Immortal Tyrant follows the journey of a reincarnated protagonist in a magical fantasy world, gifted with overwhelming strength, intelligence, and an unyielding thirst for power. His arrogance is only matched by his ambition to conquer everything in his path. With unrivaled abilities in battle and a sharp mind for manipulation, he builds a harem of 1500 women, each with unique powers that further his quest for dominance.
As he ascends through the world's power structures, dangerous enemies and dark forces emerge, testing his reign and threatening the fragile balance of power. The more he conquers, the more he is consumed by his own ruthlessness, and he must navigate the delicate web of romance, loyalty, and betrayal within his harem. As his empire grows, the line between an immortal ruler and a tyrant becomes ever more blurred, forcing him to confront the price of his ambition and the true cost of absolute power.
Immortal Tyrant novel is a popular light novel covering Action genres. Written by the Author Thirsty_Kid_3199 . Read Immortal Tyrant novel online for free.