A Peculiar very Peculiar (Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children)


*Note: Ok, here's a new chapter! I hope you enjoy it.

Before I leave, I want to tell you something. Some of you can think: Why am I writing this fic if only a few people read? Well, today I'll answer this question. The answer is simple: I was disatisfied with the second part of the original story and I decided to write this fic to fix that I considered bad. To be completely sincere with all of you, I didn't pretend to upload this fic in the first place but I did it because I want that people that want to read another version of this story, enjoy with this fic and nothing else. 

I pretend to do a lot of more chapters and actually I almost finish the second volume of this fic so there are fic for a long time. I recommend don't miss it because when the story of the first three book finish... there will be a story completely new. 

In conclusion, thanks all of you for reading this and remember that you can read more chapters in my patreon.

My Patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79

Have a good day :)


"Don't lie, I'd never tell you anything" – I said.

"Of course not, but... Didn't you reveal information to me before; in the consultating room?" – said Dr. Golan.

"Damn it..." – I said.

"Do you know something, Jacob? From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were... peculiar" – said Doctor Golan.

"The Wights can sense peculiars, it's not surprising that you found out that I'm peculiar when I showed up in your damn consultating room" – I said.

"That's right, but that's not where I met you the first time" – said Dr. Golan.

"What do you mean?" – I asked.

"Too bad: Is it hard for you to remember a simple bus driver or the dentist who has seen you for 2 years?" – said Golan.

*Note: from here on I will call him only Golan, symbol that Jacob has lost all the respect he had for him and yes, I know I should have put it in earlier, but it occurred to me now.

"That's impossible! The Wights don't have that ability!" – Emma exclaimed.

"Otherwise, it would have been very easy for you to enter in the loops" – Emma nodded.

"Ignorant children, it is obvious that we do not have that capacity, otherwise, entering in the loops would have been very easy, no, it was just a disguise" - Golan said.

"Makeup? No matter how good your makeup is, it's impossible that..." – Millard tried to say.

"You don't know because you've been inside the loop almost all of your life, but now makeup has come a long way. Isn't that so, my dear Jacob?" – said Golan.

"That's right, in my world, makeup has advanced so much that, if you do it right, you could look like a different person" – I nodded.

Damn, that bastard, he got someone to do his makeup and made himself stand up for other people he would never suspect, because after all: Who would suspect a simple and harmless bus driver? Or even from a dentist?

"Bastard!" – Emma exclaimed.

"You have already repeated that many times, arrogant girl and you better put your insults aside. You know, I'm sure you don't want anyone to happen to your dear friend" - Golan said.

Then, he brought the gun even closer to my temple.

Emma, seeing this, restrained herself.

"That's better" - Golan said.

"Well, what do you intend to do now? Even if you shoot me, you won't be able to beat everyone, we'll catch you easily even if I'm not here to see it" – I said.

I'm immune to bullets, so even if he shoots me I'll come out unscathed and together we'll catch him very easily; he won't be able to escape from here today.

"Do you really think I've come alone? Don't be silly, Jacob, even I wouldn't dare to go to a loop alone, otherwise the odds of dying would be quite high" - Golan said.

"Don't tell me..." – I said.

"That's right, I have brought a little friend with me and if I am not wrong... he will arrive in two minutes, so I say goodbye for today, thank you for giving me enough time to kidnap your Ymbryne" - Golan said.

"You...!" – Emma exclaimed angrily.

"If I were you I wouldn't do anything strange" – Golan said.

Then, he took his gun from my temple and slowly approached the window.

"Before I go, I'm going to offer you something, Jacob" – Golan said as he stood with his back to the window.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him.

"Thanks to the information you have provided me, today we have managed to get here; That is why I propose a deal, come to our side, work with us and we will let you keep your personality, you will be able to be just like what you are now, only you will work with us capturing peculiars and Ymbrynes alike: What do you think, Jacob? It's not a bad offer, you survive this day and in return, you will help us" - Golan said.

"I'd rather throw myself into a lake of lava than associate with such vile and cruel creatures like you" – I said angrily.

"It's okay, for the record, I already gave you a chance" – Golan said with a shrug.

"Do you think we won't chase you just for jumping out of the window? The Wight are only a little stronger than normalz, but they definitely can't beat all of us" – Emma said.

"I am aware of that fact, however, a little friend is heading right this way and with Jacob's father bound and gagged you will not want to leave him here alone, unaccompanied: Am I wrong?" – said Golan.

"You fucking bastard!" – Emma exclaimed furiously.

"That's pretty cowardly even coming from a wight" - Millard said.

"Thank you for your compliments, but it's time to go, my reward awaits me" – said Golan.

Then, he threw himself out of the window and left.

"Should we follow him?" - asked Millard.

"No, you've heard him, a hollow is heading this way and I'm not going to leave my father alone with that evil creature" – I said.

Even if I am going to abandon my parents, it does not mean that I wish evil for them, on the contrary, I want them to live as happily as they can, without complications; therefore I do not intend to abandon him.

"So... what should we do?" – Bronwyn asked.

But suddenly, I felt it, I felt an incredibly great pain coming from my stomach, so painful that it almost made my knees buckle, but I gritted my teeth and resisted the pain, because I already knew what was causing it.

"What's wrong with you, Jacob?" - asked Emma worriedly.

The three of them looked at Jacob in surprise, whose complexion had suddenly turned pale.

"He's very close; I can feel it" – I said.

"Do you feel the presence of the hollows?" – Bronwyn asked surprised.

"Look, I'll explain it to you later, get the three of you out of here and go back to the loop, I'll distract him" – I said while trying to concentrate.

I was slowly getting used to the pain and began to feel the direction and distance of the hollow and it was heading here at an astonishing speed, I estimate that he will arrive in a minute, perhaps a few seconds more.

"No way, we'll stay with you!" – said Bronwyn.

"That's right!" – Emma nodded.

"Listen, there is no time! I am the only one who can see the hollows and even if you stay, you cannot help me and I cannot protect you all at the same time; Go to the loop and tell the others what happened!" – I said hurriedly.

40 seconds until the hollow arrived.

"Are you sure? We can stay and help" - Bronwyn said.

"Don't make me repeat it twice and go now, there is no time left!" – I said.

Bronwyn and the others nodded, no one wanted to leave, but they knew that only Jacob was able to see the hollow and that their presence there would only bother him because they would not even be able to feel his presence and see him.

"Through the door, let's go!" – I said.

Quickly, we went downstairs and left the hotel.

20 seconds for the arrival of the hollow.

"Bronwyn, Millard, Emma, go in that direction, I'll go for the east!" – I said as I pointed to a path.

The hollow was coming in the direction I was going to run, so if I ran there, it wouldn't focus on the others.

10 seconds for the arrival of the hollow.

After nodding, everyone went in the direction I pointed to... except Emma.

"What are you doing?! ¡Go away; quickly!" – I exclaimed.

"No way, I will stay with you until the end!" – Emma exclaimed.

Damn stubborn girl!

"Okay, follow me; quickly!" – I exclaimed.

Then, we started running at full speed.

And at that moment I saw it, the horrible creature I saw that night, at my grandfather's house, the creature I saw in the movie and in the books, but in real life looked much more terrifying than in a book or a movie.

"Run as fast as you can, he has seen us and is coming towards us!" – I exclaimed.

The hollow seemed to have noticed our presence because he quickly headed towards us as if it were a lion and we were two gazelles that were trying to flee from him to avoid being eaten.

I was frightened, very frightened, but Emma's presence reassured me somehow, so I gathered all the courage I had and took the hollow as far away from the loop as possible, the place where all the sheep were murdered and which now, in the darkness of the night, was quiet and lonely.

I tried to attract the hollow to there and face it.

"Emma, run to the right when I tell you!" – I exclaimed.

"Okay!" – Emma nodded.

Emma didn't know what Jacob was going to do, but being chased down a hole, trying to survive... There was no time to argue.

We ran for a few more minutes, jumped over the fence that prevented the sheep from escaping and headed towards a hut.

"Now, run to that cabin!" – I exclaimed.

Emma nodded and went towards the cabin, for my part, I stopped at the site, the hollow was confused for a moment when he saw that his two prey separated, but when he saw that one of them remained still, he went for his prey at full speed.

"Fuck you!" – I exclaimed.

Then, I formed a transparent ball of wind and threw it in his face. The purpose of this ball was not to kill him, but to stun him, I have a plan to kill him quickly.

The ball hit the face of the hollow, which receded due to the impact.

"Emma, be prepared to launch an attack in the direction I will indicate you!" – I shouted.

Emma had stood far away, looking at Jacob and thinking how to help him, so when she heard him, she nodded and slowly approached his position.

Taking advantage of the small distraction, I used my peculiarity "Fury" and increased my strength, punching the hollow. The hollow receded a few meters, but not too much, the force I used wasn't enough to hurt him too much, just to scream a little from the pain.

I quickly gathered water in the palm of my hand and when the hollow recovered, I threw all that water on the ground, turning it into mud, the hollow, which had already recovered from the blow I gave it, rushed with his three disgusting tongues towards me, trying to eat me, however, what I had planned succeeded because due to the enormous amount of water I shot into the ground, it turned to mud, slowing down the movements of the hollow and causing it to stumble.

"Now, throw all your fire in that direction!" – I exclaimed.

It was time, if everything goes well, the hollow will die, otherwise, I would have to think in another plan.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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