A Murder Wizards Adventure

2 Year 1

Well, being born was a horrible experience that I'd rather avoid going through again.

But besides that, introductions!

Hello dear voices in my head, my name is Hanabira Haruno, son of Shutsuga and Mabayui, a seemingly normal couple except that my mother has pink hair which makes me feel like she's secretly someone important or something, why else would she have pink hair? This clearly isn't a modern age so I'm pretty sure its natural and everyone knows you can tell who's important to an anime based on who has the most colourful hair.

Anyway, I am currently one year old and I finally have enough dexterity in my fingers to reliably grab things, which is great because that is the benchmark, I set for myself before id start experimenting with my... internal energy? qi? soul? I don't know but I'm going to call it gamer jui- *cough* internal energy for now.

Now you might be wondering how I could go a whole year without exploring this fascinating thing I've called internal energy, however anyone who knew me, (I wonder what my funeral was like? I told them if it was a boring pity fest, I'd come back to drag them down to hell with me), would understand, after all I am very lazy.

Anyway! again! man, I need to stop going on tangents, I'd say I have the attention span of a goldfish but apparently that's a misnomer, I mean I remember playing games with my brother and we would be going to the next fight together but when he got there, he'd find himself alone because I saw something shiny and got side-tracked.


If I'm going to miss anything it'll be him.


I should stop distracting myself, this is exiting! internal energy! let's see what's what.

They say you should sit in a lotus position to meditate but that's another misnomer, you just have to relax so naturally I lie back on my bed to meditate.


Well, I certainly feel it, that hasn't changed, although it feels more balanced now, even if my qi clearly still outweighs my ki.

Could that be a problem? I doubt it, I mean it'll probably even out through a feedback loop anyway, a strong body nourishes the soul and a strong soul nourishes the body.

Wait am I going to have pink hair?

No! bad Hanabira! not the time to think about this!

So, if the imbalance won't be a problem, and my body is currently growing to catch up with my soul then if I strengthen my soul then my bodies energy will probably grow faster too, maybe it will even increase my potential growth?

Who knows, it's not an exact science, and it's not like I'm going to ask my parents, they don't seem like the type that could really help, not to mention I am only one and I don't want to stand out just yet, not until I have a better understanding of what kind of situation I am in.

Now, how do I go about strengthening my soul?

Never thought I'd ask myself that seriously but whatever.

I guess I can just try the typical cultivation stuffs? circulate my energy throughout my 'meridians'. lol naw I don't think I've got meridians, they seem like the kind of thing I think I'd notice, besides no young master has come to steal my mother away and kill my father, nor do either of them wear any kind of amulet or something equally cliche.

Circulation time!

First, I get a feel of my energy, I try looking for a source but there doesn't seem to be one, I double check the heart and navel just in case but nothing, though I suppose it makes sense, if half my energy really is my soul and the other my body then it wouldn't need to come from anywhere specific.

Rather I theorise that my ki is generated in each of my cells individually (mitochondria anyone?) whilst my soul is either just pure energy or it's just like an ethereal body overlapping my physical one, with its own ethereal cells to generate qi.

With this in mind I will try a different method of circulating my energy, rather than leading it through my body, like digging a trench for a river to flow through, I will instead think of it like a lake, and I will just sort of spin it all at once, like a whirlpool.

This, upon reflection also has the added benefit of perhaps being like in cultivation where they suck in the energy of the world and use it to expand their own reserves, and a whirlpool should certainly do the job.

Well! no time like the present, let's get started.

First, I try for lack of a better word, to grab my... energy and not quite rotate it (since my body isn't a circle) but rather, I suppose add a current to it, to make it flow.

Honestly this is harder than I thought it would be, perchance. 'heh Mario'

Sweat starts forming on my brow as I put more and more effort into making my damn soul MOVE-

Until I process what I just thought, why am I trying to force my soul to move? it's my soul. it's me.

If I want to do something. then all I have to do.

Is do it.

And apparently it's that simple boys, girls and gamers.

Rather than grabbing and moving my energy, it's actually a lot more intuitive, unsurprising really.

Instead of making my energy move, I just... move?

It's hard to explain but the energy is me, I don't walk by grabbing my legs and manipulating them to walk, I just do it.

Same here, rather than moving my energy, I just move.

So now here I am, lounging in my bed, moving in a whirlpool shape without actually moving. What a strange sensation.

Before I can ponder more of the strange new things my developing body is feeling-


My mother walks into the room.

And immediately begins coo-ing at me.

"Hello sweetie, its dinner time! come on let's go sit down before the food gets cold!"

Now, I am a prideful person, not in the young master sense, in fact I think that being so easy to piss off just means your pride is weak, after all only a weak pride would break from some petty words.

However, despite my pride in my pride 'is that ironic?' I couldn't help but feel it crack a little every time my mother has... 'fed me' from breastfeeding to 'here comes the (not) airplane'.

I'm willing to admit this was a large motivator to training my dexterity, even when I wanted to sleep instead.


Well, another day another humiliation. at least I can feed myself now, all without spilling anything, and mother definitely doesn't wipe my chin afterwards and coo about me being her 'cute little Hana-kun'. that would just be silly.


A/N: He~llo! dear readers! another chapter where nothing much happens, the first 6 chapters are mostly set up, the story really starts rolling in chapter 7, which is like 3k+ words because i got carried away with finally having some action

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