A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 17: The Aftermath

As Magneto & the other mutants of the brotherhood left, he noticed that they didn't take away Angel & Psylocke who were both unconscious at that time for some reason.

This gave Rudeus a chance to potentially recruit a strong telepath/ninja in his team, a chance which he was fully going to take advantage of.

He saw that the remaining mutants there, who were the X-men & of course some of his own subordinates of which no one died by some miracle were all staring at him now.

His own subordinates were waiting for his next orders while the X-men were trying to observe his actions to determine whether he was a friend or foe. They still didn't trust him, for which he actually didn't blame them.

But for now he didn't care about them, right now he had a ancient immortal mutant to kill & rare treasures to loot.

He laid the limp body of Apocalypse on the ground & called Selene to himself.

"Selene, can you kill him? Since he is an external, even if I kill him, he will somehow come back. You are the only one who can truly kill him as you are an external yourself" Rudeus told Selene the problem.

By now Rudeus completely trusted her. She had shown her determination towards serving him in the last two years. She & Vanessa were the only two people he actually trusted in this new world for now.

"Of course, master. My life draining powers should be enough to completely kill him. I'll make sure that he dies a painful death for opposing you" Selene happily responds.

Vanessa on the other hand had an expression of jealousy on her face. She always maintains a serious expression on her face but that expression breaks whenever she sees Rudeus ordering Selene to do something instead of her.

'I'll have to discipline her later when we get home. Nothing a little bondage play won't solve' Rudeus wisely commented to himself.

Selene on the other hand had approached the unconscious Apocalypse & began to absorb his remaining life force into herself which was still quite a lot.

Rudeus looked at the X-men from the corner of his eyes. He thought that they would stop him but they never did. Seems like Xavier's hypocrisy about letting enemies live only extended to his magnetic lover.

'Maybe he has already read the memories of the X-men & my other subordinates.' He thought since he knew that both Selene & Vanessa were protected against telepathy due to Selene's own telepathic powers & the training that she gave Vanessa to resist the same.

After all, Rudeus knew from both the comics & movies that Xavier didn't exactly have any boundaries when it came to snooping into other people's minds.

It was probably the Professor who had stopped the X-men from doing anything & just wanted to observe for now.

Rudeus didn't exactly have a good impression of Xavier. He was more or less the do-gooder crazy Dumbledoor of Marvel. Some fanfictions he had read in his past life even showed him as a hidden manipulating mind controlling villain.

But he would wait & see for himself, what type of a person the professor truly was.

He again concentrated on Selene who by now had absorbed almost all of Apocalypse's vitality. The once muscular tyrant looked like a sucked up zombie right now. He was hanging to his life only by a bare thread.

"He doesn't have any actual life force any more. The only reason he is alive is due to the armor & his external immortality. I'll end his miserable life now, master." Selene said with a somewhat proud smile.

She formed some sort of magical energy blade in her hands to end the old miserable mutant's sad life.

But at that moment by some stupid comic logic, Apocalypse suddenly woke up. He weakly opened his eyes & looked first at Selene with a magical blade in her hand & then at Rudeus who was standing there silently.

At first, Rudeus thought that he would try to escape buut then he realized that the dried up mutant didn't exactly have any energy to even move a single finger.

"So I was defeated. I see. I was not the god I believed myself to be. I have now seen what a god truly is. All is revealed now." He spoke so slowly that it seemed that he was almost talking to himself.

"Before killing me, I request you to tell me who you truly are, young god warrior" Apocalypse continued saying Tiredly in a weak voice while looking Rudeus in the eyes.

"I am Rudeus Fireheart, a New god. The god of... the Metahumans, the Messiah of change." Rudeus proudly declared himself knowing that Apocalypse was not the only one listening to him.

"You are a god named... Rudeus?" Apocalypse weakly asked back somehow.



"Selene, kill him. The poor mutant should not suffer anymore. Rid him of his suffering" Rudeus ignored Apocalypse's question & ordered Selene. He was a merciful god after all & definitely not a hypocrite.

Yep definitely not.

Selene at his order immediately inserted the magical energy knife inside Apocalypse's skull, thus ending his life once and for all.

However Rudeus suddenly sensed something. He sensed something getting out of the dead mutant's body & try to quickly escape. Normally Rudeus would not have known what to do but this time his instincts took over.

He instinctually activated his divine spirit perk & immediately tried to catch the escaping thing which he succeeded in doing.

After catching it, he immediately understood what it was. It was the soul of the dead Apocalypse trying to escape. It seems he could sense souls & even interact with them due to his special perk.

'Seems even Selene who was an external herself could not completely destroy him. This soul if it succeeded in escaping might even come back later to haunt me, both figuratively & maybe even literally.'

He suddenly had a wonderful idea. What if he could use the divine spirit perk to physically attack spirits or other astral beings. He immediately tried to test his theory.

As he used the perk & applied pressure on the soul he was holding, cracks began to slowly appear on its body which became bigger & bigger.

As he applied more & more power the soul finally completely cracked & exploded into small motes of light.

[Ding! Quest completed.]

[Rewards are being processes]

['Mother box' equipment card has been deposited in your inventory]

The mission was finally complete. Right now Rudeus should be happy but instead he was thinking about something else.

He always wondered how it would feel to actually take someone's life. But now that he had done it, he felt nothing.

He didn't feel empty or had any other emotion like happiness or sadness. He didn't even feel like puking. All he felt was... a step closer to more power. That was all he felt.

Rudeus hoped that nothing was wrong with him & this was only just an effect of having god-blood in him. He could only hope that was the case.

He however quickly got out of his thoughts & refocused his attention back into the real world. "That was good work Selene. You did really good"

"You too Vanessa. You did good as well." After seeing the pouting face of Vanessa, he praised her too. He might be a god now but he was not going to be some boring always serious god. He would be a fun powerful one.

"Excuse me Mr. Fireheart, I actually wanted to thank you for rescuing me earlier." the Professor's voice suddenly came towards Rudeus as he saw him coming towards them along with the rest of his team.

"Its alright. It was my pleasure. As for Apocalypse, he was a danger to everyone. he was a global threat that needed to be neutralized for the sake of both mutants & humans" Rudeus returned the Professor's greeting with a smile.

He didn't want to make the X-men his enemy for now. They had their uses, especially as bait for certain interesting individuals.

"You probably already know me but let me introduce myself again. I am Professor Charles Xavier, the principal of a small school for mutants. Since you not only helped me but also the students of my school today, I am in your debt." the professor gave a sagely smile.

Rudeus could feel a slight brush in his mental shields which he knew was the professor. But due to his incomprehensible mind perk, Xavier had no chance of getting into his mind.

"Then perhaps you should not try to use your telepathy on your benefactor as that could be considered rude & almost somewhat of a crime." Rudeus gave a smirk.

"I am terribly sorry. I didn't really mean to do that. Its honestly pretty much of a habit of mine now, a bad habit that I should try to control." The professor genuinely looked sorry.

But Rudeus didn't care if he was sorry or not. "Its okay. Just don't try that from next time. Its annoying & disturbing." He played it cooly not showing his disgust at the professor's balatant try of mind-raping him.

All the other X-men also had shameful expressions at that too, all except Scott & Logan.

Because Scott looked angry at Rudeus for not allowing the Professor to mind-rape him while Logan looked like he could not care much & was concentrating on smoking his cigar which he had gotten from somewhere.

"Using too much telepathic powers on someone is never too good after all. Sometimes you might break their mind accidentally if you try it too much" Rudeus said while looking at Jean. He was trying to manipulate Jean here, trying to sow discord in the team which he would be able to use later.

Jean at this was a little surprised. She couldn't understand why he had said that while looking at her. But then something struck her.

'Did the professor know something about my powers & my daily nightmares? Did he do something to my mind during our regular exercises?' She wondered to herself.

She was not too thrilled at the idea of someone changing something in her mind. She decided to be alert of the professor from now on & not let him inside her mind so easily.

Even Ororo had a slight doubt in her mind. 'Has the professor already done it to someone in the academy? No, I shouldn't doubt him but... I shouldn't blindly trust him either. Maybe I should ask Jean to help me develop some mental barriers, not just for the professor but for other telepaths as well.'

Hank who was silent till now then slowly came forward & told the professor that they should leave since the academy was more or less without any defences right now.

The professor nodded at that & the entire team got ready to leave. Rudeus was invited to the academy as they told him that he could visit them anytime he wanted.

Rudeus knew that he was going to take them up on their offer later.

Jean even gave him a small kiss on the cheeks as she left while making him promise to visit later which made Scott so angry that even his visor began to glow red.

Ororo also gave him a hug while giving him a good feel of her juicy curves before leaving as well. She even gave him a 'fcuk me' eyes, as Rudeus liked to call it.

It was so hard to be handsome.

The weird thing however was that Bobby gave him the same look & tried to hug him as well. But Rudeus respectfully kept his distance & just shook his hands.

He didn't say anything to the guy because he truthfully didn't know how to tell him about his own straightness without breaking his heart or offending him.

But he would definitely say it next time.

All the other guys except Scott gave him a fist bump as well. Logan's fist bump however felt like bumping a metal pillar which was quite weird & cool at the same time.

As all the X-men finally left in their jet, it was finally time for Rudeus to claim his loot.

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