A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

62. Space whale-level disaster.

Tatsumaki stared from the bald man to the small alien whale the green glow around her body before she exploded and yelled, "Why are you here!? What is that floating your talking to and aren't you too weak to be here?!"

"Shush child adults are speaking.", Caelicetus said, his childlike voices resonating far and wide, and a nanosecond later Tastumaki's voice couldn't be heard by anyone. 

The whale had 'muted' her by creating controlled miniature wells of gravity in precise areas of her larynx and mouth disturbing the sound coming out to no more than silent puffs of air.

Her mouth closed as her eyes turned to pinprick, cold sweat, trembling hands, and heart hammering within her chest. 

She realized what this creature just did and, the similarities, it phased right through her psychic barrier, and it felt similar but different than Blast's power. It felt like a part of reality itself was being manipulated.

"Huh that's a nice trick.", Saitama muttered. How he wished to be able to simply shut people up sometimes.

'I… Never!', the green-haired esper reached a conclusion and started to fight back by trying to crush the monster which seemed to have no effect to her shock she suddenly stopped as rubble all around City-A started to float but without her intervention.

From that rubble grievously wounded, both conscious and unconscious floated in neat rows, they were of all ages from newborns to elders. Caelicetus calculated their chance of survival with their souls as even a mangled barely breathing body could be saved if it had one.

Wormholes appeared and disappeared in quick succession with each apparition a click was heard, a click which point of origin was right in front of her.

"Of the ten million seventy thousand and thirty-three dead inhabitants I could only find five thousand and four survivors. Only those one can be saved.", the alien whale said briskly but with a hint of sadness… Displeasure even.

Not because Caelicetus felt particularly sad about the loss of human life, but would a human feel sad if a random colony of ants was drowned by a flood? Not particularly, the same applied here.

What he felt sad about was more on the great loss of life itself, the loss of all future potential for nothing. However, Saitama and Tatsumaki didn't know that. 

The next scene shocked the two humans as a child not even five years of age was brought from a pile of debris right next to them. The little boy was buried below hundreds of tons of concrete only surviving by sheer luck.

But his body… He was barely breathing, eyes unfocused, skin deathly pale, his left leg was gone, his left arm no more than ribbons of flesh, and his chest caved with ribs poking out. 

It was a miracle he was still alive and another happened as the child's blood flowed in a way that defied gravity, and medical utensils and products appeared through space.

And the child was operated on in a way humans cannot even begin to fathom, a heart from an already dead young man that was perfectly compatible and the older brother of the child. 

Wisps of golden light from the whale intercepted it and it started to beat again, it was warped within the child's chest at the exact same time the child's heart was warped outside.

"A… What is happening?", the green-hair espeer said, all arrogance and aggressivity gone as she floated to the ground where the child that ten seconds ago would have been considered dead took in lungfuls of air and slowly sat looking emptily into the air.

His two lost limbs were replaced by glowing green metal prosthetics of alien technology that had grown out of two green metallic orbs that flew out of portals. 

Right from Caelum to here, prosthetics made by Al-An and fully functional on humans as they were tested in labs on humans. If it perfectly works on pedophiles, murderers, and r@pists it should also work on children

This child wasn't a unique case. Thousands of people were operated on in a similar fashion but with a slight difference depending on each case, she saw a woman with a twisted neck start to breathe again when her head was jerked by an unknown force in the right position. 

'This is tricky to do, living beings are extremely complex. Changing gold to lead is easy in comparison… And this is why I am doing what I am doing.', Caelicetus thought, four-fifths of his three minds' processing capacity were used on the task at flippers.

He was manipulating objects of infinitesimal size and mass; atoms, molecules, and electrons to be precise forcing them to bind together with nigh-perfect precision to heal wounds. 

But nothing like lost limbs or organs, he 'sutured' in the sense that as long as the parts existed in 'good enough' condition he could connect everything back together. 


It was very rough, it only sewed matter together on an atomic level and nothing near DNA complexity, doing more was out of the question as he was simply incapable of doing more, for the moment.

"Mast—"Genos stop and stay silent.", Saitama said seriously to the newly arrived cyborg who just arrived and was pointing his cybernetic hand-turned plasma cannon at the glowing monster.

"This thing… It's saving and healing humans.", Genos said, his brain more inorganic than anything having a hard time processing the sight before him, his mind going over hundreds of possibilities as to why this monster was doing so.

"This 'thing' has a name, cyborg boy.", the whale said, warping right above Genos to pat him on the head with his flipper before instantly warping away. 

The cyborg's orange eyes burned and he punched where the whale was to only feel something punch the back of his head while he heard the monster's voices say ~Too slow.~. 

The phones of humans started to float and take videos and do lives as Caelicetus started his little earth-shattering speech.

"Well presentations are long overdue, I pardon you Genos and green-haired psychically gifted human female as you didn't know better. We have a bit of a crowd around, be it the human, such as this tall nude man, not that I shame him as I don't wear clothes either… And also hello to the non-humans watching this too.", the whale declared with a chuckle at the mention of the non-humans.

"I'm not a lower life form such as a human if that wasn't obvious, neither a monster by your world standard but if I were antagonistic you would never know of my existence before the core of this planet falls on its surface like a moon-sized meteor.", he halhearyhledy joked but beside Saitama snorting nobody seemed to appreciate what he just said.

"I'm Caelicetus, a space whale from another universe, and here on this little ball of dirt floating in space to… Let's say have some fun but not the killing of innocent kind of fun. If you are unhappy about this development then you can contact me and we can talk that over a nice cup of tea.", Caelicetus finished his speech with a deep bow.

The city-sized ship in an instant got ripped apart, and each perfectly dismantled piece was teleported to only Caelicetus know where and this caused the ire of a particular human hero piloting a robot who just arrived and wanted the alien tech.

Saitama picked up a rebooting Genos like one would a sac of potato, warping next to them Caelicetus willed a wormhole to the bald man's man living room leaving behind a confused, outraged, terrified crowd of the most powerful heroes of the association. 

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