A Peculiar very Peculiar (Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children)

Chapter 70: CHAPTER 70 – TRAP

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"It's obvious that I'll be back, so don't worry" – I nodded.

A romantic atmosphere began to form between us... or that would have happened if we hadn't been interrupted by Emma.

"Flirtations will have to wait, we have work to do" – Emma said.

"But Miss Peregrine and Miss Avocet are watching: How are we going to get out of the loop without being seen?" – Bronwyn asked.

"Leave that to me" - Millard said.

Then, he took off the clothes he was wearing and left.

"It won't take long for him to do what he has planned, we better get ready" - said Emma.

"Yes" – Bronwyn and I said.

And as Emma said, it didn't take long for Millard to return.

"Come on, let's hurry, the distraction won't last long!" – Millard said.

"Let's go!" – I said.

Quickly and quietly, we leave the orphanage and go through the loop.

Today the Cairnholm of the present had a pretty good climate (for being Cairnholm, I mean). There were almost no clouds, so we could see numerous stars and we could even see the road ahead thanks to the moonlight.

"It's so cold on the other side!" – Millard said.

"It's true: Is it always cold?" – Bronwyn asked.

Accustomed to a warm and pleasant climate, this cold was too much for them, although I must admit that I was not too cold because during my stay in Cairnholm, I had gotten a little used to the cold of the place and I was not as cold as before.

"Ehem, today is a good day, normally it's much colder" – I said.

"So thank goodness we don't live on this side, I prefer the orphanage" – Millard said.

"Guys, we need to stop focusing on the cold and act once and for all" - Emma said.

"Emma is right, come with me, we will go to the hotel where I was staying" – I nodded.

The boys nodded and began to follow me as I led the way to the hotel, whether by luck or something else, the little light that the moon emanated, allowed us to see the road perfectly and we were able to arrive to the hotel in just a few minutes.

"At the moment there is no sign of the wight" – said Bronwyn.

"That's right: Do you think it's possible that he's gone?" – Millard asked.

"I don't think so" - Emma said.

"Guys, we will have to enter the hotel silently because we do not know if the wight is waiting for us; be alert and be prepared to use your peculiarities in case of danger" – I said.

Everyone nodded and we prepared to enter.

"Guys, wait until I check if Kev is there" – I said just before entering.

"Kev?" – Emma asked curiously.

"The owner of this hotel or tavern, call it whatever you want" – I said.

"Ok" – they all said.

As quietly as I could, I opened the door of the hotel. I expected to find Kev inside serving beers to his usual customers, however, it was all completely empty and silent, which was quite strange considering the time it was.

"What's going on? Is there anyone?" - asked Bronwyn.

"There's no one and it's weird" - I said.

"Why?" – Emma asked.

"Because at this time there are always people here" – I answered.

"They may have all left early today, it may be a coincidence" – Millard said.

"Too much coincidence" – Emma said.

"That's right, moreover, even if that were the case, he would have locked the door: Don't you think?" – I said.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, let's enter, but proceed with caution" – I said.

We open the door and enter, the place, as I said before, was completely empty, but the strangest thing is that there were a few half-full steins of beer on many of the tables, as if those who were drinking them had to leave quickly for something; There were also some overturned chairs.

"This gives me a very bad feeling" – Millard said.

"Something has happened here, look at the chairs, many of them are overturned; as if those who were here had left in a hurry" – said Emma.

"Yes, it seems as if... they would have gone quickly, as Emma said" – Bronwyn nodded.

"Guys, stay together, this is not normal, definitely something strange is happening here" – I said seriously.

Obviously something was going to happen, otherwise, the system would not have given me the mission, but as a former businessman, I had never found myself in a similar situation, a situation in which my life and my family's life was at risk, that's why I'm extremely nervous, in fact, I may not have been able to stay calm if it wasn't for everyone being here, next to me.

"Jacob is right" - Emma nodded.

"Follow me, my father's room is up the stairs" – I said.

Slowly, we climbed the stairs that, days ago, had not been as terrifying as they are now, the whole place was dark and we could only guide ourselves thanks to the faint light of my mobile phone, which barely allowed us to move around this place immersed in darkness.

When we went upstairs and reached my father's room, I fixed my gaze on the boys.

"Watch my back, I'm going to enter" – I said.

Everyone nodded without making a sound and I slowly began to open the door to my father's room.

At first I didn't see anything, but soon, I could see that the room was full of candles that lit up the whole place, making the whole place look perfect, but the most surprising thing of all was not the candles or that the place was strangely lit, but that there, in the bed, my father lay tied up and with a gag in his mouth, completely unconscious.

"Dad!" – I said hurriedly.

I was shocked and couldn't help but scream in surprise, but just as I approached the bed, I felt as if something was touching my temple.

"Not one more step, Jacob" – said a voice.

Surprised, I turned my gaze only to see someone I never expected to see here, Doctor Golan and, suddenly, I remembered everything, I already knew why I had that feeling of discomfort every time I saw him, because my body told me not to reveal information. I finally understood, Doctor Golan was the antagonist of the film and the first book, a wight.

"Doctor Golan, what a pleasant surprise to see you here" – I said trying to stay calm.

Doctor Golan was pointing a gun at me.

"The same I tell you, Jacob: How are you?" – he asked.

"Not very well now that I know who you really are" – I said.

"To begin with, tell your little friends to stop looking at me with that expression, I don't want to hurt you; for the moment, I mean" - said Dr. Golan.

"Disgusting Wight, get away from Jacob right now!" – Emma said angrily.

Her hands were burning with fire, ready to burn that filthy wight who was pointing a gun at Jacob.

"You better do what she said, you don't know what we're capable of" - Bronwyn said.

Bronwyn tried to stay calm, but seeing her boyfriend being pointed at with a gun and in danger of being killed, made her fury reach a level never seen before, not even her stepfather angered her so much.

"Do you say it for the invisible boy? I would advise the boy not to do anything stupid, unless he wants to see first-hand how his friend Jacob dies here" – said Dr. Golan.

Then, he pressed his gun even further against me and even seemed willing to pull the trigger.

"Okay, I won't do anything, just don't shoot" - Millard said.

When Millard saw all this, he wanted to sneak up on Doctor Golan to take off his weapon, but he didn't know how it was possible for that wight to know his powers.

"It's better in that way, if you don't do anything stupid, no one has to get hurt" - said Dr. Golan.

"What do you want?" – I asked.

"Hmm, all I want is to make some time while my colleagues take your bird away" – said Doctor Golan.

"It can't be! You don't know where our loop is!" – Emma exclaimed.

"Of course we know and it's all thanks to my dear friend Jacob" – said Dr. Golan.

"I'm not your friend, you bastard!" – I exclaimed.

"Come, Jacob, don't be angry, there is no need" – said Dr. Golan.

"You have gagged my father, lured us into a trap and all to kidnap Miss Peregrine: And you want me not to get angry? If I didn't have this gun against my temple, I would kill you" – I said angrily.

Yes, I know I'm immune to bullets, but he doesn't know it, so I want to take the opportunity to tell me all his plans, I still don't remember what he wants to do with Miss Peregrine so I want to try to get some information out of him to know what I'm facing, next, I'll just knock him out and kill him; after he takes us to his base, of course.

"I had no choice, it's part of our plan" - said Dr. Golan.

"What kind of plan?" - asked Bronwyn.

"We want all the Ymbrynes" – said Dr. Golan.

"Why?" – Emma asked.

"That's right; Why do you want them, what do you want to do with them?" – I asked.

"Do you think I'm foolish enough to tell you our plan? Of course I won't tell you, the only thing I will tell you is that, once we have them all, the world of the peculiars will change completely" – said Doctor Golan.

"You bastard!" – Emma said.

She was utterly furious and would have rushed at that Wight if it were not for the fact that she was holding Jacob as a hostage.

"That's not very polite, in fact, our goal will help us improve the quality of life of all peculiars" – said Dr. Golan.

"The same peculiars that the hollow kill and eat, is it also to improve our quality of life?" – Bronwyn said.

"In every plan there is collateral damage" – said Dr. Golan.

"Do you call collateral damage to take the lives of millions of peculiars just to feed those monsters?" – I asked in amazement.

"You are just a genocidal!" – said Millard.

"Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn't understand, anyway, I just wanted to thank Jacob for everything he has contributed to our cause" - said Dr. Golan.

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