A Murder Wizards Adventure

4 Plans

Well chakra control was easier than I thought it would be, I've come to the conclusion that my control is unnaturally good, part of this I assume is because I didn't seem to have chakra in my last world, so now it sticks out as such an abstract thing to me, whilst for others its nothing special, just another part of life.

And I have to say I am unsure if the novelty of this will wear off anytime soon because being able to stick things to my skin is fun, even if tree walking (I used my bedroom wall) is a lot harder than they make it look in the show.

Don't get me wrong the sticking part is easy, I've even done water walking perfectly fine (okay I might have failed a few times but I got it in the end) however the sheer core strength required to WALK VERTICALLY is immense and I'm only three.

Oh yeah another year has passed, and not really much has changed, I was excited to do ninja stuffs but then I realised I have no idea how to mould my chakra into anything, I can make it do some elemental transformations, since it's easy enough to imagine my chakra turning into wind, fire, electricity or water (I'm struggling with earth) but I can't really do anything with it plus I am only three so it's not like I have a lot of chakra.

However! one thing I have been able to do by myself, is stealth.

I took the principles of nen from HxH and practiced zetsu, which is to say I basically silenced my chakra and erased my presence. I'm not too sure how well it would hold up against a ninja, but it certainly works to sneak up on my parents.

And speaking of my parents, they're both civilians, and they own a small shop, but that's not the important part, the important part.

Is that they're both complete idiots, like one time I was playing with a knife (I'm a bored three-year-old, give me a break) and my father walked in, now I thought he'd panic or shout or something but instead he just cooed and said I looked cute trying to be a chef then called mother in and they gave me another knife and some vegetables to cut. I really hope they don't have another kid, cuz I'll have to be the one to take care of it and I don't want that.

Other than that, there isn't really anything to report, my general strength seams to still be improving by my whirlpool technique 'I really should come up with a proper name for that, maybe I'll just call it cultivating?' and I am most certainly far stronger than any three-year-old has any right to be though an adult could still kick my ass probably.


I am closer to being able to sense chakra, see I've tried before to send out a pulse of my chakra to sense my surroundings, the only problem is that the pulse drained like all my reserves and I collapsed, but now I can sense the energy in a whole metre radius around me!

And that only leaves me almost exhausted. Either way I'm looking forward to the future.


So, I am still three (and a half!) and it turns out the second shinobi war has just started, with this piece of news comes another, I through my incredible investigative skills (I overheard some old ladies complaining) have discovered that in light of the coming war, the age required to start the academy has dropped down to five (from six) however if the child agrees then you're allowed to enrol even when you're only four!

Really these people don't care about their future generations, what four-year-old can make such important decisions properly? they'll just do whatever their parents say, which in hindsight might be the point, get more soldiers while making it seem like you're just accepting volunteers rather than conscripting.

Anyway, that doesn't matter, what matters is that this means in just six months I will be able to enrol in the academy, I could do it all by myself but honestly my parents are idiots, so it probably won't be too hard to convince them, just gotta say something about the will of fire and protecting my family and they'd probably cry.


Today is my birthday and today it the day I ask to enrol in the academy. After getting out of bed and getting ready for the day I head on downstairs for breakfast, only to be waylaid by a 'surprise'.

The surprise of course is my parents singing and holding a pink cake (isn't it too early for cake?)

"Happy birthday too you!"

"Happy birthday too you!"

"Happy birthday dear Hanabira!"

"Happy birthday too you!"

And with that my parents cheer and my mother especially squeals loud enough you'd think it was her birthday instead of mine.

"Blow out your candles now Hanabira!! and make a wish!"

"Ok Kaa-san"

As I approach the frankly offensively pink cake, I take a deep breath and state my wish, then blow out the candles before either of them can say anything,

"I wish I could be a ninja!"

Now let's be careful and see how they will respo-

"Ahhh my baby boy want be a ninja so cuuuute!!!"

My musings unfortunately are cut of when I'm crush in a bear hug and spun around and celebrated like I just cured cancer.


"Does that mean I can go to the academy?"

"OF course, you can! my little flower! mommas so proud of you!! right Shutsuga?"

"Certainly! ninjas are the great heroes who protect the village! I couldn't be prouder to call you my son!"

Wow ok, this was a lot easier than I thought it would be, these people really are indoctrinated huh, well whatever, works out for me.

"Now you can't have any cake yet as it's still too early-"

Then why bring it out so soon?

"-but you can open your presents now if you want?"

"Ah, sure"

What followed can be surmised as me getting a lot of clothes and pretending to be happy about it as my mother played dress up with me as the doll.

Later that night I am left to my ponderings in my room and I feel that all in all, it's been a productive day, the next enrolment to the academy is in a few weeks not to mention the cake was delicious.

I'm looking forward to the future!


A/N: hello! readers.

the idea ive got is that hanabira doesnt have any cheats, but he does have exceptional chakra control, as the way im seeing it, in naruto chakra is like an energy and handsigns are used to direct that and because thats just been the truth for everyone forever they dont think about it further, hanabira has a uniqe perspective in this world, and the only benefit hes getting from it is amazing chakra control, there wont be any of that 'oh my chakra control is so good i can make wood release' bs

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