Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Start of the Deadly game

Haruto's heart rate increased as the system's ominous words echoed in his mind. The air around him felt heavy, and even a little sound made him scared. He glanced at Kei, who was still smiling at him,  unaware of the strange turn of events happening within his head.

The system flickered again, and this time, a series of text appeared in front of him, like a warning from some twisted game.

[System Override Initiated]
[New Objective: Complete all the events and capture the girls]
[Time Limit: 3 Months]

Haruto's eyes widened as the words slowly scrolled across his vision, each one more unsettling than the last.

"Failure to complete this objective will result in disaster for the affected girls."

Haruto's heart skipped a beat. "Disaster?" he muttered under his breath, feeling a cold sweat forming on the back of his neck.

The system's voice returned, cold and calculated, lacking any of the usual light-hearted tones it had before. "You are the key to their safety, Haruto. Fail, and they will suffer... or worse. This is your reality now."

He felt a chill run down his spine, and his hands trembled  as he processed the information. He looked at Kei again, the thought of something bad happening to her—or any of the others—because of him twisted his gut.

"Why are you doing this?" Haruto whispered, trying to keep his voice steady, though his fear was palpable.

The system remained silent for a moment, the tension in the air almost suffocating before it responded, "You were chosen. You wanted a harem, didn't you? Well, here it is... but it comes with a price. Every choice has consequences."

[Affection Levels Update]
Akira: 47% (Playful – Teasing)
Kei: 125% (Yandere)
Ayumi: 90% (Eccentricially close)
Johanna: 26% (Guarded – Shy)
Rei: 27% (Cool – Observing)
Yumi: 9% (Dislike – Polite Distance)

Haruto's mind raced as he saw the updated affection levels. "What happens if their affection reaches above 100%?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The system's dark voice echoed in his head. "When affection exceeds 100%, their love turns obsessive. They will do anything to keep you to themselves, no matter the cost... even if it means eliminating competition."

Haruto shook his head in disbelief. "That can't be true... Kei wouldn't—"

The system interrupted, its tone colder than before. "Your disbelief won't change the outcome. Ignoring the obvious threat is just as dangerous as committing the crime itself. The choice is yours, Haruto, but the consequence will be real, whether you believe it or not."

System responded with cold voice "You can't quit now, Haruto. You must gain their affection and conquer them before the three months are up. If you fail, BAD ENDS will be inevitable."

Haruto asked tensed and with a desperate tone "What do you mean by BAD ENDS? What happens if I don't do this?"

In response, the system offers a visual representation of one of the possible outcomes if he chooses to quit now—a BAD END scenario involving Johanna, the dreamer whose affection hasn't yet reached 100%.

The system's voice fades as Haruto is pulled into a vivid visualization. The scene around him shifts, and suddenly, he's no longer standing in his room but in a dark, lonely space filled with scattered papers and torn books. The air is thick with a sense of loss and despair.

Haruto finds himself in Johanna's room, but it's creepy. The walls are plastered with drawings and writings, all depicting a dream-like world where Johanna and Haruto are together, happy and content. In the middle of the room, Johanna sits on the floor, her back to Haruto's body without his head as she is scribbling furiously in a notebook.

"Johanna?" Haruto calls out hesitantly, but she doesn't respond. She continues to write, her hand moving frantically across the paper.

Haruto approaches her and he notices the state of the room—it's as if time has stopped here. Dust has settled on every surface, the windows are covered, and there's no sign of life other than Johanna's frantic writing. He glances over her shoulder and sees the content of her notebook. She's writing stories—stories where they are together, living out different adventures and fantasies, all of them ending in love and happiness.

But then he sees the truth—Johanna's eyes are hollow, her expression vacant. She's completely lost in her own world, unable to face the reality that her love for Haruto remains unfulfilled. Her mind has fractured  her delusions, and she has disappeared into the fantasy she's created, her body present but her mind trapped in a never-ending loop of unfullfilled love.

"Johanna, please stop!" Haruto cries out, trying to reach her, but it's as if he's invisible. She doesn't hear him, doesn't see him—she's lost forever in her own creation. In her own mind.

Johanna's Tragic Ending (Below 100% Affection - Lost in Delusion)

"You... you monster!" Haruto gasps, his voice filled with anger and fear as he punched the air. "How could you show me something like that? How can you expect me to continue with this?!"

The system's voice returns, calm and unyielding. "I am not the monster, Haruto. The girls' destinies are already set in motion, it is their nature to be doomed. I merely showed you what will happen if you abandon them now. This is the reality of their affection—their yandere tendencies are not something I created rather made b. They are part of who they are, a result of their lack of proper human attraction."

Haruto simply wanted a peaceful life with the girls but it has turned quite bloody mess right now." I don't fucking care"

 The system continued to explain"Each girl's fate is tied to her affection for you. If her affection is below 100%, she will face a tragic and irreversible end that can't be fixed. However, even if you push their affection above 100%, there's no guarantee of safety. There are two possible outcomes: one of overwhelming jealousy leading to murder or one of peak depression, a sorrow so deep it consumes them completely. The choice is yours to make, but the consequences are unavoidable."

The system continues it's explanation "Each girl has a unique psychological condition that causes their love to manifest in extreme ways once their affection reaches a certain threshold. This is not something you can change or avoid—it's a part of them. However, if you manage their affection properly, guide them past 100%, and truly connect with them, you can help them find a healthy balance. Their yandere tendencies will still exist, but they will be manageable, and you can prevent them from spiraling into darkness."

"But what if I fail?" Haruto asks, his voice barely audible.

"If you fail," the system replies, "they will suffer fates worse than death—whether it's Johanna losing herself in her delusions, Ayumi becoming consumed by jealousy, or Yumi trapping you in a room forever. These BAD ENDS are the consequences of being left alone or allowing it to grow unchecked."

Haruto felt betrayed, his fists clenching as he stared at the floating text in front of him. The system, which once seemed like a quirky guide, had revealed itself as something far darker. "This isn't what I wanted from you....I asked for a simple dating time with peaceful moments with these girls" Haruto muttered frustated. "I just wanted to be happy with them... not keep them in danger."

The system's voice remained cold, unfeeling. "It will be fine, Haruto. Just do as I say, and everything will fall into place."

But Haruto wasn't having it. His gaze hardened, his resolve strengthening. "No. I'm doing this......not because of you. I am doing this for them , but only because I care about them. I won't let you control me. And I'll only involve the club members."

For a brief moment, there was silence. Then, the system responded, its tone unnervingly calm. "Your defiance is noted. But remember, Haruto, the clock is ticking. Whether you do this for them or me doesn't matter. In the end, the outcome will be the same for me."

Haruto gritted his teeth, his mind racing. He didn't trust the system, but he had no choice. If he wanted to keep the girls safe, he would have to take it's help. But he would never FORGIVE nor FORGET this cruel machine.

 The system's ominous words echoed once again "Every choice has consequences. Make sure you choose wisely, Haruto."

"So, this is what a system true nature is " Haruto thought as he felt his whole world in disarray.

Haruto came to hishome, his mind heavy filled with various thoughts. The ominous system stayed in his mind, refusing to leave him in peace.

 As he opened the door to his house, he was greeted by his two sisters, Rin and Aiko, both of whom were waiting in the living room.

"Haruto!" Aiko called out with her usual lively tone and slightly muted when she saw the downcast expression on his face

Rin, who was sitting quietly with a book, tilted her head and noticed him being down. "Onii-sama... did something happen? You seem really sad..."

Haruto forced a smile, trying to shake off the heaviness in his chest. "It's nothing, Rin. Just... a lot on my mind."

"It didn't go well, did it?" Aiko asked softly with her observant eyes scanning his face for answers.

Haruto forced a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "You could say that," he mumbled, dropping his shoes by the door. He felt exhausted

Aiko sighed  flopping onto the couch. "I knew it! It was the Kei girl, wasn't she? I bet she was all over you and gave you a wrong impression, and cruelly rejected you. I won't forgive her, you know. She better not think she can just waltz in my brother life and—"

"Aiko," Rin interrupted, her voice calm but firm, "maybe now isn't the time." She gave Haruto a small, understanding smile. "Nii-sama you look exhausted. Why don't you sit down? We can talk about it later."

Before Haruto could respond, their mother walked in from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. She is softened when she saw her son's face. "Haruto, dear, you look like you've been through a lot. Come, sit down, and tell us what happened," she said, her voice gentle as she gestured for him to take a seat at the dining table.

Haruto hesitated, then nodded slowly. He sat down, trying to shake off his thoughts. His mother poured him a cup of tea and she placed it in front of him.

"I... It's nothing, really," Haruto began, his voice strained as he spoke. "Just... a long day."

His mother, however, wasn't so easily fooled. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Haruto, you don't have to hide things from us. We're your family, and we're here for you, no matter what."

"What if she rejected you? There are so many girls out there. I'll find a better one for you." Aiko voice had a sharp edge, and Haruto could tell she was trying to to hide concern with her anger.

Aiko crossed her arms, frustated leaned back on the couch. "I knew it. That bitc—," she stopped herself, catching glare from their mother and correcting herself, "—she was playing you, wasn't she? I could just tell she was cruel and heartless, pretending to be all sweet and innocent. I knew she couldn't be trusted!"

Rin, nodded. "Onii-sama... if Aiko-nee is right, then maybe Kei isn't who you think it is... I believe Aiko-nee is right."

Haruto frowned with him trying to explain 

 Before he could respond, their mother Miyako Kurosawa stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions," she said, her gaze sharp as she looked at Aiko and Rin. "Kei might have her faults, but labeling her as cruel and heartless without knowing the full story isn't fair. Haruto is going through something difficult, and what he needs right now is our support, not assumptions."

Aiko sighed, realizing her mistake. "You're right, Mom. But I just... I can't stand the thought of someone hurting him."

Haruto looked at his sisters, then at his mother, his expression softening as he took in their concern. "Thank you, Mom, Aiko, Rin," he said, his voice steady. "I appreciate all of you looking out for me. But really, the date wasn't the problem. It's just I....was thinking about future."

He turned to Aiko, giving her a small smile. "I know you're just trying to protect me, Aiko. And I'm grateful for that, but don't worry. I'll be okay. I'll figure things out."

Aiko sighed, rubbing her temples. "I just don't want my baby brother to be hurt deeply... but if you say so." She glanced at Rin, who was looking up at her with wide eyes.

Rin tugged on Aiko's sleeve with her gentle voice. "Don't be mad at Onii-sama, Nee-san. He's doing his best."

Aiko smiled softly, patting Rin's head. "I'm not mad, Rin. Just worried."

Their mother, Miyako, nodded approvingly. "That's better. Now, let's focus on supporting each other, okay? And Haruto, I'll cook your favourite mashed potates tonight along with main dish. You just relax."

Haruto chuckled. "Thanks, Mom. That sounds perfect."

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