Zodiac University

Chapter 18: Bathroom (18+)

Virgo blushed. Taurus moved closer, much to Virgo’s chagrin.

“A little perverted, don’t you think?”

Virgo shoved him away and took a step back, suddenly aware that they were both half-naked—and that the only thing separating Taurus from his bare skin was a flimsy towel.

Taurus was pleased at how stirred up Virgo was and even more pleased at Virgo’s physique. Although he was teasing the raven-haired male for watching him undress, he couldn’t help but let his eyes roam over Virgo’s chest and calves. Virgo was quite muscular and had tight abdominal muscles. His arms and legs were also toned, maybe even more so than Taurus’s. No wonder he was able to take Leo down, Taurus thought admiringly. He glanced back up at Virgo who was looking anxiously at the door, probably trying to make a beeline at any moment.

We can’t have that, Taurus thought with a smirk, and backed up so he was closest to the door. With one quick flick of his hand, he jammed a wooden block in between the threshold in a way that could only be budged from inside. Virgo seemed to come back to his senses and clutched his towel angrily.


Taurus laughed. “I don’t want anyone interrupting us.”

“Interrupting what?! I’m leaving!” Virgo snapped, and tried to shove past Taurus. Unfortunately for him, the young man was prepared for that and grabbed Virgo’s arm, flipping him around and pushing him into a stall. Virgo wriggled under Taurus’s grasp, his fingernails digging into his arm. But Taurus didn’t even flinch.

“Let me go!”

Taurus ignored him, just staring into his eyes. He wanted to kiss Virgo again.

No…he wanted to do more than that. He could feel his member hardening in his pants and his nipples grow erect. He instinctively put a leg between Virgo’s. Oh, how he wanted to rip that towel off him and fuck him senseless.

To his dismay, Virgo’s body was acting similarly. His dick was standing at attention and he had to quickly readjust a fold of his towel to hide it from Taurus. They were so close…and so unbelievably naked.

Virgo’s head was spinning. He was trying desperately to shift Taurus’s focus elsewhere so he could run for it…but he had to be careful at the same time. Taurus seemed to be observing his towel. One wrong move and it’s gone, Virgo thought worriedly. Taurus had his hands pressed on either side of Virgo against the wall of the stall, similar to their familiar kissing position. Wait, familiar?! Virgo shook his head and a burst of anger surged forth, erasing the arousal and embarrassment.

This damn bastard.

“I said, let me go!” Virgo shouted and tightened his grip on Taurus’s arms. He tried to pull one down, giving him room to push past Taurus and leave, but it was as if Taurus had suddenly gained superhuman strength. He wasn’t even budging.

“Would you mind keeping it down?” Taurus asked in a smug tone that made Virgo’s blood boil. “Like I said, I don’t want anyone interrupting us. I have some things I want to—”

“Shut the fuck up and let me out of here!” Virgo shrieked. “I’ll make all the noise I want until someone catches us!”

That stupid grin graced Taurus’s features. “Even if someone does find us, I have no intention of stopping. At least not before I get what I want.”

Virgo shivered, cursing his body as he felt his member twitch with anticipation. That low tone…those narrowed eyes…fuck, why did it leave him feeling so strange?! And Virgo was smart enough to know that yelling at the top of his lungs wasn’t going to help him. Even if someone did hear, once they realized it was an affair involving Virgo and Taurus, they’d back out. Heck, they may not even check at all. And even in the case they did, what would they even do? Tell the professor, who became petrified whenever Taurus spoke?

It was hopeless. Virgo had no choice but to go along with Taurus’s little dance.

He sighed with exasperation and stared up at Taurus. “You’re sick in the head.”

“Tell me something I haven’t heard before,” Taurus said with a laugh. “Besides, you’re no better, with your obsessive nature.”

“Me? Obsessive?” It was Virgo’s turn to laugh. “I think you’re a bit confused. You’re the one who kissed me first, who’s been trying to stalk me, and who went on this trip because of me. I haven’t done anything with any trace of obsessiveness.”

“Then why’d you take a picture of me?”

Virgo froze, his grasp on Taurus falling limp. So he had been awake.


Taurus glared playfully. “Don’t play dumb. On the bus. You can’t have forgotten. Or should I show you?” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out none other than Virgo’s phone.

Virgo’s eyes widened. “Hey!” He cursed himself mentally. He’d left his phone on his bed when he went to shower and around that time, Taurus had appeared. He was a fool for leaving it in plain sight. Taurus didn’t even have to check his duffel bag to get his hands on it.

He stared helplessly at the screen. Taurus had managed to crack his passcode and was waving his ‘photos’ app in front of his face. Virgo swallowed hard. There was no use in denying it, now. He’d let Taurus have a jab at his dignity.

“If you were awake, why didn’t you say anything?”

Taurus shrugged. This answer wasn’t good enough for Virgo. He lowered his head and let out a bitter chuckle.

“You really are annoying, you know that?”

“That makes two of us. I know what you did to Leo.”

Virgo looked back up at Taurus whose expression had changed. He was now staring down at Virgo with a numb look and a hint of anger. It must’ve been rough on him, Virgo thought, having to lose his underling like that.

Virgo smirked. “Are you mad because he lost? Didn’t know you actually cared about the ones you stomped on,” he said.

Taurus didn’t blink. “Oh, I couldn’t care less about what happens to that bastard. But I’m getting really fucking sick of you thinking you’re better than me.”

Then, without warning, Taurus slammed Virgo back against the wall. Hard. Stars scattered across Virgo’s vision as his head collided with the tile. He looked up at Taurus dizzily.

“I’m going to have to shut you up for a while,” Taurus said, his eyes dark and his voice dangerous. “You need to know that you get nothing without me.”

“What’s that supposed to mea—” But before Virgo could finish his sentence, Taurus bent down and yanked Virgo’s towel off in one swoop. Virgo gasped as his fully-erect member was practically shoved into Taurus’s face and he tried to turn to prevent Taurus from looking at it.

Taurus just smiled. “You’re bigger than I thought.”

“G-give me back my towel,” Virgo said, the waver in his voice giving away his shame. He was aware of how vulnerable he was. It may have been better if Taurus took off his pants, but…

No, what was he thinking?! Was he admitting that he wanted Taurus to be naked, too??

Please let this be a dream, Virgo thought. It just couldn’t be real. He was in front of Taurus, nude, and hard. He couldn’t think of a worse situation.

But, of course, it got worse. While he was panicking, Taurus reached out and fisted his length with one hand, rubbing his thumb over Virgo’s tip which was starting to leak precum. Virgo gasped, shame mixed with pleasure flooding his body. How could he possibly be aroused at a time like this?!

“S-stop…Taurus, what the fuck do you think you’re—”

Taurus stood up, still clenching Virgo’s dick. He leaned close to Virgo’s face until their noses were almost touching.

“I want to see you despair.”

“The fuck are you talking—”

But before Virgo could utter another word, Taurus began stroking, his eyes boring into Virgo’s as he did so. Virgo hissed through clenched teeth as the pleasure ebbed from his stimulated nether regions, unconsciously rocking his hips forward to meet the strokes. Taurus was going slow, but was gradually increasing.

Virgo tried his best to maintain his level headedness and to keep a stern expression, but it was no use. Without meaning to, he let out a quiet moan, his quivering hands pressed against the wall behind him as Taurus’s warm breath grazed his lips. He wanted Taurus to stop before he let out any more embarrassing noises…yet he also wanted him to continue.

Desperately holding onto the dignity that was rapidly shredding away, Virgo tilted his head back to avoid Taurus’s gaze. But Taurus simply pursed his lips and rubbed faster. Virgo gasped and his legs started shaking. Taurus’s hand was so rough…yet so gentle. He was moving like he’d pleasured Virgo a million times, hitting the sensitive spot on his tip and treating every part of the shaft with care.

Tears were welling in Virgo’s eyes. Taurus was speeding up his pace and then slowing down, edging him as if trying to convey the message that he owned Virgo’s body—he controlled when Virgo got to orgasm.

“Ung…ah…s-stop…” Virgo whined in a poor attempt to get Taurus to back off. His breathing was becoming erratic and he was rolling his hips into Taurus, the shame, resistance, and pride almost completely gone.

Taurus, who was observing Virgo’s face with a calm expression, was actually immensely turned on, tempted to grab his own throbbing cock and start rubbing one out then and there. It would be much hotter, since he had an audience.

But no. Taurus’s goal for doing this was to have Virgo at his complete and utter mercy. He wanted to hear his victim cry out in desperation, begging him to let him reach climax. He wanted to see Virgo’s tear-slick cheeks. He wanted to watch as his stiff demeanor faded into one motivated by pure, animalistic pleasure.

He wasn’t going to let Virgo leave until he got it.

“Ah…ungh…aghn…f-fuck…oh…” Virgo’s moans, which were coming out louder and louder, were music to Taurus’s ears. He kept watching as Virgo’s eyes flickered closed and his toes curled in his shower shoes.

Virgo was a complete mess. Part of him wanted to throttle Taurus for making him suffer and putting him in such an awkward position, but another part was focused on the impending climax and wanted Taurus to continue. That same part was enjoying their little session. Virgo glanced down through lidded eyes and saw Taurus's bulge. He wasn't even surprised. Someone would have to be completely averse to sex to not be turned on at that moment. Virgo closed his eyes again, grasping the back wall to brace himself as Taurus slowed his speed again. Virgo gritted his teeth. He just wanted to cum…but Taurus wasn’t letting him! Why? Why wasn’t he letting him cum?

He knew why. It was because Taurus was a freak who wanted Virgo on his knees, pleading, with tears streaming down his cheeks. Taurus wanted to use him for his sick sadistic fantasies. Taurus wanted him to be at his mercy.

Well, Virgo wasn't having—

Suddenly, Taurus dropped to his knees and readjusted his grip on Virgo's length. He lined it up with his mouth and smirked up at the startled man. Virgo's eyes widened when he realized what Taurus was about to do.


“I'm going to hear your begging, Virgo,” Taurus said in a warning tone. “One way or another.”

With that, he stuck Virgo's digit into his mouth and began bobbing up and down, rubbing his tongue around Virgo’s length as he closed his eyes.

Virgo cried out again, trembling all over as he was sucked off, then and there. Taurus must’ve been getting impatient…he’d taken it a step further. He was certainly going to make sure he pushed Virgo to his limit.

“AH! UMPF! AGH…!” Virgo’s moans and whimpers filled the bathroom, flowing out into the hallway. Virgo would hate himself for making such submissive noises later…but he’d never been pleasured this way before. He’d never had another person jack him off—much less give him a blowjob.

So good. It felt so good. Better than any feeling he'd ever had.

And it was coming from Taurus.

Virgo's hands instinctively shot into Taurus's brown curls and pulled. Taurus grunted at this, sending vibrations up through Virgo’s body. Virgo moaned and thrusted his hips up into the warm, wet cave engulfing his member. Taurus quickly adapted to this and sucked even harder.

So good. Too good.

It felt way too good.

Could anything possibly feel better? Virgo didn't know…and at that moment, didn't care. The tears that had been pooling in his eyes began to fall as he grunted and moaned, mouth-fucking Taurus. All rationale had disappeared from his brain. He was focused on nothing but his own pleasure.

Meanwhile Taurus, who had Virgo's cock down his throat and was starting to rub himself through his jeans was gazing up at Virgo, admiring the view. Virgo was sobbing, gripping onto Taurus's hair and breathing like he'd just run a marathon. His sounds were ricocheting through the entire cabin. They were making a huge scene and Taurus knew they'd been heard. But he didn't care. So fucking sexy, he thought while looking at Virgo. He was close to ruining his pants, and he wasn't even full-on jacking off yet.

He glanced at Virgo again who was starting to embrace the pleasurable oblivion. Well, that wouldn't do. He needed to see Virgo begging.

So, as much as it pained him to do so, Taurus pulled off Virgo's dick, a trail of saliva stringing from his mouth. Virgo let out a desperate whimper. He was so, so close to cumming!

Any trace of shame was gone. Virgo looked down at Taurus who was smirking and lightly rubbing Virgo’s tip.

They both knew what was going to happen next.

“P…” Virgo squeezed his eyes shut, his cheeks darkening.

“Hm?” Taurus’s smirk widened.

“P-please…” Virgo managed to get out.

“Please, what?”

Virgo whined in frustration and started reaching for his member. Fuck this! He’d finish himse—

But before he got to his length, Taurus’s hand shot out and slapped him away. “We both know that won’t satisfy you,” he said with narrowed eyes. “You want to cum in my mouth, don’t you.”

Virgo’s face heated up and he started to wipe away his tears. Taurus gave his dick a warning squeeze and Virgo hesitated.

He couldn’t believe what he was about to do.

“P-please…Taurus…please…help me…”

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