"Hell of the Shadows" is a thrilling horror short story that follows Zhao Chenyang, who falls into a scam compound in northern Myanmar while pursuing a high-paying job. However, this place is not just a center for scams—it also conceals a far more terrifying black market for organ trafficking. Facing the infestation of witchcraft poison, oppression from the crime syndicate, and the despair of survival, Zhao Chenyang must team up with undercover agent Ah Hua and the mysterious Nari to find a way to escape. The story is filled with fear, betrayal, and life-or-death challenges. Will Zhao Chenyang ultimately triumph over evil and find his way to freedom?
The Cursed Escape novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural genres. Written by the Author Ice Rain2024 . Read The Cursed Escape novel online for free.