America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 614 We have worked hard for many years before we can sit across from you (page 12)

Harrison's Texas militia did not outlast the Marines.

The tank troops that arrived first and the defenders in the Chinese stronghold cooperated inside and outside, and made a sandwich cake out of the defenders on the west side of the stronghold.

Harrison received news that his troops to the west were being attacked and quickly led his troops to rescue.

But in front of the tanks, his troops were shattered at a touch.

Huntington's troops still had fortifications to rely on, and the Texas National Guard had nothing.

A tank rushed directly into the pile of soldiers and started to crush them. It was rampant and invincible.

At the same time, militiamen from several other directions won a comprehensive counterattack by the Chinese in the stronghold.

With their troops mobilized, they were unable to stop them and all raised the white flag.

The Texas National Guard surrendered en masse and became prisoners along with Commander Harrison.

Without the support of the National Guard, the remaining militiamen at Fort Stockton would lose the capital to resist.

The mayor walked into the Chinese settlement waving a white flag and raising his hands.

"I want to see your commander." The mayor said to the guard holding a gun. "We surrender. Please don't attack us again."

"Our chief is not free. He asked you to hand over your guns and stay at home." The guard said to the mayor unceremoniously.

At this time, Li Sifu and Lin Sanshan were discussing the next step under the iron tower.

"I have already reported the situation here to the boss, let's wait for his instructions." Lin Sanshan said.

Li Sifu nodded.

After a while, Dong Sheng ran over with the telegram and handed it to Li Sifu.

Li Sifu took a look and handed the telegram into Lin Sanshan's hand.

There is only one sentence above:

Without stopping, go straight to Austin.

Austin, the capital of Texas, is more than 500 kilometers away from Fort Stockton.

Not to mention whether the San Antonio militia will stab them in the back, the logistical supplies alone may not be able to keep up.

"What do you think?" Lin Sanshan put down the telegram and looked at Li Sifu.

"Our tanks are not that fast." Li Sifu thought for a moment.

But then, he figured out what his boss meant.

"No matter, let's talk to Austin first." Li Sifu said to Lin Sanshan.

He turned his head and gave an order to the soldiers behind him:

"Gas up, target Austin!"

Washington, Capitol Hill.

"The Chinese are rebelling!"

Congressman Cahill was excited after receiving news that Chinese troops in New Mexico had broken through the state border and entered Texas.

He hurriedly summoned several "like-minded" anti-China congressmen and began to discuss how to make waves in Congress and pass bills targeting the Chinese.

"I think the first thing is to establish the fact that Chen Jianqiu and his Chinese troops are treasonous, and urge the president to take immediate military action to quell the rebellion!"

A congressman from Virginia offered his thoughts.

"In addition, we should let public opinion build momentum and mention the Chinese threat again." Another congressman said, "If people may not have felt the threat before, it is now naked."

"I think it is necessary to tie up the Chinese and Chen Jianqiu and lock them up. I heard that Chen is still in New York. He should be arrested as soon as possible!"

Several congressmen were all talking and expressing their opinions.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang.

These people spent the entire morning putting together a seemingly complete action plan.

Cahill took this action plan and went straight to the White House.

He had to find McKinley immediately and put this plan into action.

The White House today seems a little different from usual.

In normal times, Congressman Cahill can enter and leave the president's office freely.

But today is different.

The door to the office was closed tightly, and the entire White House was under tight security by the Secret Service. There was one man every two steps and one post every three steps.

Cahill waited in a wing lounge for a long time before being told he could enter the Oval Office.

The office was filled with smoke.

McKinley was sitting in his seat thinking about something with a cigar in his hand.

Cahill sniffed.

He remembered that McKinley didn't seem to have the habit of smoking before.

"Mr. President, the Chinese have launched a rebellion, and our opportunity has come! We have enough excuses to deal with those Chinese!"

Cahill told McKinley excitedly.

However, he didn't notice that McKinley didn't look good.

"Didn't you read the newspaper?" He threw a newspaper on the table to Cahill.

Cahill opened it and found it was the New York World. The headline on the front page read:

Fort Stockton under the bloody butcher knife

"The Texas militiamen surrounded the entire stronghold of Fort Stockton and refused to let anyone in or out in the name of preventing the plague. However, I stayed here for more than half a year and, except for the first few cases, I did not see any Any Black Death patient"

".At night, the militiamen from the next town took the lead in launching an attack on the Chinese stronghold. The battle was fierce, and there were casualties on both sides. The demon of war was awakened."

". All the Chinese who can pick up guns have gone to the front line, including women and the elderly. Only the children are hiding in the shelter in the center of the village, terrified."

"The National Guard mobilized artillery and conducted intensive shelling on the Chinese strongholds. The houses where they lived were blown up, many Chinese died in the bombing, and countless others were injured."

"I was also injured, and the local Chinese leader advised me to hide and have people treat me."

The entire report occupies two full pages.

The author uses a more vivid writing style to describe the entire process starting from the siege of the Chinese stronghold by the Texas National Guard.

The emotions flowing out of the text are very full, and it is more like a kind of documentary literature, accusing the atrocities of the militiamen in attacking the Chinese stronghold from the first person.

In the meantime, the author said he will continue to report.

There will be photos later to support everything I say.

Cahill was stunned.

"The New York newspaper from the day before yesterday, Hanna brought it to me this morning." McKinley rubbed his brow with a tired look.

"Is Pulitzer crazy? How can they ignore the facts?" Cahill said frantically.

McKinley said nothing and looked at him coldly.

What are the facts? Don’t you guys have any idea?

I just agreed to surround the Chinese stronghold at Fort Stockton so that Chen Jianqiu could send troops to give me an excuse to deal with him.

Who told you to actually attack? !

Even if they attack, they still use artillery. Even if they use artillery, they haven't defeated them yet!

"How did they know what was going on inside?" McKinley asked.

Cahill was stunned and immediately reacted:

"They must have made this up! It's just to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion in advance. What kind of photo is it? It's really bluffing."

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