Zodiac University

Chapter 30: New Girl

Virgo stomped away from Taurus’s dorm into the dusk with his cheeks on fire. That bastard. He always knows how to get to me, he thought, irritably wiping his lips. Taurus’s warmth still lingered on them and his scent completely cloaked the clothes Virgo had borrowed. And what was worse was that Virgo was turned on by it. He shifted uncomfortably as he walked, his ass still hurting and his dick semi-erect. He tightened his grip on his clothes and phone and headed off campus, into the city.
I guess I can skip a shower since I’m already clean, he decided. I’ll just watch some TV and go to bed. I’m glad there’s no school tomorrow.
He turned a corner, following the path he usually took to his luxury apartment while making sure he wasn’t being trailed. He didn’t know what Taurus was thinking anymore, so he couldn’t rule out the possibility that the man still had eyes on him.
Speaking of which, are we…still rivals? Virgo thought and stopped. Now that he had recognized his true feelings for Taurus, what exactly was going to happen? Taurus had been acting so weirdly affectionate that it didn’t make sense for them to keep fighting. If, by any chance, Taurus loved Virgo back, well…what exactly did Virgo want?
Are we…a couple now?
The idea made Virgo squirm with discomfort but also…giddiness? What was wrong with him? Why did he feel so pleased at the idea of settling into a relationship with Taurus?
I’m bisexual, he thought, starting to move again, so it’s not like it’s the idea of being with a guy that upsets me. It’s just…Taurus has hurt so many people and treated me terribly.
That was a fact, but…but he was just so hot. And sex with him—losing his virginity to him—had been amazing. But acknowledging this made the discomfort overpower the giddiness instantly.
We aren’t ready to date, Virgo decided and also decided to never admit his true feelings to Taurus—(though it was pretty clear from the way he’d acted in bed).
Virgo sighed and lowered his head. Was revenge even worth it anymore?
He and Taurus only knew fighting. Their whole relationship had been formed on hatred, after all. But now, their threats would be empty. Neither one of them would have a drive for revenge. Their attention to each other was like a drug, and the intimacy they’d shared had been a catalyst. The probability of Virgo and Taurus deciding to never interact again was also incredibly low, judging by how Taurus snapped when Virgo suggested forgetting the sex.
Taurus probably wants me as a sex partner, Virgo thought, approaching his complex. It’s not likely that he’ll keep threatening me. So…does that mean our little game is over?
Virgo had several issues with this. Without a reason to engage with Taurus, he’d have to fully accept that it was his own attraction to the bastard that pulled him in. Besides, what was he going to tell his friends? Capricorn, Scorpio, and Cancer had been the victims of a brutal attack by one of Taurus’s associates—not to mention the abuse they and other students had gone through as a direct result of Taurus’s presence. It wasn’t as if Virgo could tell them he and Taurus had patched things up. The whole school was taking sides, after all!
Virgo’s head hurt. I need to sleep, he thought as he rode the elevator up to his level and opened the door to his apartment. Mrs. Clemson was in the kitchen, sitting at the bar on her tablet when he arrived. She glanced up at Virgo and smiled.
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Hey, Mom. I’m really tired, so I’m just going to go to bed,” Virgo said.
Virgo’s mother nodded. “You do that, Virgo. But before you do, I have something to tell you—remember that scandal I was involved with at work?”
Virgo froze, immediately thinking of Taurus. “Yeah…?”
“It got resolved. You might say I was proven innocent,” Mrs. Clemson said with another wide smile. Virgo grinned.
“That’s great, Mom!”
“It was all so sudden,” Mrs. Clemson continued. “But in the same anonymous message thread, a new note came in, apologizing for the confusion. Apparently, I was mixed up with another employee in the harassment case. I just got an apology email from my boss.”
Virgo just nodded. “I’m glad it worked out.” He knew Taurus must’ve done something. “Alright, I’m going to bed now, so—”
“And that's not all,” Mrs. Clemson said, gently grabbing her son’s shoulder. “Guess what? I talked to your father, and he said he’ll be able to take time off to come home this week! He heard that you’ve been feeling a bit down and wants to help.”
“No way!” Virgo’s eyes widened in excitement, his fatigue temporarily forgotten. “When is he coming?!”
“His flight touches down Monday night,” Mrs. Clemson explained. “We’ll be able to eat dinner together, and he doesn’t leave until Wednesday morning.”
“Nice!” Virgo smiled. He hadn’t seen his father in months—almost a year! The astrophysicist was based at an observatory in Europe and was always traveling to do his research. He’d only been home about twice since Virgo turned 19, but when he did, he always embraced Virgo with enthusiasm—and gifts! He always expressed his sorrow for not being able to watch Virgo grow up, and Virgo always accepted his apologies. His line of work was demanding, after all.
Virgo finally made it to his room and dropped his dirty clothes in a pile by the door. He quickly marked his calendar for Monday, then flopped on his bed.
I can’t wait to see you, Dad, he thought eagerly, feeling the sleepiness rise again. He curled up and inhaled the scent of the clothes Taurus had given him. And then he fell into a deep, deep sleep.
The weekend passed quickly—almost too quickly—because before Virgo knew it, he was back on campus on Monday, filled with a concoction of emotions. Happiness. Anticipation. Anxiety.
He was happy because his father was landing that evening and anticipated his arrival. This mix of feelings left him feeling anxious…but he was also anxious for another reason.
It’s always Taurus, Virgo thought, somewhat bitterly. Why was that bastard at the center of everything?
To Virgo’s delight (and slight disappointment), he wasn’t in his first period. But Capricorn was! Virgo practically sprinted over to her when he saw her at her desk, catching up on her missed assignments.
“Virgo!!” the blonde, pink-eyed woman looked up with a grin as Virgo approached her and gave her hand a welcome-back squeeze.
“So you returned from your sick leave?” Virgo said excitedly. “I’ve really missed talking to you.”
Capricorn’s cheeks turned a light pink and she glared. “D-don’t say cringey stuff like that.”
Virgo laughed in response. “How’s Scorpio? Is she okay?”
Capricorn nodded. “She’ll be returning Thursday. The doctors advised her to take it easy for a few more days. And I assume you’ve heard from Cancer?”
Virgo nodded. Cancer had been texting him over the weekend—mostly about how sad she was that Pisces had left. She’d informed Virgo that she had a dentist appointment Monday morning, and wouldn’t be on campus until the afternoon. Virgo was just happy his friend group was reuniting again. He’d had enough of being lonely.
“Oh, and did you hear?” Capricorn asked, snapping Virgo out of his thoughts. “There’s apparently some bigshot transfer student arriving today. Actually, she should be here already.”
Virgo shook his head. “I didn’t hear.”
“Honestly,” Capricorn said, clicking her tongue. “You live under a social rock. That’s all anyone’s been talking about in the school group chats!”
Virgo chuckled sheepishly. “So why’s this girl so popular?”
Capricorn shrugged. “I don’t know the details, but I think her parents are rich. She’s also apparently really pretty. Blonde hair and blue eyes, and slim with a good body. She might be a model, or an actor or something.”
“Huh,” Virgo said. “She might be worth meeting.”
Capricorn looked at him with a strange expression. “You think so?”
“Uh…yeah…?” Virgo blinked. He’d just been trying to be polite, but Capricorn seemed to have taken it some other way, judging by the smirk she now had on her face.
“Hmmm…” She leaned in close to Virgo, causing him to clear his throat nervously. “There’s no use hiding it from me, Virgo.”
“Yeah…hiding what, exactly?”
“You’re interested in the new girl!” Capricorn said, clapping her hands. “I bet blonde hair and blue eyes are exactly your type!”
“Huh?!” So he was right. Capricorn had taken it the wrong way.
But it wasn’t as if Virgo could come out and say his eyes were on another specimen, one of the opposite gender…and who was completely insane. I should just go with it, he decided and just grinned at Capricorn.
Capricorn squealed. “We should go find her after class. I’ll try to hook you two up!”
“That really isn’t necessary,” Virgo said.
“Nonsense,” Capricorn said. “I love playing matchmaker. Besides, you seemed a bit lonely after seeing Pisces and Cancer. I bet you’re dying for a girlfriend.”
“Well…I wouldn’t say dying…” Virgo said, looking away from Capricorn.
“We’re going,” Capricorn decided, putting her hands on her hips. “Right after class. This’ll be fun!”
Virgo just chuckled. Capricorn was right—mostly. Virgo should extend his circle, and bonding with transfers was a great way to make friends. Besides, this girl did sound interesting. She actually sounded a lot like Virgo.
“Alright,” Virgo said, giving in. “Let’s go see the new girl.”

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