Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 36- I will protect you

'This can't be did this happen?!' Charlotte wiped the tear that blurred her vision with her teeth tightly clenched and her body heated up in stress and adrenaline.

Facing the monsters was another thing however, not in a hundred years she could have anticipated to face a Demon in person.

The town Hazemerg was located in the middle of four other cities which was governed by Count Whiskman. Given the Count title, Whiskman had enough troops and resources to ward off all the monsters and demons that could jeopardize the safety of the town under his jurisdiction. That's why Hazemerg never felt the requirement to hire high-ranking mercenaries or create a large guild that would have attracted adventurers and hunters.

Even though Hazemerg boasted its liberal policies and self-reliance, in the end, this town was dependent on Whiskman in one way or another.

However, out of nowhere today, a demon with a huge build and ominous aura appeared in the town—with the sole intention of erasing Hazemerg from existence.

Being a Divine Awakened, Charlotte was the first person to sense the approaching Darkness—however, what she could do to save the townspeople? She was just a teenage girl, whose words wouldn't be trusted and implemented just because she runs a famous inn.

And now....facing the behemoth with more than twenty of her comrades fallen dead, she couldn't help but curse herself for not being able to prepare for this situation.

Being awakened she couldn't just hide and let the demon run havoc—despite her mother's and sibling's protest.

However, all the bold commitments she left behind before coming here, were nothing but baseless statements.

She is weak.

"Cha-rlotte....r-run...away...khuk!!" The person who knew Charlotte closely, Sean, begged Charlotte on his last breath before completely falling on his face and breathing his last breath.

Not only Sean but everyone around her was relentlessly killed by the flying Imp who were on the side of the Demon and exhausting human lives like copper coins.

Being a Divine Blessed being, no monster was approaching her...but it was a fact that apart from a barrier that she could erect to protect herself and one other person at most, could do nothing in front of the true terror.

Definitely not anything against that horrendous demon!

Looking at its massive head which has animated features with bulging cheeks, excessively round and large eyes, and a cucumber-like nose, Charlotte didn't feel like laughing at all. All she felt was great horror from the demon who was standing idly a hundred meters away from her. Only a single attack the Demon has portrayed until now, but that was enough to eradicate the front defense in one fell swoop and leave the soldiers in shambles.

And now, everything was going haywire;

"Gaaaah!! Heeeelp!! Help me!"





Charlotte's eyes continued to water as she extended both of her hands...but was unable to extend her barrier and protect the soldier who was getting toyed by the Imps and begging for mercy.

The soldiers were just the beginning, the townspeople were next. The Demon has created a Veil around the town—prohibiting everyone from escaping.

The hope of receiving help from neighboring towns was near zero since it was a known fact, that Hazemerg was not well-liked by those towns which were under Imperial laws.

The battle was turning in the worst way possible with every line of defense under the constant torment of the monsters and the playful watch of the demon. Even if everyone bets their lives to defeat the Imps...that demon would be simply impossible to deal with.

"Char, look out!!"

"Agh!" Because she was dazed and fallen into an endless loop of despair, she didn't see the incoming dark red orb, headed in her direction.

Her barrier shattered in an instant and the girl was brought to her knees. The foul smell of the demon made her stomach wrench and her consciousness screamed for her to run as far as she could.

This...she cannot face something like this! Not in a lifetime. She can't ...she...


Charlotte's eyes widened and her thoughts came to an abrupt halt as she felt something passing through her torso and digging into the ground because of the sheer force.

It was a spear, not a trident which the Imps were using.

Turning her head, her shock amplified as trails of blood droplets rolled down her lips and she barely uttered a name,

"R-Riley...?" Her childhood friend and neighbor was standing there with tears on his face yet the anger in his eyes couldn't be mistaken.

"It's all because of you! That demon came here because you were here! angel you were hailed deal with the mess you have invited!"

"KHUK!!" Charlotte winced and groaned in pain as suddenly, Riley kicked her gut and threw her towards the demon.

Her vision became bleary as she saw the person she used to like—running away from the battlefield.

What did he say? Because of her, that demon arrived at this can this be Charlotte's fault....was her existence the cause of everyone's death....or because she is the most unfortunate one that everyone leaves her behind?

She couldn't hear anything anymore. Her consciousness was fading and the hope to live anymore was seemingly exhausted away.

'....I wonder what the afterlife'

"It must be a pretty nice place...but you aren't going there for now."

Charlotte could faintly hear someone's voice from close as all the other echoes of chaos seemingly faded away for some reason.

Despite her detroitirating state, she could feel the long arms of the person securing her in his embrace and parting her lips to feed her something cold and soothing.

Instinctively she parted her lips even more and actively gulped the impossibly sweet nectar.

A moment passed and another, before Charlotte realized something.

Her body was a lot more comfortable than before. Her mind was now stable and if she strained her eyes a little...

"Ah..." The moment she forced herself to part her eyelids, she was startled to be greeted by the wooden mask.

Her consciousness was not a lot clearer once she gazed into those eyes she had seen earlier today. Her mind was so occupied by those eyes that she noticed her surroundings a minute later.

"W-Where am I...?" She could faintly feel the ominous aura of the demon and she still was in the town but the battlefield was definitely very far from here.

The masked man, cupped her cheeks to calm her down—and truth be told, it worked.

"I know you are anxious and scared but try to collect your thoughts. Your family needs you."

"B-but...the de-demon..." Even if she calms herself down and gets back to her family, would that even matter? The demon surely wasn't going to spare anyone today.

However, hearing his following statement truly helped her mind and body to regain its composure.

"Charlotte, on the name of the food your mother has fed me today, I swear that I will protect you and this town by purging that demon. So just go back to your family and wait for me there, okay?"

Charlotte had no idea about this man's identity. She wasn't sure whether he was strong or not. She didn't know if she could trust his words or not.

...yet, betraying all odds, she found herself believing the man and nodding her head.

Clutching the hem of his shirt, she pleaded in a voice that she didn't know, she still possessed,

"Please return safely."

"Mm, I will."


A/N:- Another harem member, get!

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