A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

61. A smol whale vs the Dominator of the Universe

"What are you!?", Lord Borros yelled with fervor, blood leaking from a shredweed mouth, the eye on the middle of his face and torso transfixed on the strange small glowing creature that just destroyed half his body.

"Oopsy might have talked too loud… Oh, and me?", the small whale spoke cheerfully, a piece of alien ship twisted in the form of a hand that pointed at himself, "A being of power you cannot even begin to fathom, my name is Caelicetus! Nice to meet ya."

"Arrogant. I never heard of you…", Borros said, not having a clear grasp of his current situation and the irony of his words. 

'Buddy you're so outclassed by me it's more sad than funny.', the space whale thought with schadenfreude, an expression of amusement on his rostrum that didn't translate quite well for a humanoid being.

Oh certainly physically speaking the Sayan-like alien with super regeneration was at the lead by quite a bit. Kicking someone to the Moon demanded quite a bit of strength. 

The problem was that Caelicetus wasn't a physical fighter setting him apart from most titans, he fought by playing with one of the four fundamental forces of physics as if it was a mere extension of his being. 

"Hey, little whale escaped my grasp and can you two stop ignoring me?", a flat voice resonated as Saitama walked out of the rubble, no wounds or scratches on, his body only his cape was shredded, and some of his costume.

Lord Boros' head snapped in the man's direction, and the sole eye of his face widened before narrowing blood vessels all around, in both euphoria and irritation. 

He jumped destroying everything from where he was, breaking the sound barrier a dozen times but just as his punch was going to connect with the human's bored face two wormholes instantly formed before Boros could react, one right where his glowing white fist was, and the other right between his crotch.

'Huh, he can do that.', Saitama thought, his mind going to what would have happened if he attacked Caeliceus. 

Though it made his heart beat faster in excitement, it meant the whale was going to be fun to fight with in training and he would get his magnificent hair back. Everyone happy.


Boros' eye lost a bit of its luster as his own punch connected with his crotch ripple was sent through his flesh as it was tipped part just as fast as it regenerated, and he was sent flying backward with just as much speed and force he arrived with. 

Stopping himself in midair with a manic inhuman smile, blood falling from it as Lord Boros spoke, "So be it! I will defeat and kill both of you!"

Instantly Boros' body glowed brighter than ever before and propelled himself at the small whale but was violently stopped by an invisible and unstoppable force. The alien overlord bellowed in rage, trying in vain to get off the gravity hold. As effective as one trying to empty the ocean with a bucket.

"You have quite the quantity of life force in you, something quite remarkable for your small stature and I'm feeling slightly peckish. Anyway… Do you get the gravity of the situation you are in?", each of the words said by the voices of the whale caused Boros' confidence to decline further and further the more and more energy he pushed behind each of his moves.

"Gravity manipulation… Cool.", Saitama said to the side, observing the future and imminent death of this alien man… Huh, he forgot what the alien overload was called.

Lord Boros gaze suddenly changed as he reached a dreadful conclusion, more and more energy was used as he started to overload and breach his body more and more for one last final and suicidal attack.

While this was happening in the heart of the city-sized spaceship, the energy core, a perfect sphere of ethereal purple the size of a city block was slowly entering a hole in space. 

The passengers inside panicked and ran around like headless chickens at the sight of the only reactor of the ship being taken away before their very eyes.

"We are doomed! We are all going to die!", a pink creature with tentacles for arms, three green eyes, and the body of a crab yelled in absolute horror. Next to him, another alien was crying about wanting to go home and his mother.

All light, every machinery, the ventilation, the anti-gravity motor, all shut down at the time same once the core was too far away from its original place and all broke loose. 

The metal shook and cracked violently but all of a sudden stopped as it was held still in the air by gravity. Caelicetus could hold tectonic plates when he was years younger what is a ship this size in comparison?

Back above the spaceship.

"Of course… You will do that, go thermonuclear in a suicidal attack when you have realized your own ultimate demise. Classic. Sorry but no.", Caelicetus said, voices bored as a wormhole with the core of the spaceship exiting it appeared.

The world around the core distorted, light bent, air crackled and what looked like a shield formed before another wormhole appeared and it was thrown through it, on its way to the Abyss of Caelum to be studied.

At the same time, Boros' arms snapped in the inverse direction of their joints, this was followed by his legs, then his abdomen caved inward and blood spurted out in abandon from his mouth.

His eye on his chest popped like a balloon and soon his chest followed. All the while the power accumulated by Lord Boros only kept increasing to all of a sudden be crushed and compacted by the transformation of his body into a tiny black hole. 

The eye on his face was torn off and just as his head was compressed, said eye was looking around everywhere in fright desperately trying to regenerate his own body. 

Boros experienced for the first time the fear of death, of his imminent destruction, he was a being who destroyed entire planets for his own amusement. Him the Dominator of the Universe, a ridiculous prospect that will have earned the death of anyone who told him that it will have happened.

The next instant a barrier formed around the eye, what was left of Boros, and he was sent through a wormhole identically to the core of his spaceship. And the alien overlord will soon discover that his death here would have been infinitely better.

Swimming in the air and eating the tiny black hole Caelicetus which tasted of peppermint and he barely felt a small increase in his strength. 

The whale looked over where Saitama was and as he already heard the man was far away looking for his way off the ship.

As such he repeatedly clicked mapping most of the ship before warping above the bald man who looked up and asked.

"Why didn't you kill him?"

"Oh just because he is a very interesting subject, it would have been a waste, and finding a night identical parallel universe is a chore. You see the supraliminal frequency radiating from the unique energy flowing through-"

"Forget what I asked, it seems too complicated and boring. And stop the mad scientist vibe you're giving me the creep.", the man interrupted the whale whose body glowed brighter out of visible irritation enough to cause a human to permanently lose his eyesight before going back to normal.

"Well don't ask if you can't handle the dumbed-down version of the answer with your undeveloped monkey brain…", the space whale grumbled which Saitama ignored.

Caelicetus then said, "And do you want me to form a wormhole leading to the ground or do you prefer to keep punching your way out of the poor ship?"

The bald man paused his brow furrowed in concentration as if trying to remember something very important, then face palmed, and muttered a yes. 

Floating slowly above the ground a girl with curly green hair and only a black robe looked perplexed at the spaceship.

Right next to her, space distorted, she furrowed her brow in worry thinking it was the number one S-class hero, Blast arriving and if he was here it meant horrible things were going to follow. 

However, what came out of it was beyond her wildest dream; A bald man followed by a small golden whale-like creature respectively walked and floated out of the wormhole. And they were arguing about who was the best character of a video game.

The number two S-class hero left eye repeatedly twitched, anger rising as she felt, stupid, utterly tricked, and probably bamboozled.

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