A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 16: The First Battle of a New god (2)

Apocalypse right now was really angry. He had never ever been this angry, even when he was betrayed by his own people before. But today, this little child had dared to beat him like some punching bag.

He would make sure that the little insect would regret it soon.

Rudeus on the other hand didn't waste any time & accelerated towards the hulking mutant & tried to hit him with a force that could destroy mountains.

He wanted to end this battle as soon as possible but Apocalypse was ready. he morphed his hands into a drill & produced several tentacles from his body.

Rudeus felt an invisible force trying to stop him in place but he was too strong for it. But that did slow him down considerably which gave Sabah Nur enough time to wrap his body in his tentacles & forcefully slam his hand-drill into his chest.

But he was surprised at Rudeus' godly durability as it was on a level that he didn't even expect. The drill could not even penetrate his skin.

'That is still probably going to bruise. Also I really hate tentacles' Rudeus grimaced.

He didn't wait for Apocalypse's surprise to end, he used his huge strength to free himself from those disgusting tentacles & punched Apocalypse in his face .

However this time he didn't fly away at the punch because Rudeus was holding his drill-arm with one hand. He didn't stop & continued punching Apocalypse in his face without rest.

Each of Rudeus' punch was powerful enough to effectively kill him but he was still holding on to his life due to his absurd regenerative capabilities.

However Rudeus could now sense the rate of regeneration slowing down somewhat. He knew that Apocalypse would not be able to regenerate infinitely like some other characters in the verse. He would soon reach his limit for regeneration.

But Apocalypse still had some fight left in him. He would not admit defeat so easily, he used his power to manipulate the earth to form strong sharp metal spikes rise from the ground to hurt Rudeus.

Although Rudeus wasn't hurt from just this, he still was stunned by the sudden attack which brought Apocalypse enough time to escape.

He got free of the New god's hold & manipulated the ground to swallow him & emerged from the ground a little far away from the momentarily surprised teen god.

Rudeus was really beginning to be annoyed at the slippery mutant. The tyrant would escape from him every time.

'Why can't he just stand at one place & get beat up by me?' He thought shamelessly.

"You will never defeat me. You are just a mortal but I AM A GOD." Apocalypse began to yell as he lost his marbles. He used his powerful telekinesis & manipulated all the surrounding metals to form giant spears & threw them towards Rudeus.

The amused new god however didn't stand still this time. He knew those metal spears would probably bruise him due to the force at which they were being thrown. He used his godly speed to dodge every single one of them & rapidly closed the distance towards the enraged mutant.

But it was too late as he realized that the previous attack was just a feint.

Just as he was going to get close enough for him to hit Apocalypse again, he saw the hulking tyrant concentrate all his power & every last bit of his energy and channel them through his armor.

Rudeus knew what was coming. He knew Apocalypse was going for an all out attack instead of a defensive approach like in the movies. And he was actually quite excited about it.

El Sabah Nur at that time finally released his full powered attack, a concentrated blast of pure cosmic energy meant only for destruction like a pillar of heavenly light.

Rudeus didn't have the time to dodge it. So he faced the entire attack head on.

The beam of pure cosmic energy destroyed everything in its path & almost wiped out the entire section of that city. The huge explosion could almost be compared to a small atomic bomb.

Even all the other mutants present in the opposite side of the city who were fighting among themselves before that, stopped their fight for some time upon seeing that huge explosion.

They had no idea who were fighting in that area but none of them wanted to go check it out now. Both factions just hoped that whoever would win in that fight would be one of their allies & not the enemy.

They just hoped for the best & continued their own fight.

Back at the destroyed section of the city, Apocalypse was now sitting on the ground supported by a wall at his back. He had given everything he had in that last attack. He didn't even have the energy to stand now.

He was sure that the fool had not survived this attack. No mortal could possibly survive something like this.

It was unfortunate. If he had found the young boy before, then he could have groomed him to be one of his strongest subordinates. But alas, the poor lamb had to face a god like him in battle.

When he was having such thoughts, the smoke in the area slowly cleared & a figure was visible.

Apocalypse could not believe his own eyes. It was the figure of Rudeus standing straight seeming to be without any serious injuries.

His entire form was smoking as he had a smile on his godly face.

The teen god started moving his limbs around & cracked his bones.

"That almost hurt, you know. Next time, give me a warning or something." Rudeus told the old mutant who still could not believe his own eyes.

Rudeus was of course exaggerating as he could feel his body aching somewhat. It was like the time that one of his friends had punched him in the gut back when he was still human in his previous life although sadly he couldn't remember the face of that friend now.

He was feeling that same feeling just on his entire body.

"That's impossible! How are you alive? I killed you. I won! I can't possibly lose. I am a GOD." Apocalypse mumbled in a crazed manner. He couldn't believe his own eyes.

Rudeus didn't react at this. He just looked straight in his eyes & calmly replied "Naah, you are just a bitch. 'I' am the GOD here."

The ancient mutant did not say anything else. He was too tired & weak to continue banter with Rudeus. He was barely keeping himself awake now.

Rudeus knew that killing Apocalypse permanently would still be difficult for the current him. But he had an amazing idea to do exactly that. He was going to take the help of Selene.

He grabbed the almost unconscious mutant who had returned to his original size by now & flew to the area where he could sense Selene.

When he arrived there, he saw that the fight had almost ended with the defeat of most of the horsemen.

'Are the X-men really that powerful or is this some sort of plot armor/destiny or something' He wondered since he saw that Apocalypse's forces had mostly lost.

But then he understood the reason. Most of the mutants in Magneto's army was handled by Professor Xavier once he woke up which was am important reason for this 'easy' victory.

Selene seems to have defeated Psylocke somehow while Storm had taken care of Gambit.

Seems Rudeus had severely underestimated the weather controlling mutant's omega level power.

Angel seems to be have lost in his fight with Cyclops & Quicksilver.

Sabretooth also seemed to be knocked out by Logan while Vanessa & Mystique still seemed to be fighting.

Even Magneto with the power of a horseman seems to be held back by the combination of Jean & Bobby.

As Rudeus landed on the ground with a boom sound, the limp body of Apocalypse in his hand, all the other mutants stopped whatever they were doing & looked at him.

Most could not even believe what they were seeing with their own eyes. The very mutant who they thought was powerful enough to rival gods was now almost on the brink of death.

Magneto had an unbelievable expression in his face but he quickly stabilized his emotions. He was a king. He had duties towards his own men. He could not show weakness.

He knew that this was a losing battle now. Right now he could not even hope to win against someone who had defeated somebody like Apocalypse.

After Apocalypse had unlocked his full power, he could feel himself growing stronger constantly. He knew if he pushed himself more & more, he could reach even a higher level of power. But right now, he neither had the time nor was this situation appropriate for that.

"Everyone retreat." Magneto finally gave the command after making his decision. He didn't have the luxury to save Apocalypse & rescue him from the clutches of the teen mutant. So he could only save himself & his own subordinates under him for now.

Soon all the mutants began to retreat with Magneto as he had a last good look at the handsome face of the mutant who had failed his plans before retreating himself as well.

Rudeus right now was debating with himself if he should kill Magneto right now before he could escape or let him leave for now & try to add him to his organization later.

He knew that Magneto would come after him one day but he also didn't wanna kill a prospective future member of his team. Also there was the subject about his daughters, Polaris & Scarlet witch, if they even existed in this reality of course.

'Well rejoice, you get to live today so that I can take over your country & your daughters later old man' Rudeus finally decided with an evil smile.

It didn't matter if Magneto would come after him after what happened today or not, he would go after Magneto himself soon.

This marks an end to the MC's first battle. I really don't know how I did writing the battle, but it actually went really well in my own mind. Also if you think that Apocalypse was weak here, it wasn't the case. It was actually the mc who is already strong and in the upper levels of powered characters & just didn't realize how he would measure up against someone like Apocalypse.

That of course doesn't mean that all of his future battles will be so simple but you get the point...

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