Chapter 44: A Nexus Devil ( Chapter 44:Jake was a bit shocked at that.)
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ShareSuddenly, from the underbrush emerged the biggest tarantula Jake had ever seen in his entire life. It was easily 4 feet tall and 6 feet wide!
"Meat, hungry…" It hissed out in a quiet but vicious voice. Jake was shocked that it could speak at all! Also, it clearly wanted to eat him…
The giant, vicious tarantula charged right towards Jake! All eight of its gross legs homing in right on him.
Jake immediately threw up an icy shield that the tarantula slammed into full force. *Crack* It hit Jake's shield so hard that its front two legs actually broke from its stopped momentum.
*Screeeeeaaaachhh* On the other side of his ice shield, Jake could see the tarantula open up its mandibles before it unleashed a small stream of venom right and towards his shield.
Upon contact with the ice, the venom actually started melting through it slightly!
Jake was a bit shocked at that. That wasn't ordinary ice, but magically enchanted and strengthened ice. Even ordinary flames would have no effect on it!
He definitely didn't want any of that venom getting on him, at least not without Blaze nearby to heal him!
The tarantula finished spitting its venom, noticing that it had failed to fully melt his shield. "Human, will eat you," it spoke again in that eerie whispering voice it had.
Jake formed an ice sword in his hand and released the magic holding his shield up. As it quickly vanished, Jake took advantage of the spider's surprise and swiped right at its head with his blade.
His sword connected and he cleaved through a bunch of the spider's eyes!
*Screeeeeeeeaaaaaccchhh,* "Will kill you, human! Brothers, help. We feed!" It called out surprisingly loudly.
More rustling was heard in the brush surrounding Jake before two more giant spiders, though thankfully not quite as large as the first one, flanked him from both sides.
They charged him simultaneously and Jake inwardly thanked Serafall for teaching him the importance of dual casting as he held out both arms and formed ice shields at both of his flanks. Both the new spiders slammed into a shield each.
Deciding to take them one at a time, Jake dropped the shield on his left before forming a new ice sword and charging the second spider. The spider reared back on its two back legs and spit venom at him.
Jake dove under the liquid before rising up and slamming his blade right into the arachnid's torso up to the hilt!
The spider shook for a moment before it collapsed backwards, dead!
*Hisssss! Shreaaaakkk!*
"Avenge kin!" "Eat human!" The first and third spider spoke aloud.
Both spiders, not employing any new tactics, started to charge at him again. Before Jake could throw up two more shields, an arrow flew through the forest and slammed into the first spider's head from its blinded side. It dropped to the ground, dead.
The third tarantula, noticing that now a second of its brothers was dead, immediately turned around and started to flee back into the forest! "Will…have …revenge!" It hissed out as it fled.
Jake let out a sigh but didn't drop his guard as he now heard… 'horse hooves?' approaching him. From the section of the woods the arrow came from, emerged a large centaur.
The centaur, upon spotting Jake, spoke up, "Human, you should leave here. The day grows late and the forest grows dangerous this eve. Three masked shadows stalk these woods.
Beware, for the father seeks justice for the son…" With that cryptic message delivered, the centaur didn't bother saying anything more to Jake and just turned around and trotted off.
'Rude!' Jake thought. The centaur didn't even give Jake a chance to speak before it left…
"Well, that wasn't ominous or anything," Jake muttered to himself. He'd been training all day and the sun was getting low.
This was the latest he'd actually stayed in the woods this past week. Jake wondered if those spiders came out at night exclusively since he'd never seen one during the day.
Also, now he was kind of understanding why this was called the Forbidden Forest if it had man-eating giant spiders…
Jake left his familiar forest clearing and decided to head back to the castle. As he was walking, his instincts flared and he immediately ducked down.
"CRUCIO!" A spell that felt vile flew right over his red hair and slammed into the tree next to him. The wood immediately started rotting due to the dark magic.
Jake turned around and saw three figures dressed in all black robes wearing silver masks that covered their faces completely.
Jake glared at the three robed men in front of him as he tensed up. He'd heard about that spell one of them just launched at his head.
The Cruciatus Curse! Jake had heard from Harry that they learned about it in their Defense class this year and it was supposedly one of the three wizard spells that meant life in prison if used on a person…these three weren't here to mess around.
"Who the fuck are you assholes, and what's with the stupid-ass masks. You look like some discount V for Vendetta posers," Jake said, looking at their ridiculous outfits.
"Our glorious master designed these outfits himself to inflict maximum fear, you ignorant little Mudblood," the skinniest of the three shouted out. He had the voice and the build of an adult man.
The other two silver-masked men were very large. Either they were jacked under those robes, or they were just fat…
"Who cares anyway, Nott? We've been sent here to torture and kill him, so let's just do it already," one of the two larger men said.
"Don't say my name, you brutish moron!" The masked man apparently named Nott shouted.
"What does it matter, we're gonna kill him!"
Apparently, Jake had an actual hit put out on him. That made him nervous. Even if they looked like idiots, this was clearly three grown men sent out to kill him, a teenager.
Jake couldn't have pissed off someone so badly that they'd sent a literal masked gang squad after him, could he?
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