Novel info
Encladeia: Thrones & Dominions

Encladeia: Thrones & Dominions is a high fantasy novel based in the fictional world of Encladeia and will feature a wider overall story incorporating an array of characters through the inclusion of their own perspectives and personal stories.
Background Synopsis:
Encladeia: Thrones & Dominions takes place in the year 47 AU (After Unification).
Forty seven years ago, the Aladarian Empire was formed after the conquest of Alderin the Great ended, an event that would be known as the Marchidium. Having recently passed, his successor, Aremos Arathan, must take over the reins of the empire and guide it into the future while maintaining his father's dynasty.
Although the Empire has enjoyed nearly two decades of peace, the world still remains active around the Empire and its own nobles consistently make gambits in order to garner more power for themselves, threatening stability. Will the Empire remain as it is, or will it fall into ruin?
Who is the true enemy? Who will live, and who will die?
What to Expect?:
Encladeia: Thrones & Dominions will primarily feature adventures mounted by characters, political intrigue, war, combat, potentially magic, and much more. Maybe even some romance? Who knows.
Encladeia: Thrones & Dominions novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Ottolin . Read Encladeia: Thrones & Dominions novel online for free.