A Tragic Villain Saves The World


Hey readers! I'm back. I know it's been a long time but my real life is so busy at the moment I haven't found the chance to sit down and truly write. But things have calmed down now that I will begin uploading stories again. As always I hope you enjoy them.

A/N: In regards to important characters this time I'll do things a bit differently and post them in the chapter they appear. Here are the first couple.

Feedback would be appreciated.


Emrys Wyllt (Similar to Robin >Male Avatar from Fire Emblem Awakening) The protagonist of the story. In the game he was one of the most notorious villains. But due to an unexpected event he is now on a different path. Which is to save the world instead of destroying it.

Brinn (Similar to Belfast from Azur Lane) A half-demon. Emrys’ personal maid and assistant who is deeply in love with him.


Sitting in my room I watched the end credits of the anime episode I had been watching roll across the screen.

A smile on my face.

Since the anime I just watched did the source material justice.

But before I continue allowing me to introduce myself.

My name is Max.

A 21 year old college student, with a passion for anything related to anime, manga, light novels, and especially video games.

My favorite video games being the RPG type. While my favorite RPG game of all time is known as Resonant Hearts.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm telling you all this. Well it's because the anime I just finished watching was based on Resonant Hearts.

Which once again did the source material justice.

104 episodes spread out over four seasons and I can't find fault with any of it. Even the characters.

Especially the games most beloved character, who goes by the name Emrys Wyllt.

Who actually is a villain in the series that appears multiple times, and causes no end of horrible events that the protagonist and his companions have to deal with. Which is why the guy was so hated. That is until the game developers released his backstory information. Allowing everyone to find out Emrys was in fact a tragic villain. That's how he went from being hated to loved.

At least by us fans of the game.

But in the game itself, and in the anime, his fate was different. For in the end he died, while still having hatred directed towards him.

Which I found so sad. So much so I shed a few tears during his death scene in the anime.

I mean he's my favorite character in the series after all, and who wouldn't shed a few tears when their favorite character dies?

Moving on.

When the end credits finished I shut down my computer. I then walked over to my dresser and picked up my portable game console. I then powered it on and began playing Resonant Hearts from the very beginning, like I have so many times before, for the anime gave me the urge to do so.

And I decided to follow it.

Well into the night I played my favorite game, until eventually I decided to turn in for the night.

So with that I saved my progress and then climbed under the covers of my bed. But not before making a mental note to start writing a new Resonant Heart fanfiction tomorrow, of which I have wrote several already, where Emrys gets to live.

For I sincerely believe that he deserves a break.

Once the mental note was made I was quickly off to dreamland.

Having no idea what awaited me.



Hearing a loud crash my eyes shout open.

When they did I found myself looking into the pair of another. Which were the deepest blue I had ever seen.

Looking into the eyes before mine I got mesmerized for a moment.

But I snapped out of it when the eyes on front of my own quickly moved back. Allowing me to glimpse their owner.

It was a young girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old. 

She has long, straight, silver-colored hair that goes to her mid-back, of course the deep blue eyes I mentioned earlier, and a full figure with curves in all the right places. Her breasts looking especially ripe. Considering they are D-cups. Made all the more alluring by her unblemished creamy white-skin and dark-blue neglige nightgown she is wearing.

As I stared at the girl before me, just like with her eyes seconds ago, I felt myself momentarily mesmerized by her appearance. But just like when I was looking into her eyes that mesmerization quickly disappeared, and was instead replaced with a look of recognition. For I knew exactly who the girl was standing in front of me.

A character from the game Resonant Hearts.

Her name being Brinn.

Who was Emrys' slave.


For he never treated her like a slave. Instead she was more of his personal maid/assistant.

Though neither of them ever admitted that.

They also never admitted how much they cared for each other, Brinn especially since it turns out she was in love with Emrys. Which is why she struck by his side no matter the things he did in the game, and why she sacrificed her life for his.

Yet another scene the anime did justice.

As I stared at Brinn I also couldn't help but darts my eyes around the room. Finding out I was in Emrys' bedroom featured in the anime.

'Wow. Guess I've have Resonant Heart on my mind so much I'm now even dreaming about it.'  I thought.

Which is fine by me.

Especially since this is much better than my last vivid dream where I found myself being chased by a psychotic clown carrying a red balloon.

A dream that I thankfully only had once.

That'll teach me to watch horror films like that before bed again.

"Master, Emrys I apologize."

I was suddenly knocked out of my musings when Brinn spoke up, making me put all my attention back on her. Especially given what she just called me.

"Sorry, what did you just say?" I asked.

"I said please forgive me." Brinn spoke. She then bowed her head to me. "I wasn't planning on doing anything nefarious towards you I was simply checking on your well-being." She said. "So please, pay what happened just a moment ago no mind. For I assure you, it will never happen again." 

Brinn then bowed her head even deeper than she already was.

Giving me a clear view of her breasts. Which slightly jiggled as she moved.

Seeing them I couldn't help but feel my body get a little hot and my mouth a little dry.

Then before I knew it my mind started to let thoughts creep in of what it would be like to taste Brinn herself.

Since despite being one of the most beloved female characters in the game there was no way to end up with her in it.

For she only has eyes for Emrys.

Who apparently in this dream I am.

But just to make sure.

Getting out of the bed I walked over to the mirror near the desk and took a look at my appearance.

Which turned out, as I had suspected, to be that of a seventeen year old boy with short white hair and deep purple eyes. His height, 1.81 meters. His attire some expensive-looking pajamas.

That is the description of Emrys Wyllt. Who is currently staring back at me in the mirror.

Confirming I have become him for this dream.

"Am master Emrys, are you alright?" Brinn asked.

Turning to her I nodded. "Yes Brinn, I'm fine. But more to the point, why did you lie to me just now?"

"What?" Brinn asked confused. "Master I didn't lie to you." She said.

"Oh yes you did." I replied. "For when you said earlier you staring at me sleeping simply to check on my well-being is something we both know is a lie. You were doing it in fact because your true feelings for me." I spoke.

"What, no I-"

"-Do not insult my intelligence Brinn." I spoke. Cutting her off.

I then walked up to Brinn and pulled her up and towards me, until our faces were only inches apart.

"Tell me, did you think I didn't notice the longing looks you give me? The way you smile at me? The way you eyes lick my body up and down? Or even right now, how embarrassed you are that I caught you?" I asked.

Brinn face getting redder by the second as I spoke.

"Well Brinn? What do you have to say for yourself? And please, don't lie to me this time." I said.

"I...Well I...Master Emrys I...e you." Brinn spoke. Whispering the last part.

"Huh, what was that? Speak up." I said.

"I said I love you." Brinn spoke louder this time. A few tears beginning to roll down her face after her admission. "I love you. But please, I understand if you don't wish to return my feelings. After all I-"

Brinn didn't get any farther than that because I cut her off with a kiss.

When I did Brinn eyes widened. Allowing me to see both how shocked, and how happy she was.

Seeing this I broke our kiss.

"Master you?" Brinn questioned.

"Yes Brinn I love you too." I told her. "And please, just call me Emrys." I said.

"I...yes!" Brinn happily exclaimed.

"Good girl." I said. "So with the confession out of the way let's move onto the fun bit." I said. Grinding my neither region against Brinn' "If you're ready that is?"

In response to my question Brinn simply dragged me over to the bed and tossed me onto it.

Then before I could even blink she was out of her neglige and standing there in her birthday suit. The look of a predator in her eyes.

Seeing this I shivered. But instead of fear I felt really aroused.

That's why after Brinn climbed onto the bed I quickly got out of my clothes as well.

Then the after I did I felt Brinn take hold of my semi-erect cock and begin gently rubbing her left hand along it.

She also shoved her breasts into my face.

"Fufu, here you are master. I hope you enjoy this gift." She spoke. Her voice even sultry now.

Turning me on even further.

That plus Brinn hand working me has me fully erect in a minute.

But only paying that attention for a second I focused on the gift Brinn had so generously shoved into my face.

Her breasts.

Bringing my hands up I began fondling them. While using my mouth I began sucking on Brinn nipples.

Slurp. Slurp Slurp.

Slurping sounds filled the room as my mouth moved between one nipple and the other. Back and forth, while hands also continued their own work.

"Mu, yes. Yes, master Emrys. More~" Brinn moaned lewdly. Her left hand continuing to stroke me.

The hand in question soon being covered in my fluids.

Deciding to honor Brinn request I kept giving attention to her breasts and nipples.

Her body, and by extension her hand, jerking slightly as I messed with her nipples. Telling me they were definitely one of her sweet spots.

'In that case let's see what happens when I do this.' I thought.

I then removed my mouth from Brinn right nipple.

Then immediately after I did I pushed both her breasts together and bit down on both of her nipples at the same time.


Brinn screamed in ecstasy from my actions. Her body spasming as her hand worked my cock faster and faster.

Making me cum before I knew it.

I could also tell Brinn was cumming from my actions as well.

As the two of us simultaneously orgasmed Brinn leaned forward and captured my lips in a deep kiss.

With tongue.

Just letting her take the lead I enjoyed how she used her mouth to dominate mine.

This turned up my euphoria to 100 and beyond.

Until Brinn broke our kiss. A trail of saliva between our lips when she did.

A sultry look still on her face Brinn sat up. She then took her left hand, which I had cum all over, and looked me straight in the eye as she licked it entirely clean. Swallowing every last drop of my cum.

Leaving me speechless and rock hard at the same time.

When Brinn was done cleaning her hand she licked her lips.

She then laid down and used her right hand to open up her pussy for me. "Master please, I need it here. Please give it to me master." Brinn spoke.

Simply nodding at her request I moved to her. I then lined up my cock with her entrance and didn't hesitate as I shoved it in.

Blood leaking out after I broke her hymen.

Yet Brinn didn't pay that any attention.

For after I placed my cock inside of her she started bouncing up and down.

"Hey, are you just going to pleasure yourself? What about me, your master?" I asked.

Then before Brinn could respond I slipped out of her and turned her over. Giving her ass cheeks a firm slap.

"Hiieee!!" Brinn moaned.

"It seems you need to be taught a lesson." I said.

I then shoved my full length inside of Brinn and began pumping her like there was no tomorrow.

In and out I worked her pussy. 

While also giving her ass cheeks slaps.

"You like this, don't you?! Don't you, you slutty slave?!" I asked.

"Yes! This slave loves having her pussy pounded master!" Brinn cried. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Seeing this only made me thrust harder.

In and out I ravaged Brinn, feeling myself get closer and closer.

Until finally I couldn't take it any longer.

"Here it comes you naughty slave. Take it!" I shouted.

I then pulled all the way out, before slamming my entire length into Brinn and cumming.

"Yess!!!"'Brinn cried.

Cumming again along with me.

The two of us releasing cries of pure pleasure and bliss.

Which lasted for a minute until we collapsed on the bed.

Where we only stayed for a about a minute before we got back to it.

Me definitely placing this as one of my best dreams ever.

Really wishing I never had to wake up.

Sadly all good things must come to an end.

I don't know how long Brinn and I did it but eventually we stopped. Falling asleep while holding each other.

Meaning it was time for me to wake up.


Feeling the morning sun but my face I slowly but surely opened my eyes.

I then yawned and tried to sit up in bed.

Keyword being tried.

Since when I did I noticed a weight on my chest.

Looking to see what it was I saw it was Brinn.

Telling me I was still dreaming.

Which is strange.

Since I know I definitely went to sleep earlier, and that should've woken me up. Yet here I still am.

It doesn't make any sense.

Unless of course last night wasn't a dream. But that's impossible.





The more I thought about it the more I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.

'No way.' I thought.

Yeah, there is seriously no way.

Shaking my head I worked to fall back asleep.

But that only lasted for a short while before I was awoken by something soft touching my lips.

Opening my eyes I found the soft sensation was Brinn' lips.

She was kissing me.

Seeing that I was awake she pulled back. Getting a slightly shy expression on her face. "Good morning mas-I mean good morning Emrys." She said. "Am, would you like me to take care of you?" She asked. Pointing to my morning wood.

Taking all this I suddenly came to a startling realization.

Somehow I was not in a dream.

It seems I really have become Emrys Wyllt.




All I can say is, what the fuck?

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