After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 220 Director Hana Lee!

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Chapter 220  Director Hana Lee! by Harem-Fan


     Early in the morning, I woke up with Hana and Kim. Kim, who was once a nurse in the Hospital, attends the Ball every year, especially the years I found excuses to escape.

     Kim was kissing my shoulders and Hana watched her in amusement, and asked her friend.

     "Sigh, Kim dear, why are you doing that to Rick?"

     Kim brought out of her trance said to Hana over my chest like I was just a pillow to hug.

     "Hana, I can't put my finger on it, but Rick's skin feels better to kiss than normal. Lately it is like he has been going to the spa with us? Rick honey, have you been secretly getting spa treatments?"

     Kim's green eyes look certain of her deduction, and Kate had also noticed something different. Why are the clueless airhead wives the first to notice the changes in my body, but all of my sharper wives just blow it off? I kinda admit to it.

     "My wife, you are sharp, and I have indeed been taking better care of my skin for you. I am surprised you noticed. I had decided to stop being lazy with my appearance."

     Yup, I went from above average to now bordering on good looking, thanks to Ling'er tricking me into cultivating. Hana with her blue eyes kissed me and shrugged, she said.

     "Sorry Rick, but you seem the same to me, anyway the three of us need to get ready. We have to open the event hall first, so chop chop."

     And the literal smartest woman in my harem is clueless, sigh.

     Well I was unaware that most of my harem had figured out, but never openly said it, but they have a strong hunch I am the Yellow Emperor. They were afraid to bring it up though, in fear of breaking our peaceful life. So my body changes were actually ignored and blamed on this assumption.

     I found all of this out after the death of Adam Lee. But that is a tale for the not so distant future, when our lives stabilize.

     The three of us head to the showers and get ready...


     So who is attending today from my harem? Mei, Mercy, Hana, Kim, and I are going first.

     Victoria will be going as the Long family Head like she does every year. Well she is extra motivated today, because she wants to dance with me. Well I have become good at it over the last couple of years due to the many social events I attend.

     Jill will be attending as the Feng Head, accompanied by Greg and Melody, along with their Lee Bodyguard.

     Tonya Lang along with her younger husband. Linda will sit with her sister due to designing all the dresses of my wives and lovers. She is spending time with her sister mainly for this event, plus she only came for the dance as well, sigh.

     And the final woman in my harem, Helen Tang will represent our Tang family for the event. She told me she is only here to see me inevitably cause trouble and she can't wait to see what happens, plus Linda made her a lovely dress to show off her beauty.

     And also joining the hospital table will be James and Akeno for obvious reasons.


     Standing at the main entrance of the ballroom, I have Hana on my left in a shoulder-less metallic looking dress that goes all the way to her ankles, with silver as its theme. Her dress and shoes are all a slight shimmering silk.

     Linda knows she likes her clothing a bit more riskay, but with this, she gets both elegance and shock value. I admire how it hugs her body and it screams... Trophy wife.

     I say to Hana who is looking at me in question.

     "My wife, I was just thinking of our past. When you first met me when I woke from my fever. To think you and I would be here at this point. You gave me everything, including Rick Jr. I also remember you telling me you would always be my least troublesome wife. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Hana."

     She grins looking pleased.

     "I think you praised me enough last night, but I guess hearing it every day is good too, even if you are very sappy, Ufufu. But I think it was your sappiness that drew me in. Hmm? You know, I think it was lucky I ran into Tony Deng in the market that day. Oh, speaking of which, how is Tony Deng doing?"

     I smile thinking of him just being a big kid, or rather computer nerd. To think he was my first mini boss after I had awakened.

     "He is doing really well these days. He just married his 4th wife, and he has been running my World of Warcraft game company well. I admire his dedication to the games he designs. Yeah, I think he was the first man I regretted beating up, ha-ha."

     While we were reliving our past 4 years of marriage, we periodically greeted the guests who were invited and had passed security.

     Then Hana's parents came in representing Star university that I freshly graduated from a couple of months ago.

     "Hello father and mother Chang"

     Dean John Chang, now 49 and Gloria Chang a bit younger, because we don't ask her age, were smiling at the two of us with their matching blonde and blue eyes that Hana inherited. John pats my right shoulder and asks.

     "You two look perfect together, and when will you bring my grandson over again?"

     While mother and daughter gossip about their clothing and done-up hair, I say to the Dean.

     "We will all come by for dinner on the 8th I believe is what Hana planned."

     "Great, oh, and I almost forgot... Happy 4th Anniversary today, ha-ha."

    Both women smile hearing that. Yup, It was July 1st four years ago before the Ball that day, Hana and I officially wed, and created life in her belly. That was another reason Hana was forcing me to come, because I had been bailing on our Anniversaries during the Ball.

     "It is the one Anniversary I cannot even miss if I tried. And thanks for giving me your amazing daughter."

     Then after a few more words, they went to our table, and we continued to greet many Doctors and Board members. Hana, seeing me looking for the bald guy I dropped naked in South City, told me.

     "That Glen fellow moved to the White State to run a hospital there, you scared the shit out of him. No one even flirts with me these days, fufu."

     "Hana honey, is it strange I feel disappointed that I lost someone to bully? Oh never mind, my bully target has just arrived, he-he."

     Passing security came Jill, Greg, Melody, and Clark Kent! Okay his name is Clark Lee, but fuck he is muscular, tall, with black hair, and blue eyes, and could pass for fucking Superman.

     Hana, already knowing of the gunpowder, says to Jill.

     "Greeting Head Feng, and thank you for donating and joining the Star General Ball."

     Jill smiled and cordially replied.

     "Director Lee, just like every year, the Feng always support this institution."

     As Jill's eyes made it to me, she then with a serious face said to me.

     "Mr Tang, I hope we can avoid any incidents like last time at my home?"

     I feign innocence and stated.

     "I am always wonderful to those that deserve it, but please do not blame me for the decorators of the event, I promise I had nothing to do with it!"

     All four of them looked over my shoulder and saw the tables were all decorated in green and white, with lots of green. Okay, I lied, I totally made them do it.

     Jill was the only one to realize the decoration was for her, and her lips curled. But everyone else thought it was over the Lee siblings' baby scandal with Greg. Greg said in a low growl.

     "Rick you did all of this on purpose you bastard, especially after the video you spread!"

     I only shrug my shoulders, pissing them off more because it is totally true. Melody scorned me.

     "What you did was illegal, and the baby is Greg's, you bastard!"

     I point towards her belly, and say my inflammatory words.

     "First it does not matter if it was or was not illegal, because it was covered by the amnesty when I first stole the video, ha-ha. Second, who knows who's baby that really is, hell it could be Clark's kid for all I know, right Clark?"

     Clark who was just standing waiting to protect them was dumbfounded how he was brought into it. No way, has he really slept with her?! Damn, he is twice her age!

     "I hope you die you fucking asshole, come Greg lets go in, I cannot look at him anymore."

     Melody in pure anger dragged Greg in to run from my provocations. Clark not seeing Jill go in looked unsure who to follow, but ultimately went inside. Jill now left alone with me and Hana looked at me, trying to hold her smile in.

     As Hana greeted another group, Jill leaned into me, so I could smell her, then her hand reached into my right jacket pocket to retrieve a small glass vile of clear liquid. Sliding it in her breasts cleavage, she asked me.

     "This is not dangerous, is it? I don't care but I do not want to have my child in jail, fufu?"

     "Nope, it is an ancient medicine I concocted (Medicine Advanced) that was originally meant to cleanse the body of impurities. As long as it is only ingested once a week, it is harmless to the body. It is made with a blend of 26 types of common flowers, but it is neutralized as far as flower allergies. I personally would not use it because well, you stay in the bathroom for hours."

     "Rick my dear, do not forget me tomorrow, I already cleared my lunch schedule for you?"

     "Don't worry, I enjoy our bad behavior very much. But I will like it more when we can be more open."

     "Greg will be gone soon enough, just wait for me. With our child, we can finally be happy. Anyway, I need to go in before Greg realizes I am the real green problem, fufu."

     And with her words she gently brushed up against me as she passed by.

     Hana, done with her talk, saw the brush and she asked me with a smirk.

     "If you tell me the truth, I will have seen nothing~! So, you and Jill?"

     "Yes Honey, this criminal is caught red handed."

     Hana, enjoying my nervous face, only smiled and said.

     "Good, and I saw nothing. Now I think everyone is here, so let us go and host the Ball, my husband, Ufufu."

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