Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 34 – Unlocking the Magic Book

Upon their return to the mansion, Thomas declared over dinner, "I'll teach you how to unlock the magic book tomorrow."

Althea found herself restless with excitement even as night descended. She lay in bed, clutching the magic book to her chest, murmuring, "I can open the book... Oh, I wish tomorrow would come soon..."

Ciel, the fairy, appeared, noting, "Althea, you seem excited."

"Oh, Ciel. You won't open this book, right? But Father will teach me how to open it—"

"I know how to open it, you know?"


"Want me to show you?"

Surprised by the sudden revelation, Althea hesitated, glancing between Ciel and the book. "No, it's okay. I'll eagerly wait for tomorrow to learn it."

She hugged the book tightly.

"I see... Then call me before you open it tomorrow? I'll protect you no matter what happens. Well then, goodnight~."

"Hehe, goodnight... Ciel is so cute. ...I should go to bed soon too."

Though Althea anticipated difficulty in sleeping due to excitement, she soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber after settling into bed.

The following morning, after breakfast, Althea called out to her fairy friend, Ciel and knocked on Thomas's study door, clutching the magic book.

"Father, it's Althea."

"Oh, come in."

Entering with Ciel, she noticed her father scratching his head while gazing at piles of documents on his desk.

"Father...? You seem busy, but... Are you okay?"

"Oh... yeah, I'm fine, but... sorry, can you wait a bit longer? I'm almost finished with something important."


Though she acquiesced, seeing her father immersed in work without even having breakfast made Althea feel guilty.

"Father, perhaps another day...?"

"No..." (Scratch scratch scratch...)

"Althea, despite his apparent busyness, is it alright?"

"Yeah, you're right. He seems really busy, so maybe it's better to come back later..."

After conferring quietly with Ciel, as she was about to discreetly head towards the door,


Suddenly, a loud voice from behind startled her. It appeared her father had completed his work.

"Huh? Althea? Why are you hiding in that corner? Come over here."

With a smile much brighter than the one he wore while buried in documents just moments ago, he beckoned Althea over.

Though Althea had initially intended to retreat, believing she shouldn't disrupt his work, she was swayed by her father's joyful expression and approached him obediently.

"Father, are you sure you're alright? If you're busy..."

"Hmm? Well, I am indeed busy... But I do have time to teach you how to open that book."

Pointing towards the magic book Althea held, he continued, "Opening the book is simple. Once you've unlocked it... you'll read it on your own. Just read and follow the instructions written within. That's all."

He said, giving Althea's shoulder a gentle pat.

"Just remember, when you first start practicing spells, make sure to do it in front of me and Regalus. Even if I seem occupied, even if Regalus seems preoccupied. Understand? At least in the beginning, practice when Regalus and I are both present, alright?"

"Just when you and brother are together...?"

"The initial spell in the magic book involves releasing your own magical power and aligning it with your body. When you release it, there's a risk it might become uncontrollable. Especially given the substantial amount of magic within Althea... Well, even if something goes wrong, Regalus and I should be able to manage it. Regalus will be heading to the academy soon, so I want to stabilize your magic before then. Time is limited, but let's give it our all."


"That's the spirit. Now then... let's unlock the book right away."

With that, Thomas retrieved a small knife from the drawer.

"To unlock this book... there should be a small indentation in the center of the front cover, correct? Drip a few drops of 'user's blood' there."


Taking the small knife from Thomas, Althea glanced between the knife, the book, and Thomas, her expression reflecting uncertainty.

"That's correct. With that blood, the book and the owner will form a connection... So if someone other than the owner attempts to open it, it'll appear as a blank tome."

"Come to think of it, when I glimpsed my brother's magic book, it seemed like an empty volume to me. So that's what it was."

"Indeed... Now, Althea, once you're mentally prepared, simply nick your fingertip and let the blood absorb into the book. Remember, just a small cut will suffice and... do it on your own."


Althea placed the book on the table, took a deep breath, then pricked her index finger against the book's surface.


Though a minor injury, it stung nonetheless.

She allowed the fresh blood from her fingertip to drip onto the indentation in the center of the book. As she did, the once-blue tome gradually shimmered and transformed into silver. Once the color alteration was complete, the magic book emitted a soft popping sound as if it had been unsealed.

Observing the astonished Althea with a smile, Thomas retrieved the book and handed it to her.

"It seems the contract release went smoothly. This is now your book, Althea... Open it and see."

Accepting it, Althea cautiously unfurled the book that had been tightly sealed. To her amazement, it opened effortlessly. And within, there were naturally inscribed words.

"...It's real... Father, look, look, it's my book."

Excitedly, she displayed the opened page to Thomas.

"That's wonderful, it opened without any hitch. However, I won't be able to decipher this book. As I mentioned earlier, it's a tome only comprehensible to the owner. So, you'll have to peruse it on your own. Return to your room now and delve into the book today. Tomorrow, let's commence with the adaptation spell chant simultaneously. I'll also summon Regalus for tomorrow... Jude, I entrust you with delivering the message to Regalus."

"Yes, understood."

As Jude exited the room, Thomas reiterated.

"Listen, it's just 'reading,' alright?... Absolutely refrain from reading aloud."

Althea nodded resolutely.

"Good. You mustn't inadvertently speak aloud, so it's best to read with Laila by your side."

"Yeah, got it. I'll simply 'read,' and I'll ensure Laila stays nearby."

With that assurance, she returned to her room.

Back in her room, Althea promptly unlocked the silver magical book and commenced reading.

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