Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The breeze gently blew through the boy’s hair, the sound of the waves gently crashing on the beach, I don’t know how long it took, Chen Yu opened his eyes slightly.

“I’m … Where is it?

Looking at the few white clouds above the blue sky, Chenyu’s memory gradually became clear.

“I was trying to download Genshin in the dormitory, but the black screen crossed over, met Tenri and then… And then…” And then here

he is!

“It seems that everything… It’s really not a dream! Chen

Yu gently grabbed the beach on the side with his hand, feeling the real touch of the gravel gradually flowing down from his fingertips, but his heart was surprisingly calm for some reason.

“It always feels… What have you forgotten!

After the gravel passed, Chen Yu tapped his forehead with his hand slightly.

“I forcibly kissed Tianli, and then Tianli sent me to the continent of Tivat like a traveler?”

Something seems wrong? But it seems reasonable?

“Why didn’t Tenri kill me but let me come here?”

Chen Yu’s brows tightened, puzzled. Lie down on the beach, look at a crab crawling sideways, and start thinking.

Crossing to the continent of Tivat

, there is no surprise because there is no goldfinger, there is no grandfather, with the physique of our contemporary college students, a wooden stick mound can kill his own old life.

There is no sadness

in Earth University itself also lies in bed every day, doing nothing, looking at the same scenery every day, relying on parents to feed, mixed with passing scores.

This kind of life is sometimes boring, but I can’t change it.

So crossing to the continent of Tivat, as long as you can survive, you must live a good life in college.

At least the breeze is blowing, the beach is golden, the water is rippling, and the surrounding mountains are rocky.

Such a scenery is only seen in movies. If there is no crossing, I am afraid that I will not be able to see in this life.

“So the most important thing now is how to survive on the continent of

Tivat” The continent of Tivat is vast and boundless, roughly divided into seven kingdoms, Mond, Ligetsu, Inazuma, Meru, Fontaine, Nata, and Solstice.

Corresponds to the seven elements of wind, rock, thunder, grass, water, fire and ice.

Each element is ruled by a god, called earthly rule, and each kingdom has a corresponding living city-state.

Recalling the information about Genshin and the continent of Tivat, Chenyu knew that if he wanted to survive, he would definitely need to enter the city-state, and the reason was simple.

In addition to the city-states, the continent of Tivat can be described as full of dangers, hills, treasure thieves, various bosses, monsters…

Chen Yu had no doubt that he would be easily played to death.

“Then there’s this thing…”

said Chen Yu as he picked up the black-red oval jade hanging on it from his waist. In the sun, shimmering.

“This thing looks like the Eye of God… But…” Chen

Yu played back and forth. The Eye of the Wind Attribute God is cyan, the Eye of the Rock Attribute God is yellow, the Eye of the Thunder Attribute God is purple, the Eye of the Grass Attribute God is green, the water and ice are one blue and one white, and the Eye of the Fire Attribute God is red….

“What a black and red God Eye!”

If it weren’t for the fact that this thing was exactly the same as the God Eye in the Original God, Chen Yu would suspect that it was just a toy!

“Black and red…”

Chen Yu’s brows furrowed slightly, always feeling a little familiar.

“It seems that the confrontation between Tenri and the traveler at that time was black and red, could it be impossible…” When

a person’s desire is strong to a certain extent, the gods will cast their gaze, which is the source of the eye of the gods.

A magic organ that allows mortals to use elemental power. Let mortals have enough power to rival the gods.

What the gods can do, why can’t heavenly reason do it? Then black and red is the power of heaven, and this eye of God is…

“I don’t think I will be raised by Tianli!”

Chen Yu coldly burst out such a sentence. He forcibly kissed Tianli, and Tianli not only did not kill himself, but also gave himself the Eye of God?

“Tianli won’t take a fancy to me…”

Chen Yu himself didn’t believe this. But this eye of God….

“I won’t use it either!”

This is what Chen Yu wants to cry the most! The Eye of God can allow people to master elemental power, but how can they control it?!

In the game, the character will be pumped, in reality….

“Plugins without instructions… It’s better not to give…” Chen

Yu held the black-red divine eye in his hand and fell into deep thought.

It’s like the goldfinger system doesn’t have a key, there is a ring grandfather but can’t open it….

After playing with the God Eye in his hand for a long time, Chen Yu chose to give up, so he had to hang the God Eye back on his waist again and get up. The bones all over his body made a creaking sound that he had sat for too long.

“At least collect water and food while it’s daylight”

is worse than being killed by a monster to death by dying of thirst and starvation. Chen Yu felt that his mouth was a little dry, looking at the blue water not far away, shimmering in the sun.


Chen Yu swallowed spit. This water is so clear! There is no wastewater discharged by industry, so drinking two sips will not make you trouble.

Trotting over, Chen Yu quickly went to the water’s edge, and held a pool of clear water in both hands to send into his slightly dry lips.

The mouth was cool and sweet, and Chen Yu never thought that one day the water could be so delicious. Lie directly on the beach, touch your head to the surface of the water, and take a big drink.

“Goo-goo…” In

the water not far from Chenyu, strings of bubbles appeared. Approaching the shore….

“Whew… Feel like you’re full!

Chen Yu felt that his stomach was about to explode, and he collapsed on the beach with satisfaction, as if he was about to rot again.

“Why don’t you get some sleep first… Feeling sleepy”

The warm sun shone on his body, and Chenyu yawned and wiped his eyes hard to stay awake.


The surface of the water suddenly opened, and crystal water droplets splashed on Chenyu’s face!

“Wow! What situation is this…”

Chen Yu suddenly stirred, and his hand subconsciously blocked the splash. His eyes widened in amazement.


Chen Yu was like being struck by lightning. On the clear water, a snow-white delicate body emerged.

Plump flesh, white flowers… So big!

The long wet light blue hair was loosely draped over the shoulders, and the flat and smooth lower abdomen was in full view, impacting Chenyu’s brain.

Chenyu, who knows all kinds of wives in the original god, recognizes the person in front of him at a glance.


Undressed Yura….

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