Zodiac University

Chapter 16: Breakup and Shape Up

Virgo had tried to suppress his feelings but was still emotionally numb after saying goodbye to his boss. After dropping Cancer off at the dorms, he’d gone straight home so as not to worry his mother. He’d eaten dinner and taken a shower, then flopped on his bed, staring up at the ceiling wistfully.

This is for the best, he told himself. He deeply cared about Bethany and though he was bitter over the idea of her closing the little shop she loved so much, he had no choice but to accept it.

Virgo rolled over, pulling out his phone in an attempt to distract himself from the numbness within. He immediately saw a text from Cancer, thanking him once again for protecting her and walking her home. Virgo smiled and responded with a few thumbs-up emojis before noticing another new message from Capricorn. It was about the upcoming trip sponsored by their chemistry class and how Capricorn had messaged their professor to reopen the spots she and Scorpio had claimed.

Virgo felt a pang in his heart. He knew how much his friends had been looking forward to the trip, and now, thanks to Leo, they wouldn’t get to go. Virgo thought about giving up his spot to support them but immediately dismissed the thought. Capricorn would just scream at him for being so emotional, after all.

I’ll go for them, Virgo thought.

He texted Capricorn that he’d take lots of pictures and text constantly, then snuggled into his pillow and eventually fell into a light slumber.


To say that Taurus was angry was a huge understatement. He was livid.

After he’d gotten back to his dorm, he’d sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his forehead with exasperation.

Leo had betrayed him.

‘Betrayed’ was a strong word, but the right word for Taurus. Leo had been defending his pride, but when Taurus took him on as an underling, he expected Leo to give up all individuality. There had been close calls in the past with Leo’s rebellious streak, but now? He’d completely defied him and made of mess of things.

One of Taurus’s eyes had spotted Leo trailing Virgo and company throughout the day. Taurus, upon hearing about it, was prepared to punish Leo lightly…but then decided he’d test the man’s loyalty.

The test had clearly not gone well.

Taurus wasn’t even upset about the fact that Cancer and two other nobodies had gotten beaten up. He was upset about the chaos that had ensued after Virgo showed up at the scene. He didn’t realize that Leo had lost the fight between them until his agent who had access to the hospital database reported Leo being admitted.

Taurus’s first thought wasn’t ‘is Leo okay?’. It was ‘damn, Virgo’. Taurus knew Virgo was far from weak and had a background in self-defense, but to be able to take down the mighty Leo? It was scary…yet arousing.

But then, Taurus was snapped back to reality. He knew Cancer wouldn’t say anything, but could he trust the other girls? They would likely speak out about Leo’s abuse and get him caught up in legal matters. Taurus was untouchable, but if Leo was expelled, it would be a little harder for him to have his way back at Admirant.

Taurus’s frustration grew further when he realized Virgo was down at the station for police questioning. Damn that Leo, he’d thought. What was he supposed to do if Virgo got arrested? Who was he supposed to play with?

In short, Leo had created a ton of work for him. But thanks to his connections in law enforcement, he’d managed to set the record straight with Virgo. Then he’d gone to the hospital to chastise Leo, but the bastard was asleep. He had the nerve to sleep, after all the trouble he’d stirred up? So what if he had a few breaks and fractures? He deserved them.

This is all because he disobeyed me, Taurus thought angrily. Now what was he to do but intimidate two girls who shouldn’t have been involved, threatening them to keep their mouths shut? He didn’t want to get wrapped up in further legal issues, after all.

Taurus sighed and lay down, reaching for his phone. Might as well do some digging, he thought, pulling up the school database and quickly locating Virgo’s profile. Virgo didn’t appear to be on many web pages. He’d probably put in place some cybersecurity measures because Taurus still couldn’t find his location.

I guess it’s fine, for now, Taurus thought, a reminder email from the school catching his eye. There’s that overnight chem trip. I can find more info then.

His plan was to find some moment during the trip when he could catch Virgo alone. Whether that meant locking him in the boys’ quarters or pushing him into a bathroom stall, it didn’t matter. Then, he would send Virgo into such deep despair that Virgo had no choice but to obey his every word. Taurus licked his lips at the thought of it.

Maybe it’ll be my opportunity to claim Virgo’s body, too, he thought. I’ll ravage it so badly, Virgo won’t be able to avoid hating himself. I don’t care how confident he claims to be…once I’m done with him, he’ll be such a wreck, he’ll never stand against anyone again.

Taurus knew this second goal wasn’t going to be easy. Virgo would, no doubt, be defensive after Leo’s attack. Taurus tsked irritably and pulled out his phone again, skillfully dialing Leo’s mother’s number. The phone rang for about 30 seconds and then she picked up.


“Hey, it’s me,” Taurus said. He could practically see the woman stiffening on the other end of the line.

“Oh…Taurus? How are you?”

“I didn’t come here for chit-chat,” Taurus said rudely. “Just pass a message onto Leo for me.”

“O-of course. What is it?” Leo’s mom asked.

Taurus narrowed his eyes.

“Tell Leo…that I don’t want to see his face ever again.”


Before Virgo knew it, he’d woken up and it was the day of the big trip. He’d packed partially the night before but shoved a few last-minute items into his duffel bag, grabbed a piece of toast, and sped out the door after waving to his mother.

He speed-walked to campus and quickly arrived at the meetup place. He spotted his chemistry professor and moved to where he and other students were gathering. They were waiting for the bus, which wouldn’t arrive until 7 am.

After a few minutes, it dawned on Virgo that none of his friends would be going with him on the trip. Cancer didn’t have chemistry, and Scorpio and Capricorn were healing in the hospital. Pisces was out of the question—he wasn’t even an Admirant student.

Virgo didn’t mind being alone, but ever since he’d gained friends and achieved his version of ‘social normality’, it became abundantly clear what he was missing when he was by himself. He shifted his feet uncomfortably, trying not to notice as his peers chatted excitedly to each other. Then everyone suddenly grew quiet, and Virgo didn’t have to look up to know who was approaching. He looked up and his eyes locked with the seductive brown ones.

“Was starting to think you ditched.”

Taurus grinned and adjusted the strap on his duffel bag. “Aw, you missed me?”

“I didn’t say that.” Virgo arched an eyebrow when he noticed Leo wasn’t with Taurus, but it didn’t surprise him that much—Leo and Taurus had no doubt had a falling out overnight.

“Students!” Everyone turned around to see the professor waiting for silence. “The bus is now pulling up.” He gestured to the approaching vehicle. “Please board in an orderly fashion.”

Virgo took the opportunity to try to dart away from Taurus. He was planning to sit towards the middle of the bus and hunker down so Taurus couldn’t see him. He might tease the brown-haired man, but the last thing he wanted to do was share a 3-hour bus ride with the psychopath.

Unfortunately for him, Taurus wasn’t planning to let Virgo out of his sight. He followed him so closely that Virgo could feel his breath against his neck. It seemed Taurus had a specific goal he wanted to achieve during the trip, and he wasn’t going to be satisfied until he did.

Virgo didn’t even make it to the middle of the bus before Taurus grabbed his sleeve and pushed him forcefully into a window seat. Students around them gasped and murmured nervously as Taurus took the aisle seat next to him.

Virgo glared. “There are nicer ways of telling someone to sit down.”

Taurus laughed. “Like you’d listen. But now…” he smiled in a strange way and put a hand on Virgo’s thigh. “We’re bus buddies!”

Virgo groaned and looked away.

This was going to be a long trip.

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