Chapter 45: A Nexus Devil ( Chapter 45:The large masked man said:)
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ShareOh, right... Malfoy. Was he that petty to hire literal assassins? Well, since they were right in front of him, Jake figured that apparently he was.
"It's time to die, boy!" The three of them all pointed their wands at Jake and fired three more Cruciatus curses at him at once.
The Gremory magic circle formed before Jake's hands as he deployed an ice shield to block the curses. The three Unforgivables smashed into the wall of ice, not doing more than leaving some hairline cracks.
"What? That's impossible!"
"How did his shield block an Unforgivable!?"
"This boy is going to be too dangerous in the future! Spread out, we have to kill him now!" Nott screamed out the famous Xianxia line. Causing Jake to chuckle a bit despite the tense situation.
Before the three of them could get the chance to surround him, Jake fired a Bombarda Maxima right at the ground between them.
A huge explosion, caused by the upgraded spell, kicked up a massive amount of dust into the air, completely blocking everyone's vision.
"Shit, I can't see anything," Big Guy One said.
"Why the hell was that spell so powerful?!" Big Guy Two asked.
"Who cares, just spread out and find him! He fired the spell at the ground and not us for a reason. The cowardly boy is too afraid to take a life! Just like Dumbledore's secret club in the last war!" Nott shouted out arrogantly.
Meanwhile, Jake, who had hidden back in the treeline, heard everything they said. Was he too afraid to take a life? He didn't have a problem with trying to kill that dragon, but that wasn't exactly a person…
Jake honestly didn't know the answer. Jake figured that Malfoy, or more likely his father, had hired these men to kill him and they weren't going to stop. Could Jake just escape right now?
Probably, but he was afraid Malfoy would instead send these men after one of his friends next just to hurt him… "What if…what if he sent them after Luna to hurt Jake?" He thought to himself. He absolutely would not let that happen! He would kill them first!
Unbeknownst to Jake, something inside him was stirring awake at those dark thoughts of his friend being harmed. Something that had absolutely nothing to do with his Solomon bloodline.
"I won't let them..." Jake muttered to himself quietly.
This was something darker, something that all devils discover about themselves at some point…
"I won't let them, I'm going to..." Jake spoke a bit louder this time.
It was his devil's sin that was awakening for the first time! Every single devil leaned towards one of the seven deadly sins and they would have to constantly manage their sin, lest they lose control over themselves!
"I won't let them, I'm going to kill you all!" Jake shouted out! His voice was full of …wrath!
Jake's devil wings sprang from his back and his blue eyes took on a red tint. He launched himself from the treeline he'd hidden in, forming an ice spear in his hand.
He flew right towards one of the larger masked men who had split from the others as they searched the nearby woods for where Jake was hiding.
"I found him—oh god, what is he!" The man screamed out as Jake flew with devil wings towards him, icy spear in hand with his now glowing red eyes. To the man, Jake looked like a monster!
"Die!" Jake shouted as he drew close enough and hurled his ice spear with tremendous speed right at the man.
Somehow, despite his large size, the man dodged out of the way right before the flying spear impaled him. BOOM! The still-flying spear obliterated the tree behind him and continued on to smash through almost a dozen more before it stopped.
The man gulped to himself as he turned and looked at the devastation of that one attack. "What kind of monster have we provoked..." He whispered to himself in fear. A blade made of ice erupted right out of the man's chest!
"You shouldn't have looked away!" Jake said angrily as he was gripping an ice blade that had impaled the man right through his back and out his chest.
"D-demon..." The large masked man said right before he passed and collapsed.
"Close enough, I suppose," Jake said, ripping the now blood-soaked blade out of the corpse.
The two men wearing black robes with silver masks heard their friend's scream. They rushed towards the origin of his voice and there they came upon a horrifying sight.
The kid they had come here to take care of was standing over their friend's body, gripping a bloody sword!
Jake, no longer in his right mind as he was experiencing embracing his devil sin for the first time, turned and glared at the two newcomers. Jake's glowing red eyes, along with his bat wings and ominous magical aura surrounding him, sent a wave of terror through the two masked men.
'What the hell was going on? Were they paid to go after some kind of demon!?' The group's leader, Nott Sr., thought to himself in shock.
Nott Sr. wasn't about to die here against the teenage monster in front of him. He was going to kill the little bastard and then throttle Malfoy Sr. for sending them after him in the first place.
Meanwhile, Crabbe Sr., the larger masked man still breathing, was shaking like a leaf in a storm! Goyle Sr. was dead... They had been best friends since Hogwarts. Their sons had become best friends because of them.
And now he was dead... Was he going to die next!? "No!" He screamed out loud! He needed to get out of this forest and away from this demon!
Crabbe Sr. turned his back on Jake and prepared to flee, but Nott Sr. grabbed his arm stopping him. "Don't you dare bug out on us now," He scolded angrily. "We started this together and we're going to damn well finish it the same. Now let's kill this freak!"
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