Chapter 50: A Nexus Devil ( Chapter 50:Harry and Hermione.)
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Share"Ah, Jake, I may recommend a smaller amount. What I poured in was a tad bit stronger than the usual fire whiskey..." Luna said. Jake poured some of the punch back. How much was 'a tad bit stronger'?
Serafall, meanwhile, shrugged and filled her glass to the brim. This was her first night off in weeks, and if she was going to get a bit fucked up, so be it...
The three of them found an empty table, to rest at for a bit, as they started people-watching with extreme judgment.
"Look at that moron over there," Jake hypocritically said as he pointed at Draco dancing with his dog-faced girlfriend and stepping on her feet every few seconds, causing her to grow angrier and angrier.
Jake just laughed, as he kept watching, until he saw her slap Draco loudly after he probably said some crass comment about her face or something.
"Through some of our familiar spies that we left in the castle, I found out about the little assassination attempt his father put out on you," Serafall said seriously.
"He has no idea how lucky he is that me and Ajuka kept that information from your older brother. Otherwise, he would have ended up destroying hundreds of miles of British land in his retaliation.
We'll have to tell him soon though…" Jake gulped a little at that, imagining himself with the power to destroy that much territory with a single spell... He wanted to get there someday, and he absolutely believed that he would.
Another song ended, and Dumbledore himself took to the stage. "Excuse me, everyone. May I have your attention, please? This won't take long," he spoke to all the people there interrupting the festivities.
"We figured that now would be a good time to announce the next task for the Triwizard Tournament." As he spoke, all the students started applauding, excited for what crazy event they were going to see next!
Harry and Hermione, who were on the dance floor, decided to come over and sit with Jake and the two girls. "Hey there, Jake," Harry said as he and Hermione slid into their seats next to them. "Looks like it's time to see what crazy thing they'll throw at us next..." Harry said that last part with a sigh.
Jake just laughed. "Come on, Harry. You got off super easy in the first task, facing Dementors when you knew the perfect counter-spell for them. Everyone else pretty much got a thrashing.
It's time for you to take your legs too, and I have a feeling this next task might do it," Jake said teasingly to Harry.
"As I was saying," Dumbledore continued to give his speech on the stage, "we won't be telling you the full details immediately as that would spoil it. But what I can tell you is that the next task will involve flying, specifically flying on a broom!
" He declared as all the students burst into cheers. Wizards really loved anything that had to do with brooms.
Harry smirked at Jake and gave a fist pump in triumph. "Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Harry exclaimed out loud.
"Language!" Hermione cut in.
Meanwhile, Jake's smirk turned into an immediate frown, which caused Harry to send him a teasing grin. "And what was that you said a couple of weeks back, Jake?
" Harry taunted. "Something about you not needing to learn how to fly on my broom? Yeah, you already knew how to fly, didn't ya? But you never learned how to fly on a broom, did ya!"
Jake just sighed as Serafall and Luna next to him started laughing. "So, Harry," Jake asked reluctantly, "can I borrow your broom to practice flying on it?"
"Sure thing, Jake. What are friends for, after all?"
Suddenly everyone's excitement for the second task was interrupted when a familiar orange haired Gryfindor took to the stage.
"Excusssseee meeeee, Duuuuumbledore, buuuut I *burp* have something to say!" Dumbledore was literally shoved out of the way as Ron Weasley stepped up on the stage, in front of the microphone, to address the ballroom.
In his hand was a glass full of punch. Well, it was full of punch, but he drank the entire cup—three cups, actually…
"I just want to say that none of you are my friends anymore," Ron slurred out loud into the microphone. Almost losing his balance a couple of times just standing still.
"Get off the stage, you moron!" Someone yelled.
"Get off the stage, Ron! You're going to make us all look bad! Yeah, get off!" Fred and George called out to their brother.
"No-no-no! You all are going to listen," Ron said drunkenly as the last bit of his punch splashed out all over himself when he went for one final sip.
"I've had *burp* enough of all your shit! I asked a whole bunch of girls to this stupid dance, and none of you wanted to go with me!" Ron exclaimed dejectedly, to which a whole bunch of students started snickering.
"I mean, whoooooo would-wouldn't *burp* -want to go with me? I'm super a-awesome, you know? I'm going to *burp* be a professional Quidditch player one day, and then all the witches are going to be my *burp* BIIIIIITCHES!
" As Ron finished his short rant, Jake from the sidelines, bore witness as every single female witch in the room gave him a glare that promised pain and agony.
"You're not even on the Quidditch team now!" A student shouted out. "How the hell do you think you're going to be a pro?"
"Yeah! You didn't even get on a team this year, and there are like a dozen of them!"
Jake, meanwhile, who was very much enjoying watching Ron make an absolute fool of himself, turned to Luna as she gave him a devious grin. "I don't like people who turn on their friends," she said plainly.
"And you, over there," Ron, still on the stage, pointed to Hermione, sitting at their table. All eyes in the ballroom turned and looked at them for a few seconds as he did. "I really liked *burp* you a lot, you know?
You *burp* were supposed to be my girl, but now you're with Harry, "who has everything Potter." And I don't like that! Why don't you love me, her-her-hermio-blergggh!" Ron vomited all over the stage and himself a little bit...
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