After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 217 www.Scandal.Eurasia!

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Chapter 217  www.Scandal.Eurasia! by Harem-Fan


     When the Police arrived, I had already removed all of my weapons and valuables to be arrested and taken to the Southern Police Precinct.

     As the pair of squad cars came to put me in, I could tell by Jill's eyes that she didn't want this event to happen, for both personal and political reasons. But while no one was looking I only winked at her so she knew it was fine.

     The 4 Police officers who came to arrest me, were actually very polite and respectful, so I gave them no lip or resistance. I could tell they had no choice in this matter. My reputation as the Fire Birds Leader, the husband of both the Long and Tang, as well as all of my past deeds in the Police force, has made me a bit of a sensitive prisoner.

     Tina told me as I was being put in the car.

     "Nick Soto, Nadia, Nichole, and their team of lawyers are already en route to the station, and have already filed for your release. I will tell Alice that daddy had to go to work, fufu. Love you dear."

     "Thanks my wife, see you later, and love you too."

     With that, I was taken away.

     Later I had found out that Raymond was told to leave the Feng estate for bringing shame to her family with this public slap to all the other noble clans.

     When Melody and Greg tried to protest against it, Jill told them they are welcome to follow him if they wish, otherwise to shut up. The two, realizing Jill was pissed, shut up fast, while Raymond was sent to the hospital and his bags had been sent there to him.

     When I found out what Jill did later, I decided in my heart to reward her for giving me some more revenge.


     The two officers up front in the car had their faces twitch as we pulled up to the front of the station, why?

     Click Flash Click! Camera flashes were off the hook, and a massive group of reporters (Mine) had come to get a scoop. I also saw Nadia doing an interview with a news woman, looking sexy and charismatic for the camera. Sigh, She is so happy right now.

     As I was brought out of the car, the reporters threw out many questions, while the officers called for help to clear the path.

     "Mr Tang, are you being framed again?!"

     "Mr Tang, can you say a few words on the record about this latest arrest?"

     "Mr Tang, it is reported the man you assaulted and tried to kill was Raymond Lee, a military Officer, is this true?"

     "Mr Tang, I love you! Look here please and smile?"

     "Mr Tang, are the Police abusing their authority again with you sir?"

     The Police that are clearing a path heard that last one and looked nervous, but I rapidly answered all their questions because over the years, as a movie star it is normal for this barrage.

     "First, No, I am very guilty here. Second, due to Mr Lee cheating on my brother-in-law's wife Melody Lee, I let anger overcome me and I struck Mr Lee for making my new sister-in-law pregnant. Third, this is false, because if I wanted Mr Lee dead, he would be. Fourth, thanks for that and go ahead with the picture. And lastly, the Police so far have been wonderful and kind. But if this changes, I will go on the record when I get out and recount EVERYTHING they have done, so wait for it. Sorry I have to go now, gotta get interrogated..."

     I smiled on the way in, and as I passed by my wife Nichole I said.

     "Tell Lucy to spread the tape now, and see you later inside."

     Nichole smiled while waving me off. She then posted on Harem-Chat to Lucy. Then seeing the video get mass released Nichole called out to the reporters.

     "Attention all reporters, my Husband's reference to the cheating scandal with Melody Lee, can be found on www.Scandal.Eurasia.. So see for yourself why he assaulted Mr Lee, thanks."

     Soon everyone dived into their smartphones for the free show that embarrassed the whole Lee family, well not me.

     I did say sex with blood brothers and immediate family was still a crime of incest, right?! Only cousins and aunts are fair game, so Raymond and Melody committed a crime... HA, take that fuckers!


     I was cleanly done with the booking procedure, then taken straight into an interrogation room rather than the holding cells with the common criminals. They even offered me coffee, so nice.

     I took the offered coffee and drank it like I was at the cafe, because I know that Adam Lee is most likely watching me live in the interrogation room. So looking cool is the master plan to piss him off.

     I still have my hidden earpiece and Lucy is able to continue to monitor and speak in my ear, so I am not too worried about the Police pulling a fast one.

     [Rick sweety, I can confirm that Adam is watching, as well as the Hungry Ghost for some odd reason. Perhaps the Hungry Ghost works for Big Rick? Oh, and the video you wanted spread everywhere. Adam is frantically trying to stop it, but Valentine is cloning itself to redirect all images faster than he can remove them, Ufufu.]

     I cannot talk to Lucy or expose my hidden earpiece, but I smile at the camera to let her know I understand, and let Adam think I am taunting him.

     Adam once tried emptying one of my bank accounts of 20 million, but he stopped when I counter drained his Lee family's banks for 40 million.

     At this point, both groups entered the interrogation room. The first team was my twin wives and Nick. The other group was the interrogation detective, the Sargent, and the representative of the Central Government. (basically a prosecuting lawyer)

     Nadia took the seat to my left, with Nick to my right, and Nichole at the back taking notes.

     The other three sat across the table facing us. The detective started the meeting and asked.

     "Mr Tang, we have already heard from the victim, and now wish to hear your side of the story. Here please look at this faxed hospital report just sent to us."

     With my Medical Advanced, I quickly scanned it to make sure Raymond didn't try and worsen his wounds to further his claims. I made his injuries so if he tries, his face would instead be disfigured, due to how I placed the break. When I was done with it, I nodded to my lawyers indicating it was correct, then I began my tale...


     "...And so that is why Mr Lee has been targeting my family, and that video I found on the Scandal site made my anger flare. Seeing my poor brother-in-law unaware just made me see red. I am ready to publicly apologize for my crime of passion."

     Not only did I flood the web with the video, but I time stamped it to show a few days ago in-case they wonder how I claimed to find it. The prosecutor working with Raymond refused my offer of a public apology and demanded the maximum sentence be prosecuted.

     The Sargent seeing the aggressiveness of the Central Government prosecutor and my story, plus my wanting to pay the bills, and apologized shaking his head, then told the Prosecutor.

     "No, we will be releasing Mr Tang and find it was only a simple assault. The fact you want a maximum sentence for this minor offense is proof you are irrationally gunning for Mr Tang. If you want your client and the government to prosecute, then do it privately. We will release Mr Tang with the fine of the hospital visit, but no apology, since you refused it. That is the Police's final decision."

     No, I am not being released because his points are valid, but because this Sargent's last name is Tang... How unlucky is Raymond? And the Government lawyer is fit to be tied, but everyone in the room just shook hands and began the release procedures.


     On the front steps of the Police station with my lawyers at my sides, the reporters waited for my response.

     "Hello everyone, I am here to tell you all that justice was done! The police ran a fair and just investigation to find out all sides of the story. I will however publicly apologize to Mr Lee, because he is a loyal government Officer and he deserves my words, so here I go..."

     I smile at the cameras and throw in some lies.

     "Mr Raymond Lee, with all of my regretful heart, I sensibly apologize for 'Punching' you in the face one-time. I thought when you stuck your chin out, it was a taunt. I truly hope your shameless video will not get you in-trouble with the Central Government, because incest is truly illegal. And what will you do with your sister's baby, sigh? No, I should apologize once more... I should never have exposed your wrongdoings of Green Hatting my brother-in-law Greg Feng, and if you can hear me Greg, I am sorry for this... That is all I have to say."

     Mercy and Mei had come to retrieve me and the twins. We climbed in the limo to escape the media, and then pulled away.

     Then my limo had been filled with laughter from Nadia and Mei, while I held Nichole.

     All in all, it was a great day, and I did not have to spend the night in the slammer!

     Tonight, I played with my children that were still awake, and then played with my wives.

     Jill, Greg, Melody, and Raymond had less fun evenings, though Jill was only trying to hide her smile the whole night.


If you like my writing, and you like D×D, then try my new alternate story... [A New Born Devil?]

I can promise this is a bit different from what you are used to, thanks for reading all of my work.


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