Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 103

At the Yonghui base, it is impossible to act alone. Only teams that meet more than ten people are eligible to register in the base. The points are exchanged for distribution by the captain.

Deng Yunfei had only three of them, so they could only join other teams.

Deng Yunfei and the three of them did not go to the squad. Even if you are late, you may be kicked out of the team by the captain. But now they have something more important.

Now, the number of people joining the base has gradually decreased, after all, there are so many large and small bases. Many people have already joined the base. Therefore, the person in charge of registration at the base of the base is particularly free.

When Deng Yunfei walked by, Ma Yi, who was in charge of registration, made a boring turn.

“Old horse.” Deng Yunfei walked over with a smile, hooked Ma Yi’s neck, and took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket: “Come, come and point.”

Ma Yi did not know Deng Yunfei, but when he saw the smoke, he smiled.

The smoke is no longer precious in the end. Ma Yi was an old cigarette gun, but the end of the day is to force him to quit smoking rhythm.

No way, Yan Jingui. Food is more expensive. When the stomach is not full. Ma Yi is really reluctant to use points to change cigarettes.

Xiang Jiuming picked up the lighter and gave it to Ma Yi.

Ma Yi took a stern breath, spitting white smoke in his mouth, and looked like he was enjoying: “Hey, I said why haven’t you picked up the task yet?”

Deng Yunfei smiled and walked to the side of Ma Yi’s neck, looked at no one around him, and then whispered, “I heard our eldest son say that a beautiful woman is here today. That’s called an exaggeration, this In the doomsday, women in the United States have only six or seven points of color, right? Is it so exaggerated? It ’s just like never seen the world. “

As he talked, Deng Yunfei’s tone was a little bit ironic.

When Ma Yi heard it, he patted Deng Yunfei’s shoulder: “It’s really not that your fourth son has never seen the world, brother, you don’t know. The woman who came today is really an immortal in the end, even before the end. Top beauty. “

After talking, he smashed his mouth: “Don’t you know, the skin is good just like a baby born soon.”

Deng Yunfei was surprised: “Is it true? I still heard the eldest boy say that this woman is wearing a white dress. Is this a problem with her brain? It’s all the end, who is still wearing white.”

“Yeah, I don’t say a white skirt, it’s clean.” Ma Yi thought for a while: “I don’t think it’s like a brain problem. It’s that strength.”

Deng Yunfei suddenly felt a bit cold. In the end, who can wear a white skirt and still clean women, besides Fu Cao, who else can?

Or, who would wear a white dress in the end? At the base, except for the two Generals women, they would wear skirts and women in the red light district. Never seen other women in skirts.

“Where is that woman now? I really want to see how beautiful it is.” Deng Yunfei’s face remained silent, deliberately showing a saliva.

“Your boy, be careful, the woman came by himself. Don’t kick the iron plate.” But still nodded, “Hey, it’s over there. Observe for twenty-four hours, no problem. Go to the base. “

“Ah … Then I’m not going to watch it anymore.” Deng Yunfei rubbed his nose sorrowfully.

“That’s right. The discerning person knows at a glance that the woman who looks soft and weak is not at all annoying. Even the guard captain Liu Wei is very polite to her. Moreover, people are still different from each other. Able person, “Ma Yi said, shaking his head.

“Lao Ma, thank you this time. If it weren’t for you, I might have gotten together.” Deng Yunfei said angrily, and then quickly took out a cigarette and gave it to Ma Yi.

Ma Yi cracked his mouth and smiled brilliantly, but this one was cautiously clasped in his pocket and patted lightly.

After a few words with Ma Yi, Deng Yunfei took the people away. Instead of going to the squad, they returned to the room.

The three men were heavy-faced, although they didn’t see anyone, but they had a 90% chance. It’s Fu Cao’s right.

“Second Brother, even Fu Ke. Actually, do we really have such a need for fear?” Xiang Jiuming said suddenly, “Don’t the boss say that? Fu Ke doesn’t seem to harm humans.”

“That was before, when Fu Cao and D city bases lived in harmony. Don’t forget, it was our boss who drove Fu Cao out before.” Deng Yunfei reminded.

“Then what should we do?” Mao Xinhua asked anxiously.

Deng Yunfei looked at him: “Clean up things, let’s go immediately.”

“But, brother, now it’s getting more and more chaotic outside. High-level zombies are emerging one after another. Just three of us, in case we meet high-level zombies …” Xiang Jiuming doesn’t want to leave because now high-level zombies are coming The more, the more difficult it is for humans to survive.

Not to mention ordinary people, even many abilities are not opponents of high-level zombies.

Those zombies are not as good as Fu Ke.

“I heard that there are two bases in City B, one is our current Yonghui base. There is also a Blu-ray base. We can go to the Blu-ray base.” Deng Yunfei urged them to pack up and leave.

There is no way to leave the base with the registered team.

However, Deng Yunfei and their captain became very angry because of the delay. They will be kicked out of the team.

Their three constant accompany is not. Deng Yunfei directly took out a whole pack of cigarettes and honored the captain, which barely left them.

Although it was said to pack things up, Deng Yunfei didn’t take much of them, otherwise the team would be seen as soon as they arrived.

After waiting for the base, they took the opportunity to slip straight away.

Looking at the three people running away, Fu Cao couldn’t help but smile.

When Deng Yunfei asked Fu Cao from Ma Yi, because he was closer to Fu Cao, Fu Cao heard the conversation between the two. When looking at it mentally, I didn’t recognize who they were, but I felt their fear of her, so I was a little curious.

To be so scared of her, it is likely to know her identity, but the strange thing is that these three people did not tell any one of the base.

Therefore, Fu Cao has been watching them mentally.

Then what they said after they went back reminded Fu Cao that it was them. The people around Xie Changyi.

If Deng Yunfei had mentioned that their boss had drove Fu Cao out of the D City base, Fu Cao could not remember these people.

Xie Changyi is no longer here, and these people have avoided her. Without trying to debunk her, Fu Cao opened his eyes and let them escape.

Plus, they didn’t have the threat that she had felt before.

Also, not just them. The entire Yonghui base, Fu Cao did not find anything strange, but since she came, she decided to take a look.

Especially take a look at the General Mo that was not seen by the thin men and Long Brother in the past life.

What kind of person is he who will treat Lan Zhi as a guest?

Blu-ray base.

In the end, Professor Gu didn’t support it, and turned into a zombie a few days later. After Professor Gu turned into a zombie, Gu Ming cut off Professor Gu’s head without hesitation, and then invited the fire department’s ability person to cremate Professor Gu.

This series of things is too fast, and no one in the research base has responded yet.

Gu Ming seems to have prepared his heart for a long time. After Professor Gu has completely transformed into a zombie, he is right.

For Gu Ming, even if the zombies can gradually return to humans, that is not Professor Gu. After Professor Gu became a zombie, Professor Gu was already dead.

After Professor Gu was cremated, Gu Ming changed an ashes box from the base and put Professor Gu in the ashes box.

The day that Professor Gu was buried, Zhang Zhongmin also arrived. However, when he saw the handsome man holding the urn, he felt like he was a different person.

The whole person seemed to be an ice sculpture, exuding chills all the time.

There were very few people coming from the base. Apart from Zhang Zhongmin and Chen Song, there were only people from the research institute. Because Professor Gu has not yet made any achievements that make people in the base grateful.

So, for Professor Gu’s death. The people in the base were indifferent.

Some even listened to Professor Gu because no one was willing to experiment, and this was the case when he tested the nutrient solution himself. I actually felt lucky in my heart, but fortunately I didn’t go.

Deng Yunfei, who joined the Blu-ray base, never imagined that the Blu-ray base was actually managed militarized.

Moreover, because of the need to take care of the entire base, there are not as many foods as Yonghui Base. But if you go back to Yonghui Base, Fu Cao is still there.

As a last resort, they still stayed at the Blu-ray base daringly.

Moreover, after Zhang Zhongmin came to power, the base began to collect books, and the teachers in the base began to re-do old business.

Fu Cao came out after being observed for twenty-four hours. Because he was a power man, he was assigned to a three-room, one-room house. The other two bedrooms are occupied.

The room has a two-meter-wide bed, a wardrobe, and a bathroom. Obviously this is the master bedroom, and the place they arranged for Fu Cao is good, but the monthly rent is also expensive.

The other two rooms in this house are also girls, but they are not as good as Fu Cao. One room per person, they are all a few rooms.

Fu Cao went out of the room and prepared to go to the kitchen to cook something, but as soon as he went out, he found that there was a group of people in the living room where there was no one.

In strange outfits, they all looked at Fu Cao with jealous eyes.

Sitting on the sofa was a woman wearing black leather clothes and leather pants. She put her pony tail high and put one leg on the coffee table. Kou Zier looked at Fu Cao with a critical eye.

A woman beside her squeezed her shoulders, and there were people kneeling on the ground and squeezing her feet.

Fu Cao’s eyes were strange for a while.

Behind the sofa, several women stood with their hands around their chests, but looked at Fu Cao’s eyes. Nor friendly.

Fu Cao smiled: “Hello, my name is Fu Cao. I have lived here since today. Do you live here too?”

There was a smile on the corner of Jin Ling ’s mouth, throwing the melon seed shells on the ground at random, standing up and clapping his hands, kicking and kicking the woman who was kneeling in front of him: “It ’s done, people have seen it. It ’s deleted.”

“Sister Jin!” The woman who pinched Jin Ling’s shoulders looked at her in amazement, screaming silently with a slight question.

The smile on Jin Ling’s face disappeared all at once, and she looked at the woman coldly: “I said, it’s gone. What happened if I didn’t hear it? Or, do you want to control me?”

She pinched the woman’s chin and said in a bad tone.

“No, don’t dare, I don’t have Sister Jin.” The woman said wrongly: “This woman took up Sister Jin’s room as soon as she came.

Jin Ling sneered: “What are you thinking, don’t think I don’t know, less I’m a raft.”

After that, she threw her aside fiercely, walked to Fu Cao’s side, and sternly passed the room next to Fu Cao’s room.

The woman pushed by Jin Ling looked at Fu Cao resentfully, making Fu Ca somehow inexplicable, and the person who threw her was not herself. What happened to the woman’s grudged eyes?

However, he shrugged his shoulders and turned to the kitchen.

The gas in the kitchen has long stopped, but everything in the pots and pans. It doesn’t need Fu Cao to take it out of space. After all, the abilities she wrote are dual systems of water and fire, and there is no room.

After cleaning the kitchen next to it, Fu Cao smiled with satisfaction.

In order not to be suspicious, Fu Cao did not come up with strange things, such as fresh vegetables. Just took out a bag of instant noodles and cooked them.

It’s easy to cook instant noodles, just get the fire essence out. Now the fire spirits have grown up a lot. Although they are still slim, they can be big or small, and they are not fragile at all.

After a while, the taste of instant noodles rendered the whole room, even Jin Ling next to Fu Cao smelled the rich and sour beef noodles.

Jin Ling looked at the biscuit in her hand and smelled the rich scent. She suddenly turned black.

He came out with a sullen face: “What are you doing?”

Fu Cao just picked the cooked instant noodles into the bowl and turned his head to see Jin Ling standing at the door with a black face like he owed her 8 million: “I’m hungry, how about cooking noodles.”

Jin Ling smoked at the corner of her mouth and smelled the scent, she kept secreting saliva in her mouth.

If it weren’t for the woman who spoke so loudly, it must be simple. Jin Ling has already gotten started, where can I still stand here and talk calmly with Fu Cao?

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