A Murder Wizards Adventure

26 War, war never changes

So, Fuinjutsu.

Imagine a code language, then imagine the Japanese language and some Afrikaans and 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 I want you to imagine they are all written on top of each other in a way that kinda, sorta makes sense, but only if you tilt your head and squint.

Thats Fuinjutsu.

Shit is 𝘴𝘰 confusing that even at the end of my leave I'm not sure I've actually learnt anything other than the fact that it 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦.

I can't even make the most basic explosion seal. They, ironically enough, keep exploding, and while that 𝘪𝘴 the end goal here, but they're only supposed to explode when i want them to, not when I'm making them.

So, yeah, no progress on that front. Luckily, I am just a small little man and have plenty of time to grow.

Anyway, my leave is over now, since I'm no longer a meth addict. I'm sure someone gave me the proper name for what I was hit with, but it was one of those really long scientific names and I stopped paying attention after the fifth syllable.

Right now, I'm headed back to the west gate to meet up with my team and swap placed with whoever was my temporary replacement.

It's somewhat relaxing, jumping across Konoha's roofs, with the sun high in the sky and people milling about below.

But all good things come to an end, and I make it to the gate, spotting my team and another guy who disappears before I can even try to guess his face.

"six, you finally decide to grace us with your presence?"

Hound is still Hound and the other two are as stoically serious as always.

"indeed, be grateful mortal."

Before we can continue with our theatrics Bear stops us.

"enough, let's go."

Spoilsport, still, we 𝘥𝘰 have a job, so we get to running, headed for the Iwa border this time, might as well get the hattrick I suppose.

The travel was uneventful, Bear still had to carry me, my stamina is getting better but I'm still not even seven yet.

Still, we make it there unmolested and, once again, I never would have found the base if not for the guide. Now that I think about it, they 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 be using some Fuinjutsu to keep it hidden from sensors.

Anyway, we entre, same old same old, except when we get to the command centre, I see a familiar face, Sakumo.

Not that it really matters, he's a busy commander and I'm a nobody ANBU, so it's not like we talk or anything, Bear does though, and after getting a hang of the situation, leads us to the ANBU section of the base.

"so what's the scoot, chief?"

I just wanted to know what we will be doing and when, but now everyone is staring at me,


"what the fuck did you just say?"

Oh, right, different world. uhhh.

"was just asking what were going to be doing and when."

Bear shakes his head and heads for a couch to relax on,

"just say that next time, we are doing the same as always, remain ready to act in case of attack, and patrol if the commander has nothing for us to do."


Seems pretty chill.

I guess I was expecting more because of how hectic my short carrier has been.

Well, I won't complain, so finding myself a nice spot to sit down, I unseal my Fuinjutsu book, I've already returned the medical ones.

This stuff really makes so little sense, right now I'm just practicing by picking a symbol and then trying to draw it out from memory, then checking for how many mistakes I made, then repeat ad nauseum.

"you trying to learn fuinjutsu?"

Hound collapses on the couch next to me, looking curiously at my book and practice scrolls.

"no, I was just doodling the pretty shapes for fun."

"oh, ha ha, you do realise that the reason hardly anyone learns fuinjutsu is because most people who try end up dying because of it?"

I did know that, but it seems like a stupid and possibly misleading statistic, most people that become a ninja end up dying because of it, yet here we are. Besides, who knows if these people are actually dying because of the Fuinjutsu or if they are dying to other stuff and just happen to have started studying Fuinjutsu.

Point is, a little risk of death isn't going to stop me, if anything, it just makes me more interested,

"well then, i will just have to endeavour to survive."

"somehow i knew you'd say something like that."

"then maybe next time you can choose not to speak at all."

"if i did that, how would i ever bother you?"

This guy.

"you are such an ass."

He really is, leave me to my studying! This is hard enough without added distractions.

"mah, mah, what does this one do?"

Like a child asking if you've got games on your phone, Hound spends the rest of the day asking what various seals and symbols did, most of which I could only answer with 'I don't know'.

Though, after a while I just answered all his questions with a 'fuck you', not that he let that deter him.


It's been a few weeks now, mostly uneventful, I had a few patrols, all of which ended in a fight, and while they weren't 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺 fights, by any stretch of the imagination, they, at least, didn't result in anyone getting seriously injured.

There were plenty of cuts and scrapes and close calls, but nothing the medics couldn't fix up really quick.

Why didn't I heal anyone?

Because I'm not that good yet, it would take minutes for me to close a small wound, because unlike with squirrels I'd have to actually connect the nerves as well. With the squirrels I just didn't bother, since it wasn't that important, and I didn't want to add too much to my plate.

Anyway, today is going to prove to be an interesting day.

Our scouts have informed us that Iwa is going to be making a push today, so we're getting ready for that.

My job is both more relaxing and more stressful.

See, most ninjas are loud and not very ninja like, but there are those, ANBU generally, that are actually ninja-like.

Now, since they are attacking, it's assumed that they will send their stealth units for our forward camp, to basically do what I did on my first mission, so my job, along with others specialised in stealth, is to hang back, and if anyone suddenly appears behind one of our nin, then we need to appear behind them, potentially making a chain of people appearing behind each other.

Since we can all hide from each other but not sense each other, stealth 𝘪𝘴 our specialty after all, not sensing. We won't know they're here until they show themselves but the same goes for them, making a game of 'he who moves first loses'.

We don't really have an order for who should appear when, instead we each know where the other is hiding, and whoever is closest is the one that should act.

I'm just glad there are trees in our camp, else finding spots to hide in wait would be much more difficult.

I hear the sounds of battle beginning, explosions and shouts and screams, same as any war I suppose.

For a long minute, nothing happens inside the camp, other than some controlled chaos as shinobi carry other shinobi to medic tents, and people run around with orders or whatever.

That controlled chaos finally breaks when a masked shinobi appears in front of a medical tent, only for one of us to appear behind him attempting to take his head, failing, unfortunately, as the strike is blocked.

As the two engage in combat, more and more Shinobi start appearing, forcing more and more of us out of hiding to fight.

People fall, both ours and theirs until a person appears right below my tree, and it's my turn to join the battle.

I push of my branch, tanto raised and poised for his head, but he dodges to the side, not unexpected but annoying nonetheless.

I roll to my feet and suddenly I have no time to think, only 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵.

I dodge a kunai thrown for my head and roll out the way of an earthen spear. I charge my enemy, tanto raised high and lunge aiming to impale his stomach, only I Kawarimi behind him and in the air, having swapped with a falling leaf, and swing for his head.

Unfortunately, he ducks, and because I'm an idiot and my hasty plan didn't have any contingencies for if he didn't die when I expected him to, I'm left completely open as he gives me a rising kick from his position low to the ground.

I manage to block the kick with my forearms, which hurt like a bitch but at least they don't feel broken.

New plan.

Landing a few metres away, I gather my chakra and mould it into a lightning bolt that I don't hesitate to send for my opponent which he predictably blocks with an earthen wall, using the brief moment where he can't see me, I use an area Genjutsu 'False Surroundings Technique' on where I am and jump back into the tree, stealth never dropped.

The wall explodes like a shotgun right as I reach the first branch, and my opponent stops mid kunai throw, seeing me dying and one of his comrades moving away from me to continue fighting, and at that moment, I drop down again, same as last time, only better prepared, with ninja wire, only it doesn't matter, as he was distracted enough that he didn't react to my blade as it blew his mind.

Rolling back to my feet, I don't waste time lamenting my wasted extra planning, instead I gather up my wire and join the fray.

Looking around, I see a fight where our side is outnumbered, three Konoha ANBU, five Iwa ANBU.

Moulding my chakra into water, I condense it into a highly pressurised blade, I may not have paid too much attention during chemistry lessons, but I know about water cutters using high pressure water to cut steel.

Releasing my water blade, it flies true, and cuts a boulder heading for an ally in half before reaching my target and being dodged.

No one pauses and no one speaks as I join the fight, but everyone adjusts for the number change.

I jump at the back of one of two Iwa-nin attacking a teammate, my swing of my tanto makes him abandon his attack to dodge, leaving his teammate open for mine to strike, managing to and a deep kunai cut but nothing more before he's blasted away.

Meanwhile someone appeared attacking me with a sword of their own, almost before I could even finish my own swing. Before I can even really realise what, it is that I am doing, I use a kawarimi and swap places with his tanto, thankfully you don't have to match the orientation of whatever you're swapping with.

So instead of appearing in his hands, I appear in the air, just in front of him. I recover my surprise faster than him and swing my blade, he dodges but not fast enough, it saves him from decapitation, but my blade still bites deep into his neck, and my knew medical knowledge says he will be dead in less than twenty seconds.

I swap again with a random kunai on the ground as my previous location is blasted with lightning, adding the smell of ozone to that of the blood and death.

The next half hour is much of the same, I attack whoever I can, whenever I can, covering for teammates at every opportunity as they cover for me in turn. blocking and dodging becomes less and less about thinking, and more about just 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨.

I don't dodge or block everything, leaving me covered in bruises and burns and cuts and there's a shuriken in my left arm that I'm trying to avoid thinking about because of how much it hurts, the adrenaline in my body thankfully helps with that.

Eventually though, after what must have been hours going by the suns position, they 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 retreat, leaving with quite a few explosive jutsu thrown our way, just for the hell of it I suppose.

When it's finally over, and enough time has passed that it's probably not a false retreat, I collapse to the ground, panting. I see many around me do the same.

Some more time passes, we all make a written report, but for all of us it's always really short, and that's expected, battle is chaotic after all, and besides, the report is more for formalities sake anyway. None of us were expected to write more than a few lines.

After that, most of us are taken to a medical bed to be treated, and let me tell you, having a shuriken that was lodged into your 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦 removed hurts more than anything, more than being stabbed in the liver apparently.

I ended up passing out from the pain, and I tell you, hospital beds have never been more comfortable.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Dont really have much to add, I hope you understand what im getting at with the ANBU, also Fuinjutsu... thats going to be a long term project, it would normally take a year or two for someone to be able to make standard explosion seals, and my mc is only a prodigy in chakra control, anything else is just a result of that, like not needing hand seals.


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