America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 615 "Raid" on the House of Representatives

"Damn it, don't these soldiers even have any sense of honor?"

McKinley was a little broken inside.

He had expected that the army would be deeply infiltrated, but he never expected that it would reach this point.

Doesn't this mean that Chen Jianqiu is close to controlling the regular army?

McKinley stood up and closed the office door.

"Rutte, tell me the truth, are you also on the same side as Chen?" the president asked.

The Minister of War was shocked.

That's not McKinley's style.

Being so frank, it seems that Mr. President has been forced into a showdown.

"No, I am a member of your cabinet." Root stood there and shook his head, "If you don't trust me, I can resign."

"Although Chen and I are friends, I don't agree with your approach on this matter. You have been deceived by some militants with extreme ideas."

"Um, Root, you have to understand one thing. It's not that I don't support your military reform plan, it's just that it needs time to settle, do you understand?"

McKinley said, gesturing with his hands, explaining to the Secretary of War.

Root didn't move.

He just thought that the person in front of him was going to confide in him, so he also planned to play something real with the president.

But who would have thought that the man in front of him didn't say a few words from his heart before he started to talk nonsense again.

Root was a little tired.

"If you really want to stop Chen and his troops, either declare the country into a state of war now and conduct an emergency general mobilization, or count on the National Guard in each state to solve the problem."

See, if you don't reform the military, you won't even have a usable army at the critical moment.

"Wait a minute, I'll have people call all the cabinet members over, and we'll have an emergency meeting." McKinley thought for a moment and said.

Two hours later, the Secretary of State, Vice President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury and others were all called to the White House conference hall for a meeting to discuss how to deal with the Chinese riots on the southwest border.

Everyone started a heated discussion in the conference room.

The first is the issue of sanctions against Chen Jianqiu and other Chinese companies.

The finance minister said it wouldn't work.

After many years of management by Chen Jianqiu, most companies, including Sanjiang Bank, have become the backbone of their industries.

The interest relationships inside are complicated but have checks and balances on each other, and Chen Jianqiu always has the right to speak.

Not to mention he's a big creditor to the federal government.

War can be fought, but sanctions? nonexistent.

The president's reckless behavior at Fort Stockton has been criticized on Wall Street. If another attack brings about an economic crisis, the president's position will really be unsafe.

As for the war.

If they are really mobilized on a large scale, no matter how hard Chen Jianqiu and his Chinese troops fight, they will eventually lose.

But these all take time.

"Mr. Hanna, why don't you go to New York, find Chen, and tell him if he has any requirements, we can sit down and talk about it." Mr. President asked the Republican boss on the side for help.

Hanna spread his hands: "I really don't know where he is."

"Let's look for it." The Secretary of State helped.

"No need to bother, I went to see him." Roosevelt suddenly spoke.

He didn't bother to hide anything.

Anyway, everyone here knew that the relationship between him and Chen Jianqiu was unusual, so rather than hiding it, it would be better to speak frankly.

He repeated what Chen Jianqiu said to him to the president and others in the cabinet.

"He demanded that the Chinese X-China Act be immediately abolished, the murderers at Fort Stockton be severely punished, the living habits and beliefs of the Chinese be respected, and the legal status of Chinese immigrants be resolved in batches."

Everyone fell into silence.

These requirements may not sound like much.

But McKinley knew what it all meant.

Each state in the United States of America is an autonomous state and an independent state.

They have their own constitution.

The powers of the federal government are granted by state governments. Rights not delegated to the federal government remain with the states.

In the past ten years or so, although Chen Jianqiu has used various methods to circumvent the "X-Chinese Act" and allowed some Chinese to obtain citizenship, the number is still limited.

Most of the Chinese immigrants gathered in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, awaiting their turn to gain citizenship.

If it is resolved in batches and given the green light, once immigrants flow into states like New Mexico and Oklahoma, it will quickly cause changes in the demographic structure.

Chinese-dominated state governments will soon come to power, and these states will basically be the same as Chinese autonomous states.

"I'm afraid it won't count if I say these things, they will have to be discussed by Congress." McKinley still refused to let go.

"Putting these aside for now, we need to characterize the behavior of these Chinese people first," the Secretary of State said.

"Then it'll be in the afternoon." The Speaker of the House of Representatives took out his pocket watch and looked at McKinley. "Get ready, go to the House of Representatives first in the afternoon, and then go to the Senate."

After everyone finished their deliberations, they had a quick lunch and then set off towards the Capitol Hill.

The time came to half past one in the afternoon.

The House of Representatives was packed.

Usually, if a meeting is held at this time, the participating members will be drowsy and look like they have not woken up.

Especially the older ones can't stand the afternoon drowsiness.

But today is different.

House members were told that the president would be here today to say something very important.

They speculated that it might be related to the incident at Fort Stockton.

Sure enough, Mr. President walked in from the door with a serious look on his belly.

Along with him came a group of cabinet bosses.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives sat back on his chair, and without saying much nonsense, he directly asked McKinley to take the stage.

Mr. President began his speech.

"An unprecedented, severe and horrific insurrection is taking place on our nation's southwestern border."

"The Chinese community is using extremely bad, violent and unacceptable means to shake the foundation of this country."

McKinley was never known for his eloquence.

His speech used too many attributive words.

The advantage is that it looks very rigorous, but the disadvantage is that it is lengthy and has a very poor listening experience.

The representatives below had different expressions.

Some of them agreed with the president.

Most of these people voted against the repeal of the China Act.

Some people disagree.

What the Texas militiamen did has been reported in the media.

Although American media reports have always been known for their spring and autumn style of writing, avoiding the minor points and focusing on the important ones.

But politicians are no better.

Basically the same thing, each other.

Roosevelt glanced at several positions in the third row.

Normally, Wang Qingfu and the Chinese congressmen would sit here.

But today these positions are vacant.

Roosevelt sighed.

"I propose that we immediately mobilize for combat readiness and go together with the National Guard from surrounding states to quell the rebellion. I"

Before McKinley finished speaking, the door to the House of Representatives was suddenly opened.

A group of people dressed in black rushed in.

These people include Chinese and white people, and their expressions are very serious.

At the front of this group of people was Wang Qingfu and several Chinese congressmen.

There was an uproar in the House of Representatives.

Wang Qingfu led people straight to the podium:

They said nothing, just looked at Mr. President coldly.

Before McKinley could speak, the Speaker of the House took the lead in getting angry.

Since the founding of the United States, we have seen people swearing, whistling, fighting, and even dueling in the House of Representatives, but there has never been a group of people rushing in to take control of the House.

What's more, most of them are not MPs.

"Guard! Where are the guards?" shouted the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

"They went to listen to the speech under the Washington Monument." Wang Qingfu said.

The MPs were dumbfounded.

The Washington Monument is a landmark building in Washington, DC and the entire United States. It is located less than two streets away from the Capitol Building.

speech? No one has ever heard that there are lectures there?

"Please get out! You are disrupting the order of the House of Representatives!" The Speaker of the House of Representatives waved his arms to express his anger.

After all, McKinley had seen the world.

His face remained calm, and he calmly finished his speech under the gaze of the Chinese congressmen and the men in black.

"Mr. Speaker, we request the floor."

After the president's speech, Wang Qingfu made a request to the speaker.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives really didn’t want this Chinese congressman to take office.

However, not allowing members of the House of Representatives to speak was against the original intention of freedom of speech, and he had no reason to object.

Wang Qingfu didn't wait for the speaker's reply. He turned around and bowed to the other members of the House of Representatives.

He took the podium.

However, the Chinese congressman did not start to speak.

He waved to one of the men in black.

The man nodded and quickly walked out of the House.

After a while, a group of people came in carrying an iron box and pulling wires.

In full view of everyone, they opened the box and began to assemble it.

The Speaker suddenly understood what these people were trying to do.

Chen Jianqiu! You, who are not even a member of the House of Representatives, want to give a speech in the House of Representatives, but you don’t even want to come! Also plays remotely!

"You are going too far!" The Speaker of the House of Representatives jumped up from his seat again and pointed at the long wire.

"Um, I'm sorry, Mr. Speaker, the receiver antenna is too big. It's outside, and the power supply is also outside." Wang Qingfu "apologized".

"You are trampling on freedom and democracy!" the speaker almost roared.

However, no one paid him any attention. Most people were more curious about this strange device on the stage.

After completing the assembly, Wang Qingfu turned on the switch, and a familiar voice came from the speaker.

".More than a hundred years ago"

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