Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“It’s worthy of being the acting head of the Mond West Wind Knight…” Chen

Yu knew that Qin, as the acting head of Mond, the five-star character in the game, must not be weak, but he didn’t expect it to be so strong.

Nineteen-year-old sixth-order elemental power, the seventh order is the theoretical level of the demon god. Qin, who has just reached adulthood, is already close to the peak of human combat power!

It takes a lot of effort and talent.

“Yes, the piano is very powerful, not only has extremely strong strength, but also masters the artifact West Wind Sword, and comprehends the elemental technique of the natural disaster level – dandelion wind!”

Jean really helps herself a lot, and Eura never cares about praising her friends in front of others.

“Artifact? Catastrophe Grade Elemental Technique? ”

Chen Yu almost forgot that he is still climbing the mountain, what and what is this!

Zephyr Sword himself knows that it is the symbol of the Knights of Zephyr, the four-star weapon in the Genshin game. Dandelion wind, the great move of the original god of the piano!

“Sure enough, the real Tivatri, combat power, skills, weapons, are not so vague…”

Don’t you know that? The seven gods divided weapons into iron, blades, treasures, and artifacts. Treasures and weapons on top of treasures can be connected to the user for easy carrying! It’s like my waves…”

said Yura and raised her snow-white wrist, and an ice-blue sword mark appeared.

“I said what about the big

sword…” Chen Yu suddenly realized at this moment, just now he was thinking about where Yura’s ice blue giant sword went.

“The seven gods divide skills into primary position, high position, super position, slaughtering city, natural disaster, and divine skill.”

Yura looked at the young man who seemed to know these news for the first time with some doubt, and wondered if Chen Yu was from the continent of Tivat.

This shouldn’t be something that any of me knows….

“Hiss… Is this really something that the rotten gods came up with? ”

Barbatos the drunkard, the old man Zhongli, the house girl Raiden General….

Chenyu’s memory of the seven gods is still stuck in the game, and such a rotten earthly ruling will actually formulate such a complete combat power system…

It’s really impressive.

If these thoughts in Chen Yu’s mind were heard by people who believed in gods, it was estimated that they would be beaten to death. Looking at the high ground where he could see the end, Chen Yu felt that he was about to stay up.

“That’s right! Then the trick you used yesterday…” Chen

Yu still remembers that Youra’s sword cracking the ground is too impactful for the rotten youth of the twenty-first century.

“That… The elemental combat technique can reasonably only correspond to the ability of the God’s Eye element, but there is also a combat technique that relies purely on physical strength to erupt! The one I use is the high-level physics combat technique – Ground Split! Yura

looked at the high ground that was almost at the end, the jade foot was light, the whole person was like a flying bird, and he rushed up in three or two strokes.

“Hey! Wait for me…” Chen

Yu knew how big the gap between himself and the fifth-order physical fitness was. Struggling to squirm towards the top.

“That’s right! Physical warfare techniques… Can I learn?

Chenyu’s arms were sore, his beautiful cheeks were slightly red, and he gasped and continued to ask.

I kind of understood it myself. The real continent of Tivat is definitely not like in the game to brush off materials, holy relics, and increase the level to destroy Radha in one move.

In addition to improving physical fitness and elemental power, you must also have good weapons and elemental combat skills!

“Elemental combat skills, you can learn them, but you need to pay the corresponding price.”

Nothing is free, that’s the rule of the world.

“Whew… Sure enough, it’s not suitable for a lying down youth like me! Chenyu

grabbed the highest edge with one hand, and when Eura saw this, he also stretched out his hand to grab Chenyuhao’s wrist, and the young man rolled and rubbed, turned over with difficulty, and went to the ground! Spitted.

I just want to live a stable life, it’s so difficult!

“Well, but you saved me, in thanks, I can give you the elemental combat skills I learned…”

Yura looked at Chenyu, who was lying at her feet like a dead fish, and spoke seriously.

“Eh! Really! Chen

Yu turned over abruptly, suddenly feeling not tired, staring at the woman’s golden beautiful eyes.

The more you look at it, the more pleasing it is….

“I… I don’t have much to know either… It will also be a high-level physical combat technique to crack the ground, a super-position elemental technique ice tide vortex, and a slaughter-level elemental technique condensed wave lightsaber

…” “I suspect that you are in Versailles, but I have no evidence…”

Chen Yu complained for a while, and he said that he didn’t have much mastery of a three-nil product with no weapons, no combat skills, and no experience….

“Versailles? What is that?

Eura keenly heard what words she didn’t understand, and asked curiously.

“Oh… Just praise you for being awesome! Chen

Yu wiped the cold sweat that didn’t exist on his head, fortunately Yura didn’t understand that he could make it up.


Youra Liu raised her eyebrows slightly and felt that she didn’t mean this, didn’t ask again, and encouraged with a chuckle:

“To be able to get the gaze of the gods at the moment of life and death, Chenyu, you have already created miracles, and you will definitely be stronger than me in the future.”

Eura has a hunch that the boy in front of him who said something he couldn’t understand and saved his own will definitely bloom in the future.

“Then borrow your words and return to Mond to teach me elemental combat techniques!”

After a while, Chen Yu felt that his physical strength was almost restored, and he got up and looked at the moving girl, waiting for her to lead the way.

“Uh-huh, through this grove, I have a gift for you!”

Youra’s mysterious smile aroused Chenyu’s curiosity.

“What a gift, it won’t be a promise!”

After Chen Yu finished speaking, he wanted to pump his mouth, and read more novels!

Youra’s fair face turned red, and she hummed softly,

“Hmph!” Tease me for this hatred I wrote down! Hurry up and go! Saying

that, the delicate body accelerated, rushing into the woods, regardless of whether the teenager could keep up!

“Hey! Slow down! ”

Chen Yu always felt that Youra had a feeling of being left and fleeing, and did not dare to ask more, the speed was increased to the limit, catching up with the back in front of him!

The woods were not large, and the birds inside flew up passively and ran out of the woods, and Yura suddenly stopped her figure.

“Whew… Youra you…”

Tatsumu ran out panting, with a few tattered leaves on his head. I opened my mouth to complain, but my voice was directly stuck.

The wind is blowing!

Rich meadows, verdant. A tree tens of meters large, as if the sky is shrouded. Streams, birds, animals, blue skies and white clouds…

“It’s so beautiful…”

Chen Yu was dumbfounded. Stand where you are, letting the breeze ruffle your hair and brush your cheeks.

Since elementary school, junior high school, and high school, Chen Yu has been bored in school, and seeing a blue sky is a luxury for himself.

During the holidays, there are many people like ants on the ground, and the attractions are completely to see people.

From a bird who yearned for freedom when he was a child, Chen Yu gradually became an otaku who collapsed in bed every day.

Until this moment, Chen Yu felt that he turned into a bird along the weather, and truly saw the beauty of a world.

“Chenyu, this is my gift to you! This is the origin of the wind rising land, the Mond wind god! Also the origin of the story! The

wind never stopped, blowing Yura’s long soft pale blue hair. Absolutely beautiful, Chen Yu felt that the scenery and the girl were perfectly integrated.

The realistic scenery blends with the scene in the game, and Chenyu finally understands where this place is.

The wind rises! It is also the beginning of the story of the continent of Tivat itself!

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yu’s heart was full of pride, and he subconsciously chanted:

“I have been difficult to extricate myself from the size of the world, and I have also indulged in its dream words~ not true or false, not struggling, not afraid… Joke…”

The boy’s slightly clear voice was intertwined with the sound of the wind, and Yura listened a little intoxicated:

“Listen well, what kind of song is this?”

“The wind is up!”

“Teach me!”

“This road stops…” The

wind rises and the wind originates, and the story unfolds here….

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