Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 120

Chapter 118 119

At night, the military personal dormitory.

After Ping finished washing up, he just lay in bed and decided to choose a book as his bedtime reading.

bang bang bang —

The knock on the door was loud.

Ping frowned and said, “Come here.”

He got out of bed, took two steps in three steps, and opened the door, only to say, “Didn’t I tell you to keep the door!”

As soon as the man came in, Ping saw that it was Sardin. He was wearing only a single shirt, his face was pale, and it seemed that he had been trekking outside for a long time.

Ping hurriedly found the thickest coat to put on Sadin, and said, “It’s a big night, why don’t you get dressed first!”

Saying that, he pulled Sardin to the warmest bed in the room and sat down, saying, “My terminal has been charging all the time, and I didn’t see your message. By the way, what happened to you?”

“We had a fight, and I came out.” Sardin’s voice was low, as if he didn’t want to say a word.

“A quarrel is a quarrel, then you have to wear it… Wait!” Ping looked at Sardin in disbelief and said, “Are you crazy when you quarrel with the male insect?”

He sat down on the bed in a slump and said, “I crow mouth, I would have known that I would not say those words at noon!”

No matter what you say, it’s not good to say that Sardinia is a model female gentleman. This time, there was a quarrel in the family that night!

“None of your business,” Sadin poured himself a glass of water, his eyebrows still frowned, and said, “He has to go outside the stars.”

Ping also frowned and pondered: “It’s a little dangerous outside the stars, but it’s not enough to quarrel…”

“Isn’t that true?” Sardin drank the water in one breath, his eyes flashing with flames, and gritted his teeth: “It’s okay if he goes in a hurry, I said I would accompany him, but he didn’t let me accompany him! ”

“A male, go to the merchant ship alone! Am I crazy or is he crazy?!”

All military females know one thing, that is, males are not suitable for interstellar travel. They are also insects. Males are particularly vulnerable in the interstellar environment. Some males have difficulty even walking. Unlike females, they have no space training at all. Even the female cub can run and jump normally on the starship.

Pingdao: “Maybe Mr. Song doesn’t know that male insects have to undergo special training before going to the interstellar space?”

Sardin said: “He knows that there are three kinds of targeted training flyers that are often a month!”

Ping was at a loss, and said, “You can skip it if you’re too anxious, but then there’s no need to refuse the company of the female gentleman! Isn’t the male very relieved to accompany the female gentleman?”

Sardin snorted and said, “Yes, so I don’t understand.”

Song Bai’s attitude at that time made it clear that he didn’t trust him!

Pingdao: “Could it be…”

Sardin glanced at him: “Say.”

Pingdao: “…Maybe Mr. Song wants to bring other females?”

Other females? Apart from him, the male master doesn’t even have a female worm’s hair!

Sardin glared unreliably flat, turned his head, and continued to be sullen.

There was a low air pressure in the house.

Ping touched the charging terminal with Sadin on his back, and was about to send a message to Song Bai when he heard the cold voice in front of him.

“No snitching!”

With a shudder, the terminal almost fell to the ground.

Okay, don’t send it, don’t send it.

Late at night, Song’s bedroom.

It was already time to go to bed, but there was no sign of the master on the bed, only a pair of corduroy pillows, placed side by side intimately.

Remembering that at this time yesterday, he had already been lying on the bed with Sardin.

Song Bai’s work was handed over in batches, and the school was not very busy, so he would go home early to have dinner with Sardin.

When night fell, even if it was not for sleep, he would still go to bed early, because on the other side of the bed, Sardin lay there.

They would talk together or do something else. Even if he doesn’t talk or do anything, as long as he feels that Sardin is there, he will feel at ease.

However, now, in this bedroom, he doesn’t even want to look at it again.

Song Bai’s lips tensed into a line, and he closed the door and left without hesitation.

Tonight, just spend the night on the couch.

Song Bai lay on the improvised bed on the sofa, tossing and turning.

The sofa was a bit short, apparently not considering the male worm’s sleeping needs, Song Bai, who was tall and long with legs, had to curl up before he forced himself to lie down.

It’s not that he has to wrong himself and find guilt for himself. It’s just a huge house. Except for the bedroom, this is the only place where Sardin stayed the longest.

Except here, he was not interested anywhere.

Time ticked by, and gradually, Song Bai’s eyes became more and more blurred.

In a trance, consciousness seems to travel through time and space and return to the alley buried deep in memory.

It was a summer night, the alley was dark, and the gutter under the bluestone slabs reeked of stench, but no one paid attention to the terrible environment in the alley, because the sharp siren of the ambulance, accompanied by the dazzling red and blue light, attracted everyone’s sight.

At this time, it was ten years ago. Song Bai was still a sophomore student. He had just gotten rid of the entanglement of his ex-boyfriend who had broken up and came to pick up his lost sister, but now, why are there medical staff here?

Song Bai was still at a loss. Opposite was Song Mother, who was sobbing in a low voice, and next to him, a Confucian businessman who always had a smile on his face, Song Father’s face was ashen. He pointed at Song Bai, and scolded his face:

“I asked you to pick up your sister, but you quarreled with unrelated people?”

“You’re arguing yourself, but your sister is only five years old! You don’t even know she was taken away by someone! It’s in this place, almost, almost!”

The Confucian businessman who always brought a smile had his lips trembling with anger, “If someone hadn’t passed by, your sister’s life would have been ruined!”

Song Bai heard the humming of his eardrums, the pale-faced sister in the distance held the medical staff’s hand tightly, and the red and blue police lights flashed alternately. He couldn’t tell whether there was someone in the light or someone was glowing.

He heard a heavy thud and the voice of young Song Bai: “I will definitely protect my family well in the future.”

The slap raised by Song’s father with an ugly face almost fell, and was stopped by Song’s mother next to him.

Mother Song seemed to say something again, but Song Bai couldn’t hear it anymore.

tick —

An incomparably clear loud noise shook Song Bai awake.

Song Bai gasped and sat up, only to realize that he was sweating profusely.

Song Bai got up and went down, went to the bathroom and wiped his face with water. Looking at the mirror, he saw that the people inside were flushed.

“I didn’t dream like this, maybe it’s the price to annoy Sardin.”

Song Bai said so, but he didn’t regret it in his heart.

Now, the development of the original book’s plot has come to the later stage, and what should have happened two years later has been brought forward to now, which sounded a wake-up call to Song Bai.

In the early and mid-term, he could still use his “author” status to predict in advance, but Song Bai didn’t know how long this prediction would last. Most importantly, he didn’t know the exact time when the medicine in Sardin’s body ran wild.

Without knowing the time, the medicine in Sardin’s body is a hidden danger.

And what he has to do is to protect Sardin well until the hidden danger is resolved.

Song Bai wiped the water off his face and saw the tiredness in his eyes.

These days, he has collected a lot of information in order to go to the interstellar space. He knows what Sadin is worried about, and also understands that on this planet, the male worm refuses to accompany the female monarch, which means distrust, and this distrust is for the female worm. , tantamount to humiliation.

But it didn’t matter whether Sardin was worried, annoyed, or slammed away.

As long as Sardin stays on this planet and waits for him to retrieve the mother stone.

Song Bai returned to the living room and just sat down, but felt a thirst in his throat.

He went to the kitchen to find a kettle, but couldn’t find it.

Looking at the messy kitchen due to rummaging through boxes, Song Bai decided to go back to bed earlier.

Just as he was thinking, his terminal buzzed and vibrated, it was a text message.

[Ping: Mr. Song, sir, he has come to the military headquarters. He will sleep in the military dormitory at night. You don’t have to worry too much. ]

[Ping: Sir, he didn’t let me speak, but I thought, I’ll let you know no matter what. ]

Song Bai knew that Sardin had returned to the military headquarters. After all, if Sardin did not return to Xiao’s house, he could only go to work.

Song Bai was about to reply when another text message came in:

[Ping: Sir, he is still young and has always been favored by you, so he can’t hold back his temperament, but this is also his temperament. I hope you don’t get too angry. ]

In the military dormitory, he sat flat on the toilet cover of the bathroom, anxiously waiting for the reply from the other side of the terminal.

In this matter, although Sardin’s motives are good, it is still not good to quarrel with the male insect.

Quarrel with male insects, no matter what, it is the female insect’s fault.

I still hope that Mr. Song will be magnanimous and not be too embarrassing to the boss.

The terminal vibrates slightly, and the display lights up:

[Song Bai: I know, no. ]

Ping was slightly relieved and was about to leave, only to hear from the door: “Ping, do you have spare toiletries? Lend me a set first, and I will pay you back tomorrow…”

Damn, his door isn’t locked!

Ping got up at lightning speed, but the bathroom door had been pushed open, and Ping’s terminal was falling under his feet.

He came to hide in the bathroom just to make a small report, why did he let the master run into him?

Ping want to cry without tears.

Sardin glanced at the terminal on the ground and said firmly: “The pot is on the top of the cabinet.”

Ping was at a loss, “Huh?”

Sardin directly took a set of toiletries and turned away on his own.

Ping froze in place for a while before picking up the terminal. At this time, he saw that the screen had always been on.

The commander’s eyes are so sharp, he must have seen it, but why didn’t he get angry?

After thinking about it and thinking about it, I couldn’t think of a reason, so Ping simply put the terminal back on.

Suddenly, Ping slapped his thigh, annoyed: “Damn, you told your hero, can you not let me send messages!”

Song family, kitchen.

Song Bai took out the kettle from the top of the cabinet, filled it with water, plugged it in, and leaned against the door with his arms folded, quietly watching the white steam rise up.

Military quarters.

Sardin looked at Jingshan’s number on the terminal, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed out.

“Father? Yes, I have something to ask for your help…”

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