Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 33 – On The Way Home

On the following day, since Adrian couldn't make it due to official duties, Siegfried and Her Majesty the Queen came to see the Monclair family off, all the way to the guest room where they stayed.

After expressing their gratitude once again, they left the royal castle and began their journey back to the Monclair territory.

"Regalus, what were you talking about with His Highness?"

When Thomas asked in the carriage, Regalus momentarily froze, then glanced at Althea before replying.

"Well... His Highness said, 'If I had a sister like Althea, I would understand wanting to dote on her. I'd like to dote on a sister too.'"

"Hmm? ...Dote on a sister?"

Thomas questioned, having doubts about his son's response. Regalus responded,

"Yes, I assumed he meant wanting to dote on Althea as a sister at that moment, which made me tense up, but... upon further reflection, he must have been referring to the upcoming brother or sister. It does bother me that he was definitive about 'sister'... However, it wouldn't be a bad thing for Althea to be doted on as a 'sister.'"

Regalus, who had been fervent at first, seemed to gradually calm down as he spoke, eventually speaking calmly.

Feeling pleased that his son and the Crown Prince had a good relationship, Thomas chuckled, "I see. His Highness will soon have a brother or sister born to him. ...But does His Highness really desire a sister?"

As Thomas chuckled, Clara, who was able to spend time leisurely with her best friend after a long time, spoke with delight, "Yes, it should be born soon. ...Titania also said she wants a girl."

"But His Highness isn't good with women, is he? Why would he want a 'sister' then?"

Regalus pondered aloud. Thomas offered an objective opinion, saying, "Perhaps because he's not good with them? He might feel more comfortable with family. Starting from there to get used to it might be the best approach."

As Regalus continued to ponder, Althea asked eagerly from beside him, "Do you know before they're born whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"You can't know for sure. It's just that he's hoping for a girl... Titania seemed to want one even more after meeting Althea though," Clara replied with a smile that could be interpreted as wry.

"That might be why His Highness said he wants to dote on a sister. Either way, since they'll be siblings with a significant age difference, His Highness will surely dote on them," Thomas nodded in agreement.

Regalus, who had been lost in thought, lifted his head, and with a smile, said, "Yes, I'm sure His Highness will make a good older brother... If it turns out to be a princess, I'll be happy to teach him how to interact with his sister."

He said cheerfully.

"…I wish I could see the baby too... Can I meet them after they're born?" Althea murmured.

"I wonder... We'll have a presentation after the birth, but even though Their Majesties have been kind to us, we're just a noble family from a border province, so it might be difficult to meet them up close," Thomas said.

"Oh, not at the presentation, but individually?... Instead of an audience with the 'Queen', why not visit our friend Titania?" Clara suggested optimistically.

"That's... true, but... it wouldn't be so easy to meet a queen of a country like that," Thomas countered, injecting a dose of reality into Clara's optimistic suggestion.

"...That may be true, but... I don't like giving up without trying anything. Just trying, just asking, might give us a chance to meet, right?"

"Absolutely... Your positivity is commendable," Thomas chuckled clownishly, tipping his hat and smiling.

"If it's the same life, it's a waste not to enjoy it positively. It's not about whether you can or can't, it's about trying everything first. That's my motto," Clara said with a joyful smile, and Thomas looked at her with affection.

As they slowly moved in the carriage, they could see the Monclair territory three days later.

Just as they were about to arrive at the mansion, Althea muttered softly, "Even though it's only been a few days, it feels nostalgic..."

"This time, besides the 'Magic Measurement,' there were many other things happening. That's why it feels longer," Thomas mused similarly, then suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, speaking of which... Althea."

He called out as if he remembered something.

"There should be a book given to you during the 'Magic Measurement,' right?"

"Huh...? Oh, that blue book?"

"Yes, that blue book. I'll teach you how to unlock it the day after we get home. Once it's unlocked, read what's written in it. After that, chant the spell written there. Chanting the spell will gradually make the magic familiar. Once the magic is fully familiarized, you'll start practicing 'Magic Control' in earnest."

"Magic familiar...? Practice controlling it...?"

Completely unable to grasp the concept, Althea repeated with a tilt of her head.

"Well, I'll explain it again when we get home. Actually trying it out is the best way. And once the magic is properly familiarized, but this time, let's lift the outdoor restriction. You can go out whenever you like as long as you tell someone 'where you're going' when you do. "

"When the magic is familiarized, can I really go out freely? Really?... Not like once a month, as before?"

"Yeah, freely. ...But not at night. Even if the magic is familiarized, there's less chance of it running wild. ...Not absolute, but... Althea can use self-defense techniques and fight with a sword, so relying only on magic shouldn't be necessary."

"I'm so happy! I'll do my best!"

"But make sure to practice control properly, okay? It's the duty of someone with magic to be able to control it."

"Yes, I understand. I'll practice properly."

She replied, looking straight at Thomas with determination in her eyes.

Thomas felt a mix of joy witnessing his beloved daughter's growth and a slight pang of loneliness.

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