A Tragic Villain Saves The World

Chapter 1 – Getting My Bearings

What the fuck?

I am Emrys Wyllt.

One of the most hated villains in the world of Resonant Heart.

A guy who did so much bad shit not even the kindest person in the world would forgive him, even after knowing his backstory.

That is who I now am.




Again, what? The? Fuck?

This is...this is insane. Crazy. Ludicrous, and any other word that describes how twisted this entire scenario is.

I mean I've basically become like a main character in an isekai story, or in one of this self-insert fancitions.

If this situation is as real as I think it is. Since I'm still not convinced that's the case.

I mean, there is still a chance I could be dreaming right?

As I pondered this question, and several others, I suddenly stopped when I felt pleasure course through my entire body. Immediately knowing the reason why.


She was sandwiching my morning wood between her breasts and rubbing it, while also hungrily gobbling the tip of my cock that was jutting out from between them.

The combined pleasure from both Brinn' tits and mouth sent me over the edge in no time, and I came. Brinn drinking down every last drop.

When she finished she removed her mouth from the tip of my cock with an audible pop. She then looked at me and licked her lips. "Thank you for the morning meal." She purred.

Sending a shiver across my entire body.

I also started getting hot, and felt my cock already getting hard again.

Seeing this Brinn gently used her finger to rub my tip. "Fufu, looks like someone is already ready for round two." She said. "Well good, so am I. You just say when." Brinn spoke.

"Maybe later. Right now I need to use the bathroom." I said.

Then before Brinn cold say another word I moved her off of me, got up, and quickly headed for the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind me. I then moved over to the sink, turned on the cold water, and then started splashing myself in the face with it to help myself calm down.

Otherwise I would certainly head back to Brinn and take her up on her offer. But I knew if I did that neither of us would leave the bed all day. Especially considering the fact Brinn' demon nature has definitely been awakened.

Yeah, Brinn isn't human. Not fully at least. No, she's only half human. The other half belonging to the demon race. One of several races, besides humans, that populate the world of Resonant Heart.

Which is known as Arcadia.

And even among the other races in Arcadia demons are unique in the fact that there isn't really one singular appearance for them. What I mean by that is the demon race is actually composed of several tribes which can't be classified under any of the other races. That's why they are called demons in the first place. Some of which look entirely human by the way. While some don't resemble humans in the slightest. It's a big topic which I would rather not get into right now.

So moving on, there also halfings.

The term halfing generally used to refer to any child born between the union of a human and an individual from one of the other races in Arcadia.

Which Brinn is.

Now as to what I meant by her demon nature awakening, it's that Brinn's mother was a succubus. Members of the demon race, along with their male counterparts the incubus, who derive immense power from sexual intercourse and feelings of lust and pleasure. The abilities of that particular tribe of demons truly manifesting the first time they have their first sexual encounter.

Whether it is consensual or not.

The same applies to halfing's associated with them.

So ergo when Brinn and I rutted like animals in heat list night her demonic powers fully awakened, which is why she was acting like a sex goddess earlier, and why I had to get out of there before she truly ate me whole.

Since I really need to figure out what the hell is going on right now.

After splashing myself in the face with water for five minutes I stopped.

I then turned it off and used a nearby towel to dry my face. After which I looked at the reflection in the mirror above the sink. Running a hand through my hair I sighed. "Seriously, can someone help me out here? Give me a sign. Something, anything?" I spoke to myself.

Finding I sounded exactly like Emrys as well.

"I even sound like him." I mused. "So its possible, I truly did become him?" I questioned.

Then right after I did I moved my hands to the side of my head, fell to my needs, and began grunting in pain. For a massive headache began assaulting me out of nowhere. Not only that but images suddenly began flashing in my mind.

"Argh!!" I winced. As the pain from the headache became worse, alongside the images flashing in my mind getting faster. The two things combined becoming almost unbearable. So much so I started to see black dots in my vision. Telling me I was on the verge of passing out.

But as quickly as the dots, along with the headache and image flashes  started, all three suddenly simultaneously stopped.

When they did I took a minute to catch my breathe. I then stood back up to my feet and stared at the reflection in the mirror again. A sort of strange  calmness and serenity now encompassing me. For I now had the answer to my earlier big question.

Somehow I have become Emrys Wyllt.

For those images in my mind earlier were not simply images, no they were memories. Memories that belonged to the original Emrys. Along with all the emotions and feelings associated with them. But I don't think they have influenced me too much. Though it's not like they have influenced me at all.

To put simple I am both Max the college student, and Emrys Wyllt of Arcadia.

It's strange, and yet at the same time also feet right and comfortable.

So with my question is if everything I've experienced up until now was a vivid dream or not answered, the next question is now that have somehow become Emrys Wyllt do I want to return to my old life?

Thinking the question over for a minute I honestly found myself answering no.

I mean sure, my previous life wasn't bad, but compared to living in a world filled with magic, monsters, and beautiful women it is bland in comparison. 

Sure, I would never see my family or friends again, but death is a natural part of life. So...Wait a minute, did I even die?

I mean I just woke up here, so whose to say what happened to my original body back in my original world. It could still be there. Then again it could not.

More to the point even if I did want to return to my old life I have no idea how.

So with all that and more it seems safer just to stay here and live as Emrys Wyllt.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do.

From now on I am Emrys Wyllt. Resident of the world of Arcadia and vill-Fuck that's right. I am a villain in this world, and if it's based on the game then I already might be shit out of luck. But who knows, maybe I became Emrys before he did anything truly terrible. Now I just need a way to check.

No sooner than I thought that did some of my new memories come rushing to the forefront of my mind. Memories where I had attacked and killed people for no reason than because I wanted to, and me facing off against the protagonist of this world and his allies already.

Seeing all this from my new memories I couldn't help but put a wry smile on my face.

Because my new life just began and things already seem to messed up.

Yay for me.

I was being sarcastic if you can't tell.

This is definitely not good.

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