of the flying ones that were constantly screeching, As well as the all of the grounded ones.

Creating my choice of gun I shot down the other shriekers ending the confrontation. Walking not even 20 yards I got into another conflict. It was already to late when one of the smaller ones released a cloud of orangish smog into the air. The ground beneath me shook a little before more bugs crawled out of a couple holes. 

"Since fire seems so effective against you all might as well." Sending another wave of white hot fire I watch as most of the bugs succumb to the heat while the bigger ones take longer to cook. I seen the green ones explode into some sort of acid after being heated up enough, Taking into account from all the games I've played all the green ones must be some sort of suicide bomber, projectile specialist, or something in between.

Removing the friction I started skating around and slaughtering hundreds of bugs soon finding a glowing holes from where they came from. My first act after destroying the surrounding bugs was to send waves of fire down the holes, Only for them to come out anyway. The next thought was to practice earth and close the hole manually, then remembering that they can move through dirt. So I just blew it up with a condensed ball of mana.

With the holes collapsed that gives me time to think. 'I suppose all I could do is kill bugs now, Though is the ships above human or something else? Second note, are they friendly?' With thinking done it was time to start making as much noise as possible.

Continuing to skate around I found a massive nest and a numerous amount of bugs to farm.

The winds got stronger as most of it turned into flames keeping the wind barrier against either dust or spore particles, Either way I wasn't going to ignore a possible helpful tip against a sadist blue screen. I continued into the center where they where being burned and the acid giants where being blown up with the occasional very explosive spear to the head, Same to the heavy ones underneath it.

'I don't even need my chains to do anything...unless.' Within moments I was riding a massive bug that would look like a rhino, Using mana to stick to it while I used the chains to steer it, I was crushing the smaller bugs and avoiding the only ones that were the same size and or taller.

A constant horde of bugs to squash was just what I needed. The exploded, squished and burnt bugs were numerous, I had already blew the head up of the charger. Reason for the name? All It did was charge.

What I didn't notice was the ships over head ready to deploy and to complete an objective. I collected a verity of weapons, First it was a break action shotgun then it was a thing that looked like a tazzer and a sniper. Wandering into the city I saw an m60 look alike and rocket launchers. All went into the inventory including ammo.

Making my way on top of a building I see four object fall down from one of the ships heading my direction. 'The hell Is that?'

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