Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 35- Advice

"What happened Char? You look dazed?" It was not common for Remi Evans to see her daughter in such a listless state.

Charlotte has always been a responsible and focused child who takes her job seriously and was good academically as well. Unfortunately, after her husband ran away a few years ago, Charlotte firmly rejected her mother's suggestion to join the Starfall Academy even though Charlotte was an Awakened.

Being a mother of such a hard-working child, Remi always felt very proud...and a little sad as well, since because of all the responsibility, Charlotte has to bury her childishness and become a grown-up all of a sudden.

However, unlike most days, today Charlotte seemed a little off after she saw that masked man who was currently waiting for the food.

"...don't know why...but his eyes captivated me." Charlotte being Charlotte—she never hides anything from her mother and confesses whatever she feels without hesitation.

Remi stifled a giggle as she replied, "Is it love at first sight, my daughter?"

Suddenly Charlotte flinched before her expression hardened,

"I am not going to fall for someone just at first sight. And certainly not when the person hides his face."

"But isn't it romantic? You feel excited to know him more and finally get to see his face when he begins trusting you?"

"Yes, and it turns out he is a pig-faced."

Remi giggled this time aloud; garnering attention in her direction. Those who came to see the older one felt their heart filling with awe as they raised their glasses at the sight.

Truly fascinating.

"Will that matter, love? Don't you remember that story when an ugly-faced prince saves the princess and yet she accepts him and they happily live together? You used to read that a lot~"

Charlotte scoffed, "My childish and silly self used to like such stupid stories. I am a grown-up now."

Remi didn't say anything about that and continued cooking. Both Remi and Charlotte know that even now, a part of the latter's heart desires such a fairytale happenstance to occur with her.

"Here." Placing the tray of food on the counter, Remi added, "Serve it with a smile~"

Charlotte ignored her mother's grin and took hold of the tray before heading toward the table where the most suspicious man in the eatery sat.

She resisted the urge to look into the parchment he was reading before she placed the tray on the table and said, "I hope you enjoy the meal."

"You are an awakened right?"

Charlotte flinched hearing him calling out to her all of a sudden.

"Yes...I am." It was no secret that she is an awakened being since regularly, Charlotte has to use her divine blessings to ward off some pests who try to create trouble. Especially those who come here just to flirt with her mother.

"Have you not enrolled in the Starfall Academy?"

" I don't have time for that." Charlotte frowned after hearing his suggestion all of a sudden. Who was he anyway? A professor or some kind of prodigy?

Regardless, since Charlotte deemed the conversation to be over, she was about to turn around and leave, when suddenly he said something that shook her down to the core,

"Stop trapping yourself in your past and strive for a better future."

Charlotte gritted her teeth and was about to refute him...however, the moment she turned around, the whole tray of food along with the man was no longer there and only two gold coins were placed on the table.

Charlotte frowned, not only because the dishes and the food were worth only three silver coins, but the fact that the man just used teleportation now.

"A magician?" As she thought, there was something very strange about that masked person.


[Kyle's POV:]

"*Nom* *Nom*"

Munching on the bread dipped in the meat sauce I thought about the little stunt I pulled just a few minutes ago.

It was not an abrupt decision to call out for Charlotte. Canonically, she would have joined Starfall Academy because she wanted to avenge her family and that Academy was her only hope to become stronger and gain a license to become a Hunter.

However, now that I was about to change the plot, I needed to do something about her plans—if in case she decided to not join the Academy.

' I just need to deal with the demon and be done with it...'

Finishing the meal I teleported the tray and dishes back in the eatery and decided to rent a room to rest for a few hours.


"For how many hours?"

"Half a day, please," I told the receptionist while I thought about the plan I would be following after the day falls.

I have seven potions with me along with my weapon and straw dolls. If I exhaust too much energy to teleport the civilians out of the danger zone then I might not be able to fight against the Demon and its minion until the end.

"Two silver coins please."


And not to talk about, the demon is a C-rank, no less. From what I know, it would be a terrestrial type Gnome. Thankfully, since this demon is a transformed one, the Gnome wouldn't carry its original intelligence—which would make it easier to bait the demon. About the minions then I don't have much information about them, but since they are working under a demon, they must be around rank E to D.

"Your identity."

"Here you go."

Maybe I need to just destroy the whole town under the Four-Circle spell after evacuating all the citizens? But that would be burdensome and risky. What if I can't get the whole town escape before launching the attack or after exhausting all my energy in that Four-Circle spell, what if the Demon survives?

A lot of variables and a lot to think about.

"Please enjoy your stay."

Nodding to the receptionist, I took the room key and made my way upstairs.


Although the room wasn't grand, it was big enough to allow me to stretch a bit before the battle, and a comfortable bed awaited me.

I searched the room for any surveillance using Beta. Thankfully, there was nothing. I detached the mask and threw away my clothes before jumping on the bed.


I will just take a quick nap and when I wake will be hero...time....


A/N:- Hmm~Chunni Kyle? Well, who cares?

Is the POV switch good? I intend to introduce third-person POV only when involving new characters and battle scenes. Comments your thoughts.

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